Senin, 01 November 2010


Read carefully the following passages
Education in the Islamic spirit is the last but most important category in this typology, because it is often the first meaning readers attribute to the phrase, Islamic education. Unfortunately, because of the swirl of media attention focused on education for and of Muslims, the term can connote for some people a concept of education so limited as to imply that Islamic education omits secular knowledge in favor of religious beliefs, and may be equated with the dissemination of ignorance. Some might assume that Islamic education might be shorthand for teaching hatred of "the West" or the United States. The concept of Islamic education cannot be reduced to such stereotypes, nor is it limited to rigid transmittal of 1400 year-old lifeways from ancient Arabia. Islamic education is certainly part of a historical tradition, but it is not the polar opposite of modernity, democracy or Western values. Stereotypes aside, such views of Islam and learning also result from over-identification of religious teachings per se with the historical/cultural context of Church/science conflicts known in the Western educational tradition, which are mistakenly assumed to be universal to human experience. The following paragraphs discuss some key terms and concepts from Islamic and Arabic terminology that are historically and currently associated with education in the Muslim tradition.
Education is the first duty of a Muslim, male or female. Knowledge of God is equated with the process of learning and teaching. The well-documented process of preserving Islamic scripture demonstrates the early emergence of a literate tradition and its transmission among Muslims as a social priority. It was incumbent upon the Muslim community from the beginning to commit the words of God and the teachings of Muhammad to memory and to writing. Among the least examined statements in academic literature is the notion that the Qur'an was collected from fragments after Muhammad's death. From the earliest period, recitation of the revealed portions of the Qur'an was part of the community's life. Since the verses were not revealed in the order in which they appear in the completed Qur'an, the ongoing process of placing them in order was part of Muhammad's mission to transmit the revelation until completion over 23 years of his prophethood. Scribes undertook the work of setting down the Qur'an resident in the memory of numerous reciters and in writing. Muhammad's own words and his exemplary deeds were also recorded (in hadith), and the sciences of Qur'anic exegesis and hadith authentication and evaluation became the foundation of the scholarly disciplines and Islamic law.

                      Source: Douglass, S.L. & Shaikh, Munir A.

Post your writing

Some people said that conception of education does not have any roots in Islam. If there is a term, it is limited only for implying that Islamic education omits secular knowledge. The other might assume that it is shorthand for hatred teaching of western civilization. How do you think this opinion? Write at least three reasons to support your argument. You may agree or disagree with those.    

107 komentar:

  1. Judul: tugas ESP DARI ANDI HAMSINAR,PBI 4

    Yeah .. Sometimes We find Some different opinions in Islam, the people may agree That Islamic education omits secular knowledge or the other Might Also assume That it is Shorthand for teaching hatred of western civilization. But We have to know first what Secularism is? According to Muhammad Qutb, Secularism is Iqomatu al-biological 'ala al-mina ghoyri asasina early (to build the structure of life on the foundation of the system other than Islam). And An-Nabhani interprets, "Separation of religion from life, this idea became aqeedah (principle), as well as Qiyadah fikriyah (ideological leadership) as well as fikriyah Qaeda (base thinking)" (see: Nizhamul Islam Al-Quds, 1953) on the basis of this thinking They argue that humans alone are entitled to make rules to their life, and in accordance with the passions and minds are very limited.

    So for me Islam is a system to regulate the life of this universe. Education in Islam also teaches that Islam and science can not be separated. For science without faith will be crippled or weak. Islam never teaches hatred in western countries, because Islam is for all humans in this world. And the message is clear and definite that Islam makes the goal of education to create "Islamic Personality" and equip with knowledge relating to life, so the lesson delivery methods designed to support the achievement of objectives and any methodology that is not oriented to that goal. Thus, Islamic education is not only "Transfer of Knowledge", without regard to science is given it, whether it can grow the way of Islamic thinking and behavior or no . Therefore, it must always be tied to the idea of life and values of Islamic life that is always spinning in circles increase in Faith. The point is that there is no separation of religion and science with the science of life and not known to clergy or bureaucrats, science belongs to Allah and we all must practice in accordance with Islamic Shari'a.

    So I disagree if Islamic education omits secular knowledge or the other Might Also assume That it is Shorthand for teaching hatred of western civilization, because Islam is for all humans in this world.

  2. Thank you Hamsinar, we will be waiting for your friends comment

    yeah......if we see right now, all education system is come from western for example USA. even all people around in the world come to abroad. Enland and USA expecially as the expecially destination to find education.
    but have you seen the past when the moeslem become the king of the world? so I disagree if we say that islam noht have root with educational system becouse long time a go all scientist from islamic era was found knowledge in health, sciense, astronomy and ect.
    for example, ibnu sina the founder of knowledge in health, Al-Sufi (903-986 M)as the astrologycal scientist and from sciense there are a lot of name such as, Abu al-Aswad ad-Du’ali, Abu at-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi and ect.
    so, i disagree if there is a statement wich said islam not have root with educational system becouse long time a go al the scientist was found the a lot of knowledge.
    thank you and sorry if has more less.....

  4. Muhammad Yaumi

    It's a good idea. But, do you have any data that show education has roots in holy Qur'an, Muhammadan Tradition, or classical Islamic Thinkers?

    EMAIL: about islamic educatian doesn’t have finished because, some different opinions in islam.every body may agree that Islamic education omits secular knowledge or the other might also assume that it is shorthand for teaching hatred of western civilization.but we must be understand before what is the aim of islam. Islam teach to us about morals, science, socialism,etc.
    For me, Islam never teaches hatred of western countries but islam teaches how to love and care to other. Because, islam is for all humans in this world. Actually, islam contravene with western habit. Like as most of them use a small body, drink alcohol,free sex etc.Islam don’t like it because it can distrub our self (health) and unmorality. Islam is a system to safe our life 50:50 for today and tomorrow. In addition, as we know that in 1143 Robert of Ketton was published of Qur’an in Europe language and Muh.Marmuduke Pickthall from England also was published of Qur’an in 1930.excapt that, The American Academy of Religion is the world's largest learned society and professional association of scholars and teachers in the field of religion. Through academic conferences, publications and a variety of program and membership services, the American Academy of Religion (AAR) fosters excellence in scholarship and teaching. It also aims to advance publication and scholarly communication on religion; to welcome multiple perspectives on the study of religion; to support racial, ethnic and gender diversity within the Academy; and to seek ways to contribute to the public understanding of religion. So, if we see in western countries also understand about the text of Qur’an. But the big question is, why most of them in western countries disagree with Islam?one of reason is Among the least examined statements in academic literature is the notion that the Qur'an was collected from fragments after Muhammad's death. If we see in Al-Qalam(68:1), Nun,wal Qalami wamaa yasturuun, it give explanation that Qur’an was completed. In fact, in scriptures also teaches about morals or maybe (excusme) they are don’t believe with God.
    So, I disagree that it is shorthand for hatred teaching of western civilization. Altough sometimes we find some different opinions in islam but the important is the different make us together and how to remind to other. Islam for individual, group,society,and for all humans in this world.

  6. posting I: hanifah puspita S

    previously,i want to say sorry if i am late to send my comment to your article,sir. because i don't know the way exactly.

    i was read some comments from my friend classmate. i am agree with they opinion. and i give underline with hamsinar statement about
    "islam is for all humans in this word". i think islam is peace full, its never draged into someone to follow it. its nice and enjoyable, but we must have commitment with it. but in fact, islam look a terrorist religion. why????????? because at this moment as we know that, many people done anarchism action with used the islamic buffetings or called with "jihad".

    and based on the text above, i disagree with the statement. islam have many policies, like tolerance with the other people or belief every people. the concept of islamic educational not only for moeslem especially, but all of living thing in this word. for example, islam teach to them in order to love and care with the other. its never forbidden us to make relationship with the other.

    islam education also have a strongly like western education. as the evidence, islam education can be created a good people based on its the rule and knowledge in the Qur'an. on the Qur'an, have many containing knowledge. like the medical science, aerology, agronomy, analystics, and so on. its created the specialist also. like some names was mention by my friend above. so, no reason for whoever to said, that the islamic education doesn't have roots in the teaching and learning.........

    thanks sir

  7. Hanifa and Hasmar, Both of you have done Good Job.

    You still need give responses to your friends' posting at least once.

  8. Haeria.M
    In this article A Conception Of Islamic Education, there are some people said that Islamic education it is shorthand for hatred teaching of Western civilization. If like that, I Disagree. why?? because:

    The firts, in Islamic never teaching about hatred for every person, although for moslem or non-moslem. But islamic just come for teaching about peace.

    The second, Knowledge from God and also Islamic education from God. In the knowledge there are teaching about give freedom for the other people / the other religion for live anywhere and everywhere. So, is very imposible if God create hatred in the world.

    The third, in Islamic education teaching Value for the same people and the other country. So, Islamic eduction teaching for Peace, mutual Value and the other kindness, not for Hatred.

    Thank you sir

  9. posting 1
    IRWAN pbi 4
    tell about islam .it is very interesting in disccussing in the intelectual level because islam has a lot of histories to inform in the whole so that a muslim knows that it gives knowlidge not only in the world but also in the afterworld.defenisi of islam is a peace and need a the world,how to live well and do the is a difference between islam or muslim and non muslim.non muslim only get succes and collect whealt,career,tecknology but islam teaches us how to get the both; career,whealt in this world and safty after death.
    according to the non muslim said consep education had no root in islam.i think it is not promblem because they don't know what islam is.but you are muslim have to prove that islam is holy religion with attitude and behaviour.
    morever no force to join in our religion but you have to explain to someone needing information aboutislam.
    non Muslim doesn't believe because he thinks that Al-Quran was collected with long time .but he don't know that in the past(old Muslim people)has a high quality of memory 'like one of prophet's friend delivering information to one of residents in Mecca with using Chinese language but he can not speak Chinese only memorizing the words but he don't understand the meaning words.thank and i will ADD later...

    PBI 3

    I disagree with opinion , because I think if you pursue knowledge you must know about Islamic education.
    Usually people pursue knowledge just teknologi and didn’t see the education Islamic. But in other hand education can’t go forward if didn’t know the Islamic education. But I think -
    the first, Education islamic can be example with other teaching education. because in education islamic can give information about the good education.

    the second education islamic can make the spirit to study about islam again.

    the third Education islamic can be media for other education because education islamic can teach a good value and teach peace to other people in the world...

    Thank You sir...

  11. ASDAR
    PBI 2
    Some people may say that conception of education doesn’t have root in Al Qur’an. In my point of view, I rather disagree with this statement. Why? Because there are many verses that explain about the education. In addition there are also in Muhammad tradition and classical Islamic thinkers that explain this case.
    Islam is introduced as rahmatan lil ‘alamin, so Rasulullah Saw. as Prophet who purpose to humanize the human to go away to God Allah SWT. So that, Rasulullah Saw. had been educating and humanizing the human through education for 23 years. The education carries human out to the top of degree, i.e. human who are knowledgeable. Knowledge which gathers with the faithful can continue precious heritage, it is a devotion to Allah SWT. Holy Al Qur’an explain the important of knowledge
    Being the important knowledge, it will not be wonder if the knowledgeable human get the top level not only in Allah’s hand but also in humans. (QS. Al Mujadilah (58): 11)
    This verse is one of the verses that explain about knowledge which has relationship with the education in Islam. And we can also find out in the other verse
    Read it! (QS. Al Alaq: 1)
    This verse explains to us that Islamic education has roots because the first verse that downed to Muhammad Saw. shows us that Allah SWT. has asked us to study when the first verse downed.
    Then I rather disagree about the statement that Islamic education omits the secular knowledge. Why? This statement just stated by people who guess that Muslim wants to omit the secular knowledge. Actually, sciences come from Islamic civilization because the secular civilization rob the Islamic civilization. Basically, western civilization is not its sciences, but it is Islamic civilization that we have to take it back.

  12. Asriadi
    PBI 2
    Posting 1
    Talking about concept of Islam education. There are many opinion about that “it doesn`t have roots in Al-Qur`an” I disagree with this statement. Why? Because, All courses in Islamic education system is based on the Islamic Aqeedah. And to obtain maximum results, namely the unity of the Muslims with Islamic ideology, the language as a means to understand the teachings of Islam is an absolute need to be considered.
    This suggests that language is a very important tool to master tsaqafah aspects of Islam, mainly related to Al Qur'an Al kareem and The Sunnah of the Prophet. And both revealed and written in Arabic.

    Correlation is the primary cause of a Muslim, both Arabs and nonArab should learn the Arabic language. Even Imam Syafi'iy explained in Ar Risalah fil ‘ilmil Ushul states: "God Almighty. requires all people to learn the Arabic spoken diligently and earnestly to understand the content contained in the Qur'an and to worship. "
    Some of the basic paradigm for the education system within the framework of Islam:
    1.Islam put the principles of the curriculum, strategies, and educational goals based on the Islamic Aqeedah. On this aspect is expected to form well-educated human resources with Aqliyah Islamiyah (Islamic thinking patterns) and Nafsiyah Islamiyah (the Islamic attitude pattern.)
    2.Education should be directed to the development of faith, so that gave birth to charitable pious and useful science. This principle teaches also that in Islam which became the principal concern is not the quantity, but quality education. Notice how Al Quran reveal about the practice or practice Ahsanu Shalihan (best charities or charitable pious).
    3.Education addressed in relation to awaken and direct the potentials that exist in every human being in tune with human nature and minimize the bad aspects.
    4.Exemplary is an integral part in an educational process. Thus the central ideals that must be followed is the Messenger of Allah. Thus the Messenger of Allah. is the central figure of human ideals. Al Quran revealed that "It is self-contained Uswah Messenger (example) is best for people who hopes to meet with God and the Last Day."

  13. Thank you Asriadi for your posting. I'm going to wait for some body else

  14. Heriyanti/semester 7

    PBI 4/20401107072

    Talking about Islam special study Islamic education is very satisfy because this discuss never finish and special for me as a Muslim,think this very important because :

    First, Al-Quran and Hadits as a basics of Muslim has many knowledge and have explained by Al-Quran that when we are will to execute worship we must know a knowledge about that.

    Second, Islamic education has a concept that very good to investment character for children and young generation more over like in this modern and globalization era,we can see this moment many problems that to happen and not in accordance with religious teachings.

    Third,the Islamic study can make a motivation to know about Islam in long time ago and we can to compare how Islam in long time ago and Islam this moment.Because prophet Muhammad say that Islam is lofty and there is not to resemble it's lofty.

    thank you.....

  15. ASDAR
    PBI 2
    I addressed to Haeria...
    basically I agree with some her opinions, but for the second reason that stated it is very impossible if God creates hatred in the world. actually God creates hatred in the world cause of human mistake as in the Holy Qur'an that state
    Having risen damage in the land and sea caused of human mistakes, in order to make them felt what have they done .....(QS Ar-Ruum [30]:41).

    PBI 2
    Posting 1
    well,,, talking about islamic education will make somebody have different statement from others. one may in positive site and others may be in opposition site, both of site probably have strong argument about that. in my point of view islamic education is the best education that ever been in this world that's mean i don't go with the above.

    Actually there are three reason that will support my statement:
    1. let see Al-hujurat: 12-13
    islam does not teach the ummah to hate each other. Allah create us in different gender, different race, different nation to recognize each other. this shows that islamic education is a good education.
    2. Holy Qu'ran is holy book that useful in the past, useful in this new era, and useful in the future. it doesn't make sense when one said that holy Qur'an does not explain about technology. There are many prove we can find in holy Qur'an such, Al-Mu'munun (12-13) that explain about a process of humanity creating, Luqman (29) that explain about moon an sun, Luqman (31) that explain about how the ship sail and so on. All are talking and explain about science and technology.
    3. One of tradition prophet said:
    "man kharaja fi thalabil ilmi fahua fi sabilillahi hatta jarjia"
    This also shows that studying has an important role. All three reasons are from islamic education. so,, Fabiayyi alai Robbikuma tukazziban???

    PBI 2

    Some people claim that Islamic education has no roots, omits secular knowledge, or the other may think that is shorthand for hatred teaching of western civilization. In my mind, Islamic education give distributions for improving science in the world because of three reasons.

    The first, There are a lot of verses in holy Qur`an talk about science. For example, the first verses revealed to prophet Muhammad is "iqra" means "read!", an order to study. It is a strong base to indicate that education has crucial role in Islam, and At-Tariq:3 tells us about the stars as heat sources and the sun is the most heat source. In fact, it is true and several studies have confirmed about this verse.
    The second, History tells us Islamic civilization declined after crusade. Evidence of Islamic civilization in Europe, its influence can be felt with a variety of books translated from Arabic into Latin and Ibrani. For example the science of philosophy and medicine (Ibnu Sina and Al-Razi). So, naturally if Gustave Le Bon (a France social Psychologist, Sociolinguistic, and amateur physicist) said that translations of Arab books, especially scholarly book almost the sole sources for teaching in European universities. In addition, Le Bon also said that only the books of the Arab-Persian nation who relied upon by western scientists such as Roger Bacon, Leonardo da Vinci, Arnold de Philipi, Raymond Lull, etc.
    The last, Islam is religion of peace. Al-Hujurat:11-13 remain us do not insult but respect each other even though we have difference nation,race, and gender. This indicates that Islamic education teach us to make a good relationship not to threat each other.

    As conclusion, there are a lot of verses about science in holy Qur`an and if we want to flashback about Islam we may find how successful Islamic civilization before attacked.


    PBI 4
    talking about islamc there are many opinion about that..AND i disagree if there are some people said the conception of education does not have any roots in islam. why i say like that? because the roots of conception of education are from Al-Quran. it means that the conception of education have anyroots in Islam.
    thanks sir....

    actually the resource of knowledge is from islam. the western people took all the resources when Roman is broken. the western book, the healthy book, astronoum book, and etc. and today they claim their selve that the conception of education as from werstern people.

    PBI 1

    after reading these paragraphs, according to me: suppose I was the one who does not know Islam, then I would justify that argument. this is caused by a generalized view of the world community. Radical Islamic group was the only one representing the Islamic world in general, although it is caused by behavior that is very striking compared to other Islamic teachings.

    However, opinions about the world of anti-secular Islamic education which I think can not be generalized. Only on a few things to do with god is an absolute thing, but to sebgaian other cases in the world of Islamic education is very clear that Islam provides an opportunity as much as possible against adherents to review the existing knowledge in the world. mention just one word in the holy book of al-qur'an with redaksinya that humans are given freedom sebesarnya to seek what is in the heavens and on earth. In one hadith is very clear in terms of a portrait that demands our studies do not necessarily learn from fellow Muslims, but can also be done for people outside the Muslim. call it "utlubul Ilmi walalu bissin" Sallu one hadith that suggests we studied the country which at that time China is a country that was not religious believers of Islam.
    to claim that Islam teaches hatred against the western world or in particular against American countries, does have meaning ambiguous. whether Islam teaches hatred towards the brand or specific country such as USA. in my mind whether its leaders, its people or its policies. but to my knowledge, the Prophet never fight a people for rejecting the teachings of Islam, even in a war prophet who ever lived take the infidels in Mecca to fight together.
    then I disagree for that opinion, otherwise i can not blame that opinion. i only suggest for shown the truth of moeslim that islam education is flexible, but also clumsy for some rule like Trading and Islam Law without brook the origin rules of islam

  20. Dari Fauziah, PBI 3
    If we talk about Islamic education, I think this topic veryinteristing. Education is the first duty of a muslim, male or female. Islam very support about education. where there is hadits said that"utlubu ilmu walau bissin(Tuntutlah ilmu walaupun dinegeri cina)." Islamic and education have power relation. If there is people said that Islamic education teach about hatred,but I think not, because Islamic education teach us how to have good attitude and then teach kindness and peacefull. if we see Muhammad's story, there are people hat her, but Muhammad always replay with goodness. this is prove that Islamic education not teach force. may be there are people in other place think that Islamic education teach force.


    Islamic Education is very perfect because our view is according to our religion,that's right because Islam teaches the happiness and peaceful, very complete lesson,because directly from Allah (we always say "Firman")and Prophet (we call it "Hadis"). actually the true history about all of the the good sciences and knowledge in the world are from islam,,,western people stole it and change make it bad action,,likes hatred, I disagree if someone say "islam teaches bad thing likes Teroris,it's not true because that is not following the islams' way. We have to change our thinking about it.
    the governments has to change the system of education,make a islamic education is implemented in our country. that a good point. Thanks

    PBI 2
    A comment I addressed to Hanifah Puspita S

    I have read your comment, and I am very interested when you said Islam seems like a terrorist religion because of many people did anarchism action which used the Islamic buffeting or called "jihad".

    The "terrorism" term was begun when World Trade Center (WTC), New York, attacked in 2001 by a mysterious group which was mentioned Al-Qaeeda. This was the beginning of a new image of Islam is a religion of violence, war, and hate peace. We cannot be denied after that, the U.S started to touch the middle east such as Iraq under the pretext of combating terrorism. This was the main cause "jihad" enforced. whether it is a pure Islamic jihad or not became an even more damage the imagine of Islam. Hostility that is not managed according to Islamic religious teachings and mistakes people think that Islam has a strong line of thinking makes Islam increasingly cornered.

    Actually, Islam is a religion of peace as Al-Hujurat:11-13 said in holy Qur`an to make a good relationship to others not to make a war.


  23. Ahsanaul khalikin
    PBI 1
    Posting 1

    If we say that Islamic education is hatred teaching of western civilization, every body may have different opinions. For me, Islamic education has any roots of the education’s conception and only tries to neutralize it.| actually Islam today not fully refuses the western civilization but conception of education should be suit with the aims of human life.
    To Support my opinion, there are three reasons that I want to explore for this section.
    First, Islam is appreciates knowledge and educational person. Every body may know, that the first “wahyu” To Muhammad (as the last Prophet) is “Iqra”. that means Islam has any roots in conception of education.
    Second, the conception western civilization is part of Islamic civilization in the past. At 19 century Islam was still the face of civilization. There are many discoveries of western that source and inspired by Islamic civilization. And only increase or continue the civilization But they only forget to enter the spiritual concept.
    Third, Islam is the universe religion “Rahmatan lil Alamin”. For non Muslims may think that Islam only for a special community. The fact, Islam try to compensate between Vertical correspondence “HablumminallaH” and Horizontal Correspondences “Hablumminan Nnas and Al-alam”. Those means islam never teaches the social community to hatred a certain community.

    Those reasons only try to feature my opinion to educational conception that should be involving Islamic teaching (without ignoring others).and Secular knowledge only try to be minimize for the setting normal of Islamic syariah in educational conception to maximize the reach life of human’s aim. And the best point Islam is closed For Others Without hatred.Tq

  24. Ahsanul khalikin
    PBI 1
    My response is addressed to Asdar pbi 2
    Your comment is great. But how can the secular knowledge go with the islamic conception of education, have you thought that they have different principle . . . . . .!!!

  25. ASDAR
    PBI 2
    My statement for Ahsanul Khalikin's respon, Like this, we cannot ignore that secular knowledge is step further than Islamic education. so, willy nilly we need to compare the between them, if we compare, we will take a good principle of secular knowledge.

  26. I addressed to Fauziah
    I agree with you, “Ut lubul ilma walao bissin”and “Ut lubul ilma faridatan ala kulli muslimin wa muslimat“. Islam conseption” firstly al-qur`an and hadits cannot separated each other, secondly kalam, tasawwuf, etc , to support each other. Peaceful, kindness, happiness the main point In islam but terrorism, we don`t need it.
    Besically we know the problem but we don’t know how to solve it……???

    PBI 2
    I addressed to Fauziah
    I agree with you, “Ut lubul ilma walao bissin”and “Ut lubul ilma faridatan ala kulli muslimin wa muslimat“. Islam conseption” firstly al-qur`an and hadits cannot separated each other, secondly kalam, tasawwuf, etc , to support each other. Peaceful, kindness, happiness the main point In islam but terrorism, we don`t need it.
    Besically we know the problem but we don’t know how to solve it……???

    PBI 2
    Some people said that conception of education does not have any roots in Islam. The other might assume that it is shorthand for hatred teaching in western civilization. From my point of view, the former assumption is quite wrong. I think that, Islam covers all sides of human’s life includes conception of education. It is based on three reasons.
    Firstly, Qur’an and hadith contain many verses which talk about basic principle in education. In hadith, Rasulullah saw said, “The children are born in purity, so their parents make them Jew, Christian, or Persian” (narrated by Muslim). This hadith explains about the important of early education. The parents here has a role in deciding how to educate their children. So, the children’s knowledge and attitude will depend on early education that they get in their surrounding especially in their family. It is the basic principle in educating children.
    Secondly, conception of education can be seen when the prophet Muhammad saw accepted the revelation from Allah swt. The revelation was accepted gradually. In other words, Allah swt taught and educated the prophet Muhammad saw little by little. What Allah swt did is one of concept of education. It suggest that the process of education and teaching should be gradual. It must be done sequently according to the needs. That’s why teaching will be meaningful for students.
    Furthermore, Rasulullah Muhammad saw had exemplified the concept of education in Islam when he taught his friends. The process of teaching was done in chaining. Formerly, he taught his friends. Then, the friends taught the other people of next generation (Tabi’in). Then, the people (Tabi’in) also taught the others (Tabiut Tabi’in) and so on. It suggest that knowledge must be spread to the others. As muslim, we have to teach our knowledge each other. It is the concept of education in Islam.
    According to the reasons, it can be concluded that Islam covers the conception of education. Those reasons have proved that conception of education have any roots in Islam. Even all models of education which have been applied from the past until now have a source in Islam.

    PBI 2
    My comment is addressed to FATMASARI NINGSIH PBI 3

    It is a good idea.
    But, I disagree with your third reason which stated that Islamic education is media for other education.
    I think that Islamic education is not any media for other education. It is the source of any education in this world. It can be denied that Islam covers all sides of human life. So Islamic education of course contains all knowledge that people need in this world. Why I say that? Because the principle of Islamic education comes from holy qur’an. And we know that qur’an is a complete holy book. There is no doubt of it.
    For conclusion is that islamic education is not one media for other education, but it is the source of all knowledge. Even other education are the results of the development of Islamic education
    Thanks so much…

  30. Posting I : Darmawaty M PBI-3/20401107041
    Email :
    Some people in western say that teaching Islamic education might be shorthand for teaching hatred of “ the west” or the united states because their view teaching Islamic education omits secular knowledge in favor of religious beliefs.
    And another hand, western afraid that with attendance Islamic education in their country will bring there are many problem in their country, lately there are many issue and news about Moslem and become head line in all of media, and this news say that there are many of Moslem reported do anarchist and attack Mostly of western with many ways like first, do destroyed their selves will bring the big negative effect . second do anarchist in the all of building and location of entertainment with use bomb. Hence the western regard as Moslem is terrorist.
    The reasons teaching Islamic education in western are:
    a. Islamic view that Islamic education not just Moslem but all of the human being (Rahmatalil alamin) in Indonesian language means that ratmat bagi seluruh alam.
    b. From my point of view if learning about Islamic education you will be getting knowledge, special for Moslem if they are learning Islamic education so that their knowledge about their religion will increase and get powerful of their belief, and for non Moslem if they are studying Islamic education they are getting new knowledge and not get damage their selves .

    In summary I disagree if western say that teaching Islamic education might be shorthand for teaching hatred of “ the west” or the united states because Islamic doesn’t poison which can make you die whether rice wine (arrack) which make you intoxicated, but Islam like honey which make you peaceful all of the human being.

    My comment is addressed to FATMASARI NINGSIH / PBI 3
    I think good idea from you but honestly I don’t understand with your statement about “Usually people pursue knowledge just technology and didn’t see the education Islamic. But in other hand education can’t go forward if didn’t know the Islamic education”. So :
    a. Would you like to make clear your opinion about your statement above!
    b. Could you give the real example, why you said that Islamic education can be media for other education.

    Thank you before and I always wait your answer. Okay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    My comment is addressed to ASDAR from PBI 1
    According to Asdar’s idea, I agree with him if he say that “ Actually, sciences come from Islamic civilization because the secular civilization rob the Islamic civilization”. But if you using “rob” word in your statement I think is too impolite may be it’s good if just say that western get knowledge from Islam. Because you have to know that the history or background the knowledge. Actually knowledge from Yunani held by two expert about knowledge, they are Plato and Aries Toteles.

    And the other hand, there are history about islamic’s library, there are two the big Islamic library in Andalusia and Iran, next western attack and broke the buildings, one of the both library in Iran had burned by western, and library in Andalusia just take all of the book and then western read and learn all of the content of it’s book. So that western success to build civilization because get knowledge from the Islamic book. So I think that it’s better if you say that western getting knowledge from Islam.

    Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Dahlia PBI 3

    Many people maybe confused with that. Some people maybe agree with Islamic education omits secular knowledge or vice verse depend or their trust. But for me, Islamic education never teach about hatred western civilization. Why I said that, because of the following reasons:
    Islam never teach about hatred to the other people. But in Islam there some kinds of Islamic education:
    1.Islamic education fundamentalism
    Is Islamic education which have orientation to Al-Qur’an, Hadidth, and Yellow Book (Kitab Kuning). This education teach for maintenance basic of Islam. May not any changes in Islam. More focus to their related to God ( Habluminallaah)
    2.Islamic education Liberalism
    Is Islamic education which have orientation to Ratio, Failsafe, . This education teach for interpret back Al-Qur’an and Hadidth which make suitable with modern era. May there is any changes in Islam. More focus to their related to human ( Habluminannas)
    3.Islamic education Moderate
    Is Islamic education which have orientation to fundamentalism and Liberalism Islamic education. This education teach because taken from our condition this time. In this teaching, the follower does not understand fundamentalism and Liberalism Islamic education fulfill. But only half-half of both of them.
    4.Islamic Education Revolutionary
    This education nearly same with Moderate Islamic Education is to mix between fundamentalism and Liberalism Islamic education. But the difference is in this education the follower have understand fulfill both of that two education. In this teaching want to become revolutionary that: the follower realize about their relate to God and Human ( Hablminallah and habluminannas).

    5.And also in my mind they said that because they are afraid if their lie know by many people in world. I said that because, in fact that was found many knowledge in technology is Islam people. But, after western defeat Ustmaniyah Khilafah in Turkey by Kefirs Imperialism on 1924 M and also destroyed centre of knowledge in Iran and Andalusia. The western claim they who was found many knowledge in this world in many sides. For close their lie about that, they always spread Islamic education teach for omits them whereas vice verse. In Islamic education always teach to learners about peace, and many knowledge which related with goodness.

    So, in my mind I disagree if there is opinion said that Islamic education for hatred western, because from four kinds of Islamic education in Islam there is no term which teach Islam people to hatred western.
    Thank you>>>>>>>>>>>>

  34. Dahlia

    @ Fatmmasari Ningsih
    maybe a good idea i think......... but,,,, sorry before,,,, would like explain more clear about your idea said that "if you pursue knowledge you must know about Islamic education.
    Usually people pursue knowledge just teknologi and didn’t see the education Islamic. But in other hand education can’t go forward if didn’t know the Islamic education. But I think -
    the first, Education islamic can be example with other teaching education. because in education islamic can give information about the good education."

    please explain more about it......


  35. Heriyanti/semester 7

    PBI 4/20401107072

    Talking about Islam special study Islamic education is very satisfy because this discuss never finish and special for me as a Muslim,think this very important because :

    First, Al-Quran and Hadits as a basics of Muslim has many knowledge and have explained by Al-Quran that when we are will to execute worship we must know a knowledge about that.

    Second, Islamic education has a concept that very good to investment character for children and young generation more over like in this modern and globalization era,we can see this moment many problems that to happen and not in accordance with religious teachings.

    Third,the Islamic study can make a motivation to know about Islam in long time ago and we can to compare how Islam in long time ago and Islam this moment.Because prophet Muhammad say that Islam is lofty and there is not to resemble it's lofty.

    thank you.....

    PBI 1


    Anyway, talking about Islamic Education state that they don't have principle/roots....ehmmm, generally in Islamic Society. I disagree with this term cause as we know that ,Muslims believe in one,unique incomporable God,in the Angels created by him,in the prophets through whom his revelations were brought to mankind.In traditional Eastern context,has form of religious thought such as Kalam and Fiqh.Comparing in the western it self such as islamic science and islamic Economics.As general terms academics from diverse disciplines participate(ommit knowledge)it,s so dangerous things cause indonesians have nationalities ,cultures.Contribution in knowledgwe field where is can be islamic studies center.In reality,many students be able to participate and students exchange ideas go to abroad.
    hmm....hatred teaching to the western?!I,m so surprised to hear that!!why???Cause one of the most important principles of islam is that everything belongs to God,and that wealth is therefore held by human being in trust.Islamic teach that blessing and an opportunity for great spiritual growth.

  37. From hasmar to my lovely sister “haeriah”
    Ok sister I get some of your point, Islamic Education for teaching about peace and not for hatred, Islam never create hatred in the world and it very imposible if Allah swt create hatred, but in addition from me, as we know that Allah swt. had given to us some explanations in Al-Qur’an like as; (see surah(5) Al-Maidah ayat 90) that “you can get what have you done in the world” excapt that (see surah 22 Al-Hajj ayat 39-40) that “ diizinkan berperang bagi orang-orang yang diperangi karena sesungguhnya mereka di dzalimi.....So,from my point of view, Allahswt. also create to hatred but “hatred” for safe each other and remind them.....or in other word hatred for remind.......!!!!!!! hehehehe thankzz

  38. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
    Name : Hasnita Hasan
    Nim : 20401107069
    1. Islam has given great attention to education and teaching in the broadest sense. Reaffirmed in Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah that is recognized as a way of life that can make good live in the world and the Hereafter. Which includes education about contained in surah Al-Alaq as:
    1. Read with (call) the name of your Lord who Creates,
    2. He has created man from a clot of blood.
    3. Read, and thy Lord is the Most generous,
    4. Who taught (man) with perantaran kalam.
    5. He taught the human what he does not know.
    The point: God teaches man through the medium of literacy. So it is clear that we not only emphasize the purely Islamic education we do not know what we are encouraged to find out by education.
    2. In fact Islam does not eliminate the secular knowledge but rather a lot of emphasis on religion, but do not ignore the secular knowledge, on the other side when we have had enough knowledge, especially of Islam then they start to learn secular knowledge.
    3. I think that in Islam no be hatred. Because Islam loves peace and recognition (lita'arafuu). In a hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim: Not a perfect one's faith so that he would love his brother, as he loves himself. From the above hadis I take a conclusion that western people are also humans so what difference does it make the islam in the west are both people who distinguish only possible names. So very wrong if the taste of Islam as a society that teaches hatred.
    Thank you. ... ... .. .

  39. My comment for darmawaty.M
    okay. thank you for your comments, but I think a lot of people who are only concerned with mere knowledge, without racing on Islamic education, for example, many people today abuse the education they have with other things. Examples of the terrorists who abused the use of bombs to kill many people.
    Islamic education can be a medium for other education because I think Islamic education can be the media or other means of education, which in Islamic education that teaches that we should study the skies but not to exceed the limit.

    for DAhlia
    as a Muslim, we should know first about the Islamic education, which I think that Islamic education teaches people how to study to life both the world and the hereafter. therefore, if you want to demand more education, better that you also know terlebig advance how education in the view of Islam itself. for education was not misused and do not harm people later.

    I think like that.. Thanks

    PBI 2

    assumptions about the concept of Islam and the west and its relationship to the advancement of education between Islam and the West Islam is a religion that departed from the absolute truth of the revelation of God in him there is a universal value that can accommodate foreign cultures and ideas through a process of Islamization. While the West is a culture that stems from sheer speculation that there is no reason to have a reference to the absolute truth and nothing will ever reach the truth. Problems faced by the Islamic culture is not intrinsically a setback in areas that are physical, but is ambiguity (overlapping) of thought, which is between the concepts of Islam and secular Western concepts. Because of that difference and distinction of Islam and the West need to be done consistently, in order to identify the origin of the concepts and ideas and find out further scientific process, Islamization is not the adoption of foreign ideas into Islam, but rather a adapsi thinking outside the epistemological process which laid the reality and truth in a unified tawhidi. We are not anti-West but the West nor assume equal or even superior in every aspect of Islam. We can take advantage of the progress of Western technology, but not to imitate the Western way of life completely different from the Islamic worldview.

    PBI 1


    Application of islamic education not only applied in islamic country but also in west country.Islamik education is Universal education.

  42. A.Eka Febrianti
    PBI 1/20401107003
    Posting 1

    In my mind,,,mmmm,,Islam never teaches hatred, in fact Islam teaches us to cling to one another in virtue. that's what Islam taught to us. Please see the Signs of Allah, which reads "wa'tadzimu bihablillah Jamia 'walaa tafarraku ..." Although we are not the same religion but who is said to hate the God of His wrath

    Indeed Islam never teaches enmity and always appreciate the difference. But some actors make the image of Islam as violent rioters and lovers,,, or whether they were the real Zionists!

    In his article "Why I'm Leaving Islam, Ali Sina, stating the reasons that he was fed up with the religion of Islam that teaches hatred and violence. According to this doctrine contained in the Qur'an, see the following quote

    After living in the western world for several years and was well received by people from different religious or not religious ones, who love me and accept me as their friend, I can no longer accept mandates the Quran as the word of God.

    Al-Quran verse that he was referring to the QS 58:22, 3:118-120 QS, QS 5:51
    "You will not find a nation who believe in Allah and the Hereafter, each Compassionate with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers, or their sons or their brothers or their families. They That the people who God has instilled faith in their hearts and strength them by relief that comes from Him. And incorporated them into his heaven flowing beneath the rivers, they will abide therein, Allah pleased with them and they were satisfied with the (blessed) Him. They are the Party of Allah. Know that God's real Group Group that lucky. (Surat Al Mujadilah 22)

    That is Ali Sina, he interprets this verse as teaching for non-Muslims hate Muslims. How strange she is, she said, reading the Quran but why he did not understand the words of those who oppose Allah and His Messenger.

    And the next,,,,actually,Islam teaches about the sciences related to the mundane. And this fact has explained in the Qur'an, Surat Al-Mujadilah Ayat 11. It also has been described by a scholar of Islam (KH.Hasyim Ash'ari). He mentioned the most important virtue in their studies is practice what one has been prosecuted. Directly he will explain the purpose of this word, namely that a person does not forget the science that has been owned and is useful for future life in the hereafter.
    so Islam teaches people how to balance life for his world to achieve the life hereafter. as we all know that Ibn-Sina was a Muslim and a scholar of medicine, this has been proved that Islam teaches science that relate to the world and help each other.
    I think thats,,and Thank youuuu!!!

  43. A.Eka Febrianti
    PBI 1/ 20401107003
    Posting 1

    Islam never teaches hatred of Islam emphasizes precisely to hold in virtue. that's what Islam teaches, we can see God in verse which reads "wa'tazimu bihablillah Jamia walaa tafarraqu ..." though not co-religionists who hate it say it is the wrath of God.

    Indeed Islam never teaches enmity and always appreciate the difference. But some actors make the image of Islam as violent rioters and lovers,,, or whether they were the real Zionists!

    In his article "Why I'm Leaving Islam, Ali Sina, stating the reasons that he was fed up with the religion of Islam that teaches hatred and violence. According to this doctrine contained in the Qur'an, see the following quote

    After living in the western world for several years and was well received by people from different religious or not religious ones, who love me and accept me as their friend, I can no longer accept mandates the Quran as the word of God.

    Al-Quran verse that he was referring to the QS 58:22, 3:118-120 QS, QS 5:51
    You will not find a nation who believe in Allah and the Hereafter, each Compassionate with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers, or their sons or their brothers or their families. They That the people who God has instilled faith in their hearts and strengthen them by relief that comes from Him. And incorporated them into his heaven flowing beneath the rivers, they will abide therein, Allah pleased with them and they were satisfied with the (blessed) Him. They are the Party of Allah. Know that God's real Group Group that lucky. (Surat al Mujadilah 22)

    Ali Sina That is, he interprets this verse as teaching for non-Muslims hate Muslims. How strange she is, she said, reading the Quran but why he did not understand the words of those who oppose Allah and His Messenger

    Islam actually teaches about the sciences related to the mundane. and this is explained in the Qur'an, Surat Al-Mujadilah Clause 11. it also has been described by a scholar of Islam (KH.Hasyim Ash'ari). he mentioned the most important virtue in their studies is practice what one has been prosecuted. Directly he will explain the purpose of this word, namely that a person does not forget the science that has been owned and is useful for future life in the hereafter.
    so Islam teaches people how to balance life for his world to achieve the life hereafter. as we all know that Ibn-Sina was a Muslim and a scholar of medicine, this has been proved that Islam teaches science that relate to the world and help each other.
    thank you...

  44. M0Nar1<i Ab50Lu7

    A.Eka Febrianti
    PBI 1/ 20401107003
    Posting 1

    Ok,,in my mind Islam never teaches hatred of Islam emphasizes precisely to hold in virtue. that's what Islam teaches, we can see God in verse which reads "wa'tazimu bihablillah Jamia walaa tafarraqu ..." though not co-religionists who hate it say it is the wrath of God.

    Indeed Islam never teaches enmity and always appreciate the difference. But some actors make the image of Islam as violent rioters and lovers,,, or whether they were the real Zionists!

    We can see in Ali Sina's article.In his article "Why I'm Leaving Islam, Ali Sina, stating the reasons that he was fed up with the religion of Islam that teaches hatred and violence. According to this doctrine contained in the Qur'an, see the following quote

    After living in the western world for several years and was well received by people from different religious or not religious ones, who love me and accept me as their friend, I can no longer accept mandates the Quran as the word of God.

    Al-Quran verse that he was referring to the QS 58:22, 3:118-120 QS, QS 5:51

    That is Ali Sina, he interprets this verse as teaching for non-Muslims hate Muslims. How strange she is, she said, reading the Quran but why he did not understand the words of those who oppose Allah and His Messenger

    Islam actually teaches about the sciences related to the mundane. and this is explained in the Qur'an, Surat Al-Mujadilah Clause 11. it also has been described by a scholar of Islam (KH.Hasyim Ash'ari). he mentioned the most important virtue in their studies is practice what one has been prosecuted. Directly he will explain the purpose of this word, namely that a person does not forget the science that has been owned and is useful for future life in the hereafter.
    so Islam teaches people how to balance life for his world to achieve the life hereafter. as we all know that Ibn-Sina was a Muslim and a scholar of medicine, this has been proved that Islam teaches science that relate to the world and help each other.

  45. Some people said that conception of education does not have any roots in Islam. If there is a term, it is limited only for implying that Islamic education omits secular knowledge. The other might assume that it is shorthand for hatred teaching of western civilization. How do you think this opinion? Write at least three reasons to support your argument. You may agree or disagree with those. i disagree when islam justified as a shorthand for hatred teaching of western civilization and conception of education does not have any root in islam but different interpretation about islam is a natural thing because every people has each approach to see what is islam actually. And iam sure that the people who justified islam as a dangerous religion or leaft behind from other religion.they only know little bit of islam so that they are mistaken in giving judgement. Basicly,islam a religion which is always teach kindness and peace. According to Ulis tofa Lc,islam is a peaceful religion, a religion of tolerance, religion that upholds humanitarian and to oppose damage or murder, a massive well done or to individuals. i have three reasons which are make me disagree with the other people who has negative view about islam. firstly, if the conception of education does not have root in islam or it teach hatred,i assure that islam has lost in this word.because it can not follow the development era.

    Secondly,islam is means no one realigion in this world which is teach its followers to make the demage and kill each other including islam.

    Thirdly, In holy Qur'an Allah SWT said "Whoever kills a human being unless it be to kill someone else (not because qishash), or for spreading mischief in the earth, then as if he killed all mankind, and whoever maintains the life of a human being, then as if he has maintained fully human life. "Al-Maidah: 32

    discussing about islam is very very complicated and intresting to discussed.iam happy....

  46. Asgar PBI 2
    i disagree when islam justified as a shorthand for hatred teaching of western civilization and conception of education does not have any root in islam but different interpretation about islam is a natural thing because every people has each approach to see what is islam actually. And iam sure that the people who justified islam as a dangerous religion or leaft behind from other religion.they only know little bit of islam so that they are mistaken in giving judgement. Basicly,islam a religion which is always teach kindness and peace. According to Ulis tofa Lc,islam is a peaceful religion, a religion of tolerance, religion that upholds humanitarian and to oppose damage or murder, a massive well done or to individuals. i have three reasons which are make me disagree with the other people who has negative view about islam. firstly, if the conception of education does not have root in islam or it teach hatred,i assure that islam has lost in this word.because it can not follow the development era.

    Secondly,islam is means no one realigion in this world which is teach its followers to make the demage and kill each other including islam.

    Thirdly, In holy Qur'an Allah SWT said "Whoever kills a human being unless it be to kill someone else (not because qishash), or for spreading mischief in the earth, then as if he killed all mankind, and whoever maintains the life of a human being, then as if he has maintained fully human life. "Al-Maidah: 32

    discussing about islam is very very complicated and intresting to discussed.iam happy....

    PBI 1

    The ordeal come in ongoing knock down of Islam. There are many kinds of assumption that vilify its. Hmmmm...... if you know someone or something,it is not enough to know her name and her background only.But you have to know her characteristic intensify.That is Islam. Not all of the mankind know what and how does Islam in its correlation with human life. Whereas in fact, the true comprehension about Islam are capitals to get benefit for our life. We have to know that Islamic education never omits secular knowledge and the assumption that Islamic education is shorthand for hatred teaching of Western civilization is wrong.

    If there is someone assume like that, he is recommended to read the following arguments:
    1. Islam give the high appreciation for the scientist so they are distributed over all of the world.Before XVIII centuries,the Islamic Bachelor's degree had been writing books about kinds of modern knowledge,such as was studied by Classical of Islamic scientist. They are: al-Jahizh(635 M) wrote Astronomy and Medical books in his opus 'al-Bayan wa at-Tibyan',Ibnu Khaldun wrote Chemistry and Medical books in his opus 'al-Hararah,Shhifah al-Kubra and al-Wasiah',Abu Ja'far Shadiq wrote the adverb of manner 'how to make gold from the metal?'. In this early XXI centuries, just repeat to look into the books are created by the Great Islamic scientist, and moreover it is still used as a reference materials for all of the students in the world.Such as in Medical surface: Ibnu Sina and Ibnu Rusyd; in Geography: Ibnu Khaldun,Syarif al-Idrisi and Abu Abdullah al-Qazwaini; in Mathematics and Astronomy: al-Khawarizmi,Tsabit bin Qarah and al-Battani; in Physics: Ibnu haistam,Kamaluddin al-Faritsi and Ikhwanu as-Shafa;etc. Education is the first obligation of a Muslim, male or female. Islam is not only as a divinity religion that propose the conscience,but it also a mind religion that put on the science in the high level.

    2. The essence of the social justice existing in Islam is the harmony which should be obeyed and manifested in our mental and behavior. The urgence of justice in Islam is such as the mission of prophet Muhammad SAW to deliver news to mankind in order to establish justice as the way to reach Taqwa and as a key to manifest peace,association, brotherhood and social prosperity.

    Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that it is very important to know the characteristic of Islam intensify to avoid misunderstanding between the'West' and Muslim people.Islam is not only as a divinity religion that propose the conscience,but it also a mind religion that put on the science in high level,and Islam is a key to manifest peace

  48. test ... test. d coba

    PBI 1

    I disagree because Islam is the religion of peace and it is one of the most sacred and trustworthy religions, which has given us guidance in every aspect of life. Islam has given us education with knowledge which has no limits. Without education, no one can find the proper right path in this world.

    The western world has created the wrong image of Islam in the world. They don't know that our teachings are directly given to us from Allah, who is the creator of this world, through our Prophets.

  50. A. BAU RANTI
    PBI I

    Islamic Education is efforts structure for shape human the characters appropriated with consistency as the muslims person.

    I disagree because the Muslims all over the world are thirsty of acquiring quality education. they know their boundaries and never try to cross it. it is the west, which has created a hype that the Muslims are not in a path of getting proper education. they think that our education teaches us fighting, about weapons,etc. which is so false. this is true that there are certain elements, which force an individual to be on the wrong path, because as we will would a child, they will be like that, but it. doesn't mean that our religion teaches improperly to us.

  51. Amaliah Nurul Ainun
    PBI 1
    In my perception, I disagree with assume that islamic education might be shorthand for teaching hatred because some reason:
    1. let's try to read the history about burning of the big islamic library around the world in Baghdad. there are many science that we can applied in there but western civilization burn our library and take some book, then they change the writer of books with their name. I don't know exactly about that history but we can visit the history on this one fact if islam not only study about religion but all science in the wold too.
    2. in History, there are many people of islam can be a success one in science like Ibn Musa Al-khawarism(mathematics), Ali bin Sahl Rabban al-Tabari(Pshycology and medicines), Abu al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis/surgical operation), Jabir bin Hayyan (Geber)(Kimia), etc.
    3. Rasulullah Saw says:"utlubil 'ilmi walau bissiin". demand the knowledge until China. why Rasulullah says In China although China is not Muslim Country. That because scientist not only Religion.
    next is Islamic education never teach us to dislike the culture of western. Islam only teaches us to follow the sunnah and hadith while in western culture very much contradiction with the rules of Islam. not mean to hate but to avoid and undergo their respective beliefs.

  52. Asriaman PBI 2
    The statement which state that conception of education does not have any roots in Islam or the roots of education conception in islam is limited only for impliying that islamic education omits secular knowledge is the inappropriate statement. Historically, islam or islamic kingdom (exactly khalifah Umar Bin Abdul Azis), is the golden era of education. and then the other assumption that islamic education is shorthand for hatred teaching of western civilization is inappropriate assumption. as we know that islam (include its education) is RAHMATAN LILALAMIN "mercy for the whole of world.
    the islamic kingdom era of khalifah umar bin abdul azis is the golden/glory era of islam. he increase the education (islamic/non islamic), enrich islamic land, decrease poority. one of way he use to increase the education by built the LIBRARY (and in PERANG SALIB, the library, exactly the books is burn by tentara PERANG SALIB). the library is served many books such as filsafat, Literature, politic, knowledge, law and etc. one of the study that the root of every sciences is FILSAFAT.
    Islamic education never teach to hate the west civilization. because the main point of islam (include its education) is usefull for everybody in this world.
    So I disagree if Islamic education omits secular knowledge or Islamic education is Shorthand for teaching hatred of western civilization, because Islam is for all humans in this world. he is from western or eastern civilisation.

  53. Afif Zhudy Idham
    I certainly strongly disagree with the opinion that because Islam is a religion that teaches compassion and love each other so if anyone believes that, then it is very erroneous
    Goals and Education in Islamic Roots. Many view among observers of education, that the success of teaching in education is largely determined by educational materials (al-maddah), methods of teaching (at-tariqah) and the teachers themselves (al-Mudarris, al-mu'allim). Unfortunately, there are many observers of education among the less attention to the importance of 'bring the spirit of teachers' learning. In fact, the teachers wholeheartedly with all the abilities of the urge or need to obtain additional staff so that 'the teacher' (murabbi, mu'allim, Mudarris, Muzakki and muhadzdzib), really excellent show with all keperibadiannya. Therefore, the presence of teachers with all the 'spirit baik'nya truly become a reflection of the real teacher.
    The Qur'an is the word of God which in turn used as a way of life (way of life) of the Muslims who no longer any doubt in it. It contains the teachings of the principal (basic principles) concerning all aspects of human life which can then be developed in accordance with the reasoning of each nation and at any time and attendance functionality to solve humanitarian problems. One of the problems that people are not devoid of conversation is a matter of education.
    Ibn Maskawaih also known as a historian and philosopher. He built an educational concept, which is particularly related to religious education that will give the students the attitude and behavior so that they can receive wisdom. However, he also emphasized the role of parents is very important in building their children's character

  54. ADRIANA. M
    PBI 1

    well ... Talking about Islamic education will make a very different statement for each other. One may in positive or other verse. As I see, Islamic education is the best education ever. why i said that??? because Islamic education has shown us how to be good person in this world. that's why I disagree with the statement said that Islamic education is shorthand for hatred teaching of western civilization because of some reasons :

    First, it is very incriminating Islam is universal, even if we only talk about education alone. in my opinion, everything has roots in Islam. we keep track of some hadiths about education from our prophet Muhammad, SAW. one of them is the hadith that commands us to study up to the land of china. this hadith shows us about the universality of Islam especially in the field of education regardless of who and where it originated science

    secondly, Islam has a hadith and the Qur'an as a guide, as well as evidence of Islam's attentions to education. of hatred, does not actually exist! it's just like some quarters that marginalize Islam. and none of the teachings of God through the prophet to intimidate an ideology and certain circles.

    third, Based on Khasaais Al-Ammah Lil Islam, Dr. Yusuf Qardhawi's book said that Islamic education system is based on roots, characteristics and real concept. characteristics of Islamic teaching that consists of seven important things which do not exist in other religions and is also distinguished to be one of the reasons why up to now so many people who are drawn to Islam so they claim to enter into Islam. It also distinguished the causes why only Islam the only religion that does not "fear" with the progress of science and technology.

    That's was my opinion and all of these reasons are from education.

  55. ADRIANA. M
    PBI 1

    "Islam has roots in education."
    refine by value2 contained in Islam.

    * Someone will be in level tawadhu or not arrogant and high value in society
    * Mejadikan Muhammad Islamic education as the most influential person in the world until this time This was stated by Michael H. Hart, an astronomer and historian famous in the United States in his book "The 100" which was published recently the United States. and placed him at the vanguard top.
    * Islam teaches peace education rather than violence

    Tawadhu '"is a submission to the truth and accept it from anyone coming good when love or in anger. That is, do not you look at yourself in for all people. Or you think all people need you.

    Opponents of the nature tawadhu 'is takabbur (pride), the nature of which is hated by Allah and His Messenger. Messenger defines arrogant by his saying: "Pride is the truth and refuse to underestimate anyone." (Saheeh, HR. Muslim, no. 91 of hadith Abdullah bin Mas'ud z)

    This basic attitude and the real roots of Islamic education so that Islam teaches hatred of education will fall by sndirinya.

    According to Michael Hart, the Prophet Muhammad SAW is the most influential person among the billions of people in the world, because he is the only man who managed to be great both in religious activity and government. This results in Islamic education that has been applied

  56. M.Takdir
    PBI II
    NIM: 20401106024

    talk about Islamic education must be very closely related to the religion of Islam.
    religion of Islam strongly encourages each of his community to study.
    in an Arab proverb says look for science started since from infancy to the most grave. This means that Islam is very concerned with education. if we learn from the history of science so we can not be separated from the role of Islam. for example Ibn Sina as the father of medicine, and he was not just as the father of medicine but he is also an expert in Islamic religion. then there are al-khimyah from Egypt as the inventor of chemistry, al-khawarijmi as the inventor of the logarithmic formula, al-jabar a mathematician and a lot more Islamic people who are very involved in the growth of world-class science.
    yes just lately when we talk about Islamic education then our shadow Islamic people including a little late in terms of education. current people oriented western countries studying preformance, like the U.S., Germany, Australia and others.
    the most important thing now is we need more study to the future of Islamic education is more glorious

  57. I Like this materiaL . . .

  58. Muhammad Jabal AN Nur
    pbI 2
    third years

    Knowledge is an important part in our life. knowledge give everything what human being want.
    with knowledge it is easier for us to undertsand about manythings that we don't know before

    nowdays many muslims become wonder about islamic education why it is become lower and lower day after day.

    Our Holy Prophet (SAW), said,

    Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.

    from that hadits we can see that islam is really emphazising how important knowledge is.
    but why like we can see know mostly good technolgy come from west, most excelent scientist come from west, and many our references come fro west.

    the short answer with this question that it is because islam is not aplly their knowledge in their life. I always listen the answer like this.

    but from my point of view it is all because there is a decreasing in muslims personality nowdays their akhlakul qarimah

    this make the knowledge harder for them. muslims nowdays ten to make sin everywhere, they forget to pray to Allah in mostly cases.

    knowledege is "Nur" and "Nur" is harder fo a shn person. so the only way from me to make islam become better than before is by fighting the real enemy that not comes from west but from theirself that is what we call "desire"

    Muslim world will be better and better than fom our big glory in the past by covering either our knowledge and its apllication or improving our akhlaqul qarimah.

    as a my conclusion that we don't need too far away to look outside find the problemsand the solutios because the peroblems and the solutions
    is coming from you as a muslim.

    and under the bleess of God insya Allah we can make islam better in education and the most important is better in their akhlak.

    this is my job and your job.....

    Thanks ay this written ha s a benefit

    PBI 3 (Semester 6)

    Knowledge occupies is a very important position in Islamic teachings, it is seen from many verses of the Qur'an that views of people knowledgeable in high positions and in addition the hadits of prophet that much encouragement for his people to continue their studies.
    ''One of the characteristics that distinguish Islam from the others is its emphasis on problems of science , Al Quran and Al-Sunnag invites Muslims to seek and obtain science and wisdom, and put people knowledgeable in high degree''. Like Allah says in Al-qur’an the letter AL Mujadalah verse 11. thus,studying the command does not differentiate between man and woman ,the most hope of studying is the change the individual self in to a better direction of changes in behavior. Science is very broad,the study will never be completed, as long as the biological life in the human body as long as it also requires knowledge of islam is not only sufficient in order to study, but requires that a person is continually learning because human live in this world need to constantly adapt to nature and the times. That verses, clearly a source of motivation for Muslims to never stop studying, to continue to read, so that a high position before God will remain intact, which also means that fear of God will inspire the entire human life activities to perform pious deeds , thus it appears that faith coupled premises of science will bring about a charity, so Nurcholis Madjd (1992: 130) said that faith and charity works to form a triangular pattern of life that is as strong mediating between faith and charity.

  60. Sukaeni
    PBI 4
    PEndidikan Bahasa Inggris
    Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan
    UIN Alauddin Makassar

    Accordting to.....

    I disgaree about those statements as Islam Teaches as tobe a good person, the word says that the difference between the having knowledge man and those not having it, is how ways them to face their life problem. while, To be an expert one, we have to get education this one reason why we need get education.

    In Islamic Education have the basic on Holy Qur'an and Hadits. One of the ayah of Alqur'an. Means :Hai orang yang beriman ! Apabila dikatakan padamu, " berilah kelapangan di dalam majelis-majelis", maka lapangkanlah, niscaya Allah akan memberi kelapangan untukmu. Dan bila dikatakan'berdirilah kamu' maka berdirilah, niscaya Allah akan mengangkat (derajat). orang yang beriman di antaramu, dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat. Dan Allah Maha Teliti apa yang kamu kerjakan (QS. Al-Mujadilah Ayat 11)

  61. Nurlaeli Hidayanti
    PBI 3

    Actually, when we are talking about education, it has close relation with Islam. We may retrospect to the history, our prophet Muhammad as the best example should have been exemplified by the human in generally and Muslims in particularly. Not only talk about education, but naturally everything comes from Islam. So, education is a source of Islam that has strong roots and obvious to be realized in daily life. Generally, education has already been an obligation of both men and women, as in the hadits said also.
    If an argument says that the education of Islam teaches hatred of Western civilization, I myself strongly disagree. First, Islam basically teaches Islah or peace, mutual respect, honor, and love one each other. It means without looking at where civilization coming from. Secondly, the teaching of Islam is basically quite different from the doctrine adopted by western civilization. Automatic, Islamic teachings could not be in one line with western civilization. Third, Islam is adopted by most society in east and non-Islam is adopted by western society has different cultural backgrounds, so it brings a lot of difference.
    As matter of fact, I don’t know that with whom I should comment about the second assignment because each student has different view. As long as I have read above, most of them are agree with me but in different version, and just a little of them are disagree. I just want to show that it is my opinion.
    Thanks a lot_

    PBI 3

    I disagree. In my point of view education today there are many institutions which develop education only for success but it also does not have to be separated from religious values that do to achieve success. Thus, the first human being must be based on religious knowledge and strong faith before study the other knowledge. It does not mean neglecting other knowledge because Islam puts knowledge in a special place and give the value of knowledge. This is evident from the verses of the Qur'an and hadith which is also strengthened from the facts of history in which many Muslim scientists who mastered a variety of disciplines.

    In the hadith, the prophet Muhammad SAW also explained that the work for your world as though you will life forever and worship for your hereafter as though you will die tomorrow. From this hadith explained there must be a balance between life world and the hereafter.

    While I strongly disagree with the quote that says that it is Shorthand for teaching hatred of western civilization because the greatness of the western world today it is from the contribution of Islam in the past. Instead we are taught to hate them but we must be able to fortify ourselves lest we are affected by various kinds of negative things from the western world.

    NO.REG : 20401108060
    GROUP : PBI 3 / 2008

    My Answer

    I'm disagree with people who said the conception of education doesn't have any roots in Islam.

    My reason:

    1. Actually, it doesn't right because all education about nature, social, healthy, economy, etc. are from Al-Qur'an. And if we talking about Al-Qur'an that same we study Islam. I think we know the scientist or the people non-islamic study about Al-QUr'an. It's so funny if you said something negatif about education doesn't have roots in Islam.

    2. In our prophet Muhammad saw. life, he ever said that "utlubul 'ilma walaufissiin" [meaning: get the knowledge although to Chinese]. We think, if we wanna go to Chinese, we'll be going accros some place. And if we gonna to that without know the place and you know that there are many interested place, it same something in vain. Well, we must to study about the place and it same you're upgrading your knowledge.

    3. The passage "... hatred teaching of western civilization". It isn't same the reality in our life. We judged about western knowledge, but if we get positive think, we can get that we must be the creative, actually all knowledge in western all from Arabian. But, because some insiden, they stealing from us. If we perceive with angry, exactly it make us be late. So, the condition must teach us to be get hard study and be the creative & smart people.

  64. Syamsiah

    Islam was born to all people in the world, it is meant that islam is not only for Arabic or Indonesian people, but also for wesrtern people, Islam is to cover the good education, wherever the typical of it comes from. In this case, the sense could be caught from is that Islam, in education never guides us to have hatred to the other country, but even guides us to pick the goodness of the other country's educational types.
    there are many verse in Al Qura'an about the important of knowlidge. One of the verse Alqur'an in surah Al-imran:191, it means that " Yaitu orang-orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri, duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring dan mereka memikirkan penciptaan langit dan bumi (seraya berkata), "ya Tuhan kami, tidakkah engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia - sia; Maha suci engkau, lindungilah kami dari azab neraka.

    GROUP : PBI 3 ( semester 6 )
    NIM : 20401108057
    E-MAIL :
    Talking about Islamic education is something interest,because Islamic education so important for can’t be denied that islam is require us for learning hadist said : be required for demanding knowledge for men and women.
    There are many source if we want to take truth in islam i.e
    -holy al-qur’an
    -holy al hadist
    -shalafus shaleh ( orang-orang shaleh )
    From three the source,we have to be sure the truth.concept Islamic education be arranged all in islam start from the corn of the head until the corn of the leg and begin wake up of the sleep until sleep again,we know that islam is the perfect of religion because allah said (pada hari telah kusempurnakan untukmu agamamu ).rasulullah said hold firm to firman allah ( al-qur’an ) and sunnati ( sunnahku ) from these statement anything we want because of ALLAH and not out from sunnati (sunnah rasulullah saw ) we sure,we are in ALLAH’s street.
    Based on islam,islam is religion love of peace.clearly do not disturb based on islam or fundamental in islam like the different belief (akidah )in islam but with the name islam,no tolerance into.
    The points are :
    -no hostility in islam for kafir’s country no disturb fundamental of religion in islam
    -imposible islam teach us hostility? If this statement is right so we are life in hostility or in heart full hate,and how we get heaven if we are life in hostility !
    -islam is religion rahmatan lilaalamin.
    The conclution is let’s us life with piecefull,so uor life happy world and here after.
    Thank you very much.

  66. ECHY/ PBI2 /20401108033

    I disagree about the statements that knowledge in Islam only theory and according to the western people that all information it's knowledge.
    oky the other can say that Islam just theory because may be they see people of Islam but it just personality, because Islam has Al-Quran as basic about concept knowledge in Islam but in the wester they don't have basic to soper their statecment.
    we must admit that it's the big wrong we are doing. why????because actually we have theory or concept but application is a nothing so the theory of Islam application in the western. So they said that Islam just theory.
    Islam not have root with educational system becouse long time a go all scientist from islamic era was found knowledge in health, sciense, astronomy and ect.
    for example, ibnu sina the founder of knowledge in health.

    As a conclusion that Islam not just theory but action also but theory of Islam almost aplication in westren.

  67. muh ramadhan tahir
    to sukaeny
    i agree with sukaeny's statement,In Islamic Education have the basic on Holy Qur'an and Hadits. One of the ayah of Alqur'an. Means :Hai orang yang beriman ! Apabila dikatakan padamu, " berilah kelapangan di dalam majelis-majelis", maka lapangkanlah, niscaya Allah akan memberi kelapangan untukmu. Dan bila dikatakan'berdirilah kamu' maka berdirilah, niscaya Allah akan mengangkat (derajat). orang yang beriman di antaramu, dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat. Dan Allah Maha Teliti apa yang kamu kerjakan (QS. Al-Mujadilah Ayat 11
    if ordered to you something better,do it !
    if the religion prohibit it,so leave it !
    do the best for your religion

  68. Nurhaswani Lancani
    PBI 1

    Posting 1

    I disagree if said that Islamic education omits secular knowledge in favor of religious beliefs, and may be equated with the dissemination of ignorance because Matters have been strived to think out the, start from various training to the make-up of quality learn and energy kependidikan, repair of biggest and prasarana medium and also renewal of education curriculum which aimed at existing of study process which with quality to existing of human resource which with quality.

    Hence the concept of education in Islam offers a holistic education system and the positioning of religion and science as something that should be mutually reinforcing each other, which is generally indicated in the prayer of the Prophet: "O Allah, teach me what brings benefit to me, and grant me useful science. "From the prayer was revealed that the coveted quality of science in Islam is the benefit of science. This can be seen from the hadeeth of the Prophet: "Faith is like a body that is still innocent, is taqwa clothes, jewelry is a shame and its fruit is a science."

    PBI 3

    Posting 1
    some different opinions will appear when we talk about conception of islamic education. but from my point of view, I really disagree with those statements. The first, Islam has holy Qur'an as guidance for human life. In holy Qur'an there are many verses explain about education such as (QS. Al Mujadilah :11) this verse explain to us that how important the knowledge because Allah will raise the degree of human to the top level if they have the knowledge. so, this verse has relation with education that human have to increase their knowledge. In addition, Rasulullah Saw says:"utlubil 'ilmi walau bissiin". demand the knowledge until China. why Rasulullah says In China although China is not Muslim Country. It because scientist or knowledge not only Religion but Knowledge is an important part in our life and give everything what human being want also we can undertsand manythings that we don't know before.

    The second, I really disagree with statement that Islamic education is shorthand for hatred teaching of western civilization because we have to know that Islam teach us about science, moral, socialism, love and care to others. actually, Islam has controversy with the western habit, most of them do something that controvert with Islamic rule such as drink alcohol, free sex, etc. so, Islamic education never teach us to dislike the culture of western. Islam only teaches us to follow the sunnah and hadith while in western culture very much contradiction with the rules of Islam. not mean to hate but to avoid and undergo their respective beliefs.

    comment to Sukaeni :

    I really agree with your statement friend that as Islam Teaches as to be a good person and To be an expert one, we have to get education. education is very important thing in our life to give everything what we want and with education our life will be better.

    PBI 4 (SEMESTER 6)
    Well, after I read the article above, I disagree with the statement that said education does not have roots in Islam. As I know that education is something that is needed as the purpose in human life . To get education is the right of each human. They have to know which knowledge that teach the true. Knowledge without element of religious is non sense.
    Islamic education is education the whole person, for his mind and heart, body and spirit, character and his skill. Islamic religious education uplift of science in human self, both men and women. But, In this era of globalization, people often only concerned and trying to find useful knowledge in the world such as medicine and other sciences while forgetting the science that can be basic of life. So, we must focus on the teaching in Holy Quran. Al Quran as a source of Islamic education that underlines all of science is expected to integrate between reason and revelation.
    Islamic education does not only carry out the transfer of knowledge, but also implementing it is no less importance, namely the transfer of value. Among the value that are very basic it is the value of belief in the supranatural, and based orientation by the Quran.
    Thanks a lot, hope be benefit to us....!

    PBI 4

    Posting 1
    Anyway, talking about Islamic Education state that they don't have principle/roots I disagree with this term cause as we know that ,Muslims believe in one,unique incomporable God,in the Angels created by him,in the prophets through whom his revelations were brought to mankind.In traditional Eastern context,has form of religious thought such as Kalam and Fiqh.Comparing in the western it self such as islamic science and islamic Economics.As general terms academics from diverse disciplines participate(ommit knowledge)it,s so dangerous things cause indonesians have nationalities ,cultures.Contribution in knowledgwe field where is can be islamic studies center.In reality,many students be able to participate and students exchange ideas go to abroad.
    hatred teaching to the western?!I,m so surprised to hear that!!why???Cause one of the most important principles of islam is that everything belongs to God,and that wealth is therefore held by human being in trust.Islamic teach that blessing and an opportunity for great spiritual growth.

    comment to syamsiah :

    I agree with your statement that Islam was born for all people in the world. so, Islam also for western and other countries. Islam asked us to get education until wherever that and it consist in Al Quran.

  72. muhlis pbi 3
    i dissagree about those opinion because islam not teach us to omit the secularisme in holly quran said that lakum dinukum waliyadin its mean that islam givethe people a freedom to choose religion like in secularisme.
    also islam does not teach us to hatred westerm civilization because n islam teach us to respect each other not to hat each other

  73. Nurhaswani Lancani
    PBI 3

    Posting 1

    I disagree if said that Islamic education omits secular knowledge in favor of religious beliefs, and may be equated with the dissemination of ignorance because Matters have been strived to think out the, start from various training to the make-up of quality learn and energy kependidikan, repair of biggest and prasarana medium and also renewal of education curriculum which aimed at existing of study process which with quality to existing of human resource which with quality.
    Hence the concept of education in Islam offers a holistic education system and the positioning of religion and science as something that should be mutually reinforcing each other, which is generally indicated in the prayer of the Prophet: "O Allah, teach me what brings benefit to me, and grant me useful science. "From the prayer was revealed that the coveted quality of science in Islam is the benefit of science. This can be seen from the hadeeth of the Prophet: "Faith is like a body that is still innocent, is taqwa clothes, jewelry is a shame and its fruit is a science."

    Posting 2
    Comment to Nurwahyu Hidayah

    I really agree with your statement said that Islamic education never teach us to dislike the culture of western such us drink alkohol, free sex, etc. Islam only teaches us to follow the sunnah and hadith while in western culture very much contradiction with the rules of Islam. not mean to hate but to avoid and undergo their respective beliefs.
    Islam is a good religion and Religion that God bless is Islam..
    Thank you very much!!


    I agree with your conclusion that Islam not just theory but action also. theory of Islam almost aplicate in westren. it because of the western in the past was taken the Islamic book and they change with theit name then they learn the book so the western can success until right now .

    PBI 3
    I disagree about that opinion, because:
    The first, in the Holy Qur’an not only tell us about Islamic education but also tell us about the others knowledge. For example : knowledge of animals in surah An-Nahl verse 66, knowledge of plants in surah AR-ra’d verse 4, surah Qaaf verse 7-8 show us about the knowledge of earth and the world.
    And for support my opinion above, we can see actually many scholars come from muslim’s or muslim’s people. Such as :
    The famous scholars :
     Abu Nashr Muhammad bin Tarkhan Al Farabi or Alphanabius, who has creator musical tools/musical instrument namely Al-Qanum then the western imitate it, which mention with piano.
     Abu Bakar Muhammad bin Zakaria Ar-razy (medical scientist and chemistry).
     Muhammad Bin Musa Al-hawarizmi(who has discovered aljabar)

    An according in “the translation of the Holy Qur’an” the scholars composed many books into Arabic language then translated by the western into their language. In that time, western still left behind in science, so forced them to study about Arabic language so that they can translate the others book which have composed by the moeslems. They came to Spain from Italy, French, Deutch, and England to studied and translated. God offices (jasa) this scholars moeslems is admitted by the western. It show that in the past moeslems and western cooperation each other to increase their knowledge.

    The second, ther e is a proverb like this “utlubul ilma minal mahdi ilal lahdi” it means that education is the most important in our life. We demand to study since we were in the womb until we die.

    The third, in my point of view Islamic education and secular knowledge can’t be stand alone. They must be support each other.

    From my point of view, I disagree if there are some people said that the conception of education does not have any roots in Islam. Why, because the first as we know that Islam is the last religion in the world with Al-Quran and Hadis as a guide. And there is some knowledge in Al Quran. According the first verse from Allah SWT Surah Al Alaq especially for the first ayah “Read it!”
    Base on the verse we can realize that actually Allah SWT asked us to study and there is risalah said that (Tuntutlah ilmu mulai dari buaian hingga ke liang lahat) its show that knowledge is very important in our life. We demanded looking for some knowledge since we were child until died. Islam is for all humans in this world". So, I think Islam is peaceful, and never favorable opportunity to someone to follow it. The second there is history tells us about Islamic civilization declined after crusade. Evidence of Islamic civilization in Europe, its influence can be felt with a variety of books translated from Arabic into Latin and Ibrani. For example there is some scholar such us Ibnu Sina, Al-Razi, Al-Farabi etc. And I think that Islamic education never omits secular knowledge, but we are also demanded to balance about the knowledge that we have found such us religion and science (secular and hereafter) because someone can be said success when he can separate between religion and science. Because Allah SWT has divided the life become two parts namely secular life and hereafter life. What do the people do in the world can cause effect in the hereafter life. Good or not someone’s life it is depend how they to face it in the world. When the people faithful and charitable in their life, they will get happiness in their hereafter life. So that when someone wants to get happiness in the hereafter life so he will walk on the life in this world as a possible better like as Allah and Prophet asked. When some people hope into the hereafter life it doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy secular life in this world. We can enjoy the secular life during its doesn’t collide with the certainty of Allah SWT.

  77. POSTING 2

    I really agree with your statement friend that as Islam Teaches as to be a good person and To be an expert one, we have to get education. education is very important thing in our life to give everything what we want and with education our life will be better.

    Next you said that In Islamic Education have the basic on Holy Qur'an and Hadits.. ehmm.. agree..agree..One of the ayah of Alqur'an. Means :Hai orang yang beriman ! Apabila dikatakan padamu, " berilah kelapangan di dalam majelis-majelis", maka lapangkanlah, niscaya Allah akan memberi kelapangan untukmu. Dan bila dikatakan'berdirilah kamu' maka berdirilah, niscaya Allah akan mengangkat (derajat). orang yang beriman di antaramu, dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat. Dan Allah Maha Teliti apa yang kamu kerjakan (QS. Al-Mujadilah Ayat 11. this verse tell us the important of knowledge that Allah will raise our degree to the top level if we have knowledge. As the human we have to do the best for our life, get education, increase your knowledge so, you can get everything you want and you can hold the world.

    thanks so much....

  78. RIDWAN
    PBI 3/20401108086

    I total disagree that Conception of Education doesn’t have any root in Islam.
    See and Think deeply this statement The Qur’an is very clear on man’s need for a broad-based education.! Consider the following verses:
    “And He taught Adam the nature of all things…” (Q. II: 30)

    Not all knowledge comes from man. There are things which Allah places in our hearts if we sincerely strive in His Path. In the following verse Allah SWT directs our attention to creation and urges us to study the sense of harmony.
    - Remember that the conception that says “long life education” is adopted from the Hadits “ Utlubul ‘Ilmu Minal Mahdi Ilallahdi” it means that actually it is one of the conceptions of education can’t be separated by Concept of Islam whose guidance from Holy Qur’an and Hadits.

    Try look the HISTORY BOOK that describe that The Human is From The Monkey by Theory of Darwins. But It is not used for along time due to the appearance of Harun Yahya’s Theory.

  79. POSTING 2

    I really agree with your statement friend that as Islam Teaches as to be a good person and To be an expert one, we have to get education. education is very important thing in our life to give everything what we want and with education our life will be better.

    Next you said that In Islamic Education have the basic on Holy Qur'an and Hadits.. ehmm.. agree..agree..One of the ayah of Alqur'an. Means :Hai orang yang beriman ! Apabila dikatakan padamu, " berilah kelapangan di dalam majelis-majelis", maka lapangkanlah, niscaya Allah akan memberi kelapangan untukmu. Dan bila dikatakan'berdirilah kamu' maka berdirilah, niscaya Allah akan mengangkat (derajat). orang yang beriman di antaramu, dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat. Dan Allah Maha Teliti apa yang kamu kerjakan (QS. Al-Mujadilah Ayat 11. this verse tell us the important of knowledge that Allah will raise our degree to the top level if we have knowledge. As the human we have to do the best for our life, get education, increase your knowledge so, you can get everything you want and you can hold the world.

    PBI 3/ 20401108068

    I disagree about this case because, islam does not only teach us to learn about religion knowledge, in this cases Islamic education. But, also guide us to know more about the seculer knowledge and even, it is ordered that we make them balance. The word is like the harbor where we have to prepare all things we need to go sailing. In relation with this case, seculer education is also a fool to get more rewards as our supplies to word here after.

    GROUP: PBI 4

    I agree about this opinion.
    there is no specific surah or verse in Qur'an or Hadits tending to find the secular knowledge. although we are supposed to think more and more of one verse (to view it from the context), but it doesn't mean that we could always make any relation between them.
    we may also see the western civilization teaching while it's known that western civilization tends to lead their lives to get more secular knowledge than the religion one. so however, Islamic education will always omit the secular knowledge.
    also, we are not able to interpret the sense of each verse based on what we comprehend. i mean we mustn't slip our comprehension into the verses of Qur'an, but vice-verse, Qur'an has to color our daily activity.

  82. ruswandi
    pbi 4
    i have posted mine here sir but still in the wrong position that's why i try to remove it.

  83. ruswandi
    pbi 4
    i have posted mine here sir but still in the wrong position that's why i try to remove it.

    posting 1
    Talking about islamic education means talking about something complicated, never stops coming up to the world issues. That has been avaliable for the differences exsiting over islam views themselves that I myself never understand why? In accordance with the cases written above, everybody may be with or not with those that islamic education omits secular knowledge ot the assumtion that it is shorthand for teaching hatred of western civilization, in which we know that islam is soft religion never teaching hatred to us.
    For the first case, I myself totally disagree that conception of education doesn’t have any roots in islam. We may see one, written in quran, “Al-Alaq (1-5)” as the first surah our prophet got. It implies an imperative action “ read with your Lord (God)”, which means that people themselves need to read whether verbally or abstractly to the issues and sircumtances going on over the world universally. Therefore, many suggest that basic components of the islamic concept of education be sought in the word “rub’biyah” which is used abundantly in the quran and refers to the God as the Lord. Besides, for the later is not only used frequently in the quran but also has assumed a central position In the prophets' endeavors to provide knowledge to and develop their people. That is to say, the prophet invited their people to take God as their Lord, a practice that shows the real essence of islamic educationin particular and of religious education in general.
    What I’ve written above emphasizes that it is true in my point of view that islamic education omits the secular knowledge. I have known that secular knowledge tries to separate religion and universe than islamic education let both go together. Secular knowledge semetimes known as one of essential parts of liberalism is a contrast to islamic conception of education. According to Haltead, this contrast derives from a profound difference between islam and western culture that cannot be reconcilled. Thus, he believes that the real islamic education gives no legitimacy to autonomy and freedom of reason and, for that matter, to such rasionalistic Muslim as the Mu’tazilities. Therefore, from those I can say that apparently Islamic education is a contrast of western culture. Yet, I myself believe that islamict education always goes together education concept not only to omit secular knowledge but also to avoid the influence of western culture to the people, especially to Muslims in which many think that it one of models to teach a hatred to western civilization.
    Our Lord. You embrace all things in mercy and knowledge (40:7)

  84. ruswandi
    pbi 4

    posting 2

    i totally disagree with his opinion. yet i dont mean to take a dim of his opinion that there is not specific surah or ayah explaining about secular knowledge.
    apparently, i have known that secularism is essential part of liberalism in which it tries to separate religion and universe a part then islamic teaching or education lets both go together. it implies that islamic education itself omits secular knowledge, which is because of a profound difference between Islam and western culture that cannot be reconciled, in which we know that liberalism or secularism is in western culture.


    From my point of view, I disagree with their opinion who said that conception of education doesn’t have any roots in Islam. Why I say like that, firstly because in surah Al Alaq at the first ayah say that “Reading, with calling your God names who creates you”. In this ayah Allah asks us to read. Because of Allah asks us to read so Allah wants if we must have knowledge and of course especially in education. And the next is in hadith also said that “Demand the knowledge from you is still a baby until you are death. In this hadith Allah asks us to demand our knowledge as far as you can. So Allah wants if his umma have much knowledge so that as a Muhammad’s followers, we don’t have less knowledge. And the last reason is in surah Al Mujadilah in the eleventh ayah said that “….. and if he was said: Stand up, so directly stand up, because Allah will carry the people who believed between all sof you and the people who is given the knowledge with some level and higher than before ….” In this ayah, Allah explained that Allah likes their umma if their umma have any knowledge. So with the last reason we can make conclusion that in Islam, Allah and Muhammad as a prophet want if their umma has any knowledge in education. So the conceptions of education in Islam have any roots. Like my reason just know which base from ayah and hadith.

  86. Nur Annisa Muchtar
    PBI 3

    My Comment is addresed to nita anggriani.
    I am interesting in your statement that islam guide us to the secular knowledge. could you prove it by showing its facts?

  87. najdah tahlib
    PBI 3
    Basic implementation of Islamic Education is primarily the Qur'an and al Hadith Word of God: "And thus we have revealed to revelation (al Quran) by our command. Previously you not know what faith is, but we made light of the Qur'an that which we desire among our servants. And thou truly give clues to the true path (Surat ash-Shura: 52) "And the Hadith of the Prophet:" Verily, who believe the most loved by Allah are those who always obey him upright and give advice to His servant, perfect sense of his mind, and practice his teachings during his life, then he is lucky and get the victory "(al-Ghazali, Ihya Ulumuddin things. 90)"

    From the above verses and hadith were to be concluded:
    That the Qur'an was revealed to mankind to give guidance towards the straight path in terms of giving guidance and direction towards the path of Allah SWT diridloi.
    then after I reveal about basic Islamic education in the quran and hadith there are so many things that are included in the importance of Islam and education complement each other in life and this will indisputable idea that education does not have branches in islam.
    There are
    - Aware of the individual in the position and function in the midst of other beings and the responsibility in his life.

    - Awareness of human function in relation to society, as well as responsibilities to order society.

    - Awaken people to the creator of nature and encourage them to worship Him

    - Awaken people about their position against other creatures and bring it to understand the wisdom of god created other beings, and gives the possibility to people to take advantage of
    To assist the formation of a noble character. Islam stipulates that moral education is the soul of Islamic education.

    - Preparations for the life of the world and the life hereafter. Islamic education is not only paying attention to the religious aspect only and not only in terms of mundane, but he's paying attention to both at once.

    - Growing scientific spirit in the subject and satisfying to know and to enable him to study science not just as a science. And also to generate interest in science, literature, art, in various species.

    -Prepare students in terms of professional, technical, and the company so that he can mengusai certain professions, certain technical and specific company, so can he find sustenance in life with dignity in addition to maintaining the spiritual and religious terms.

    -Preparing to seek sustenance and maintenance aspects of expediency. Islamic education is not all are religion or morals, or simply spiritual, but pay attention to aspects of expediency on the objectives, curriculum, and activities. No problem of human perfection is achieved without integrating between religion and science.

    Later. Revealed in a statement that assumes that the teachings of Islam to hate western civilization I agree with that.
    Why I say it like that because western are different from us.
    Indirectly west has different beliefs from us,
    I mean to hate the west is not to be fought or do anything to hurt Westerners and those who differ with us. There is a feeling that this will facilitate our hearts in doctrine and all forms of western civilization that can make us more distant from our God.

    These feelings just to make us alert to the western. we could have been friends with them over the boundaries of fairness and Islamic shariah. but not necessarily that science which has evolved and is owned by the west do not we use it well.
    we can actually study and improve our science as western because I believe that the Muslims of the past until now have the same potential it's just that we must have high discipline.
    thanks ..

    PBI 3
    Talk about the text, I think that it is an interesting point. There is statement some people said that conception of education does not have any roots in Islam. If there is a term, it is limited only for implying that Islamic education omits secular knowledge. The other might assume that it is shorthand for hatred teaching of western civilization.
    Based on the text above, I disagree. Why I say like that, because:
    The first reason, we are as a Muslim had known that, long time ago until right now Islam never teaches us to hatred another one, another religion, etc. But Islam teaches to us in order to love and care with the other. It is never forbidden us to make relationship with the other.
    The second reason, we have to know that, before the western become the king of educational system, the scientist of Islam was born in the past and they have been expert in their invention, for example expert in health, science, astronomy, etc..
    The third reasons, human have the honor to be khalifah in this world to the natural process and its contents. Only through science and faith alone fulfilled the task of the caliphate to be blessings and benefits for nature and all of the God creatures. In (QS. Al-Mujadalah: 11) Allah said “Allah will elevate people those who believe among you and those who were given some degree of knowledge". The Prophet Muhammad said also "Demanded knowledge from the cradle to the end of life". I can conclude that Islam is a system to regulate the life of this universe. Education in Islam also teaches that Islam and science cannot be separated. For science without faith will be crippled or weak. Islam never teaches hatred in western countries, because Islam is for all humans in this world. So, according to my opinion above the conception of education have any roots in Islam.

    PBI 3

    After I heard your opinion, I really with your opinion say that islamis doesn't teach the human to hatred each other, as we know, islam is a religion peacefully, it gives us freedom to get one religion and doesn't different each other, it gives tolerance to another religion..and islam is too concerned about education.

    PBI 3

    After i have read above and my point of view about that is i disagree with the statement if said that conception of education does not have any roots in islamic.
    why,because we us know if the islamic is the last religion in this world with it;s hadirs and alquran as a,muhammad Saw is the last prophit in this world.
    for the first my reason is talk about islamic education is covers many all aspects of life so in the alquran has arrange and it has some rules.islamic ask to study during our life and create some discovery that has usefull for humans.
    the second reason is in education we have purpose in other that we can be good human that have good behavior in our that we us as islamic behave base on the rules in islam and we can see in the alquran.
    the last reason is if the islamic teach us to be developer of knowledge withe to teach what we got to the other people.Like that Muhammad Saw insrtuc us in one hadits.they are to be come kun'alamin(teacher)and muta'alliman(student).So the purpose of the education to be rabbani human can be reality.

    PBI 3

    MY COMMENT TO Sukaeni
    I am really agree with our opinion that said if actually the conception of education have any roots in islam.

  92. My opinion about the four pillars of education is enough. the first is learning to know, learning to know is a procces to know something and everything what we want to know. We can get it in the world of education. Like in the school, home and society environment. Second, learning to do. When we have got knowledge, we can apply in our life and practicing on of it. The third is learning to life together. We know that nobody can life in this world without the other person because we are the social creature. So that, we have to esteeming fellow being especially people who around us. And the last is learning to be. Surely, every person in this world have aspiration or dream. Therefore, we just reach what our dream and the important is to be useful for our life in the world and in the eternity.

    PBI 1

    My opinion about the four pillars of education is enough. the first is learning to know, learning to know is a procces to know something and everything what we want to know. We can get it in the world of education. Like in the school, home and society environment. Second, learning to do. When we have got knowledge, we can apply in our life and practicing on of it. The third is learning to life together. We know that nobody can life in this world without the other person because we are the social creature. So that, we have to esteeming fellow being especially people who around us. And the last is learning to be. Surely, every person in this world have aspiration or dream. Therefore, we just reach what our dream and the important is to be useful for our life in the world and in the eternity.

  94. adduhhh salah postingggg. i'm so sorry sir

    NIM : 20401108012
    GROUP : PBI 1

    Thanks before. For the first time, let me say that I do agree with a statement which says that “The goal of education is to lead the individual to perfection since the human being was created. Related to the education, of course there many things that should be known to make the human being’s life well. On of them are the UNESCO’s 4 pillars of education, where they have an important relation with the goal of education. They are:
    First, learn to know. This sentence could be defined as in looking for science or education it does not mean not only to get knowledge, title and other specific goal, but how to understand what we get before. This is could be defined also like this, as people we should learn how to understand the world around us, like the societies’ life, their occupation skill and others.
    Second, learn to do. As a human being, one of the most important things that should be kept in our depth hearts is after leaning the most significant must be done is applying what we learn and this one is very hope in Islam that try applying or teaching what you get.
    Third, learn to live together. Human being since was created called as social creature which means that no one human being on this world could life without other people’s help. Like try to live with other societies calmly and avoid something which could make societies conflict one another.
    Fourth, learn to be. The end or the result of looking for science or education generally is of course to get a job which could make our life well than before. One of kinds of job is leader men in societies’ life which could lead all people be better.
    From the UNESCO’s 4 pillars of education above , I could conclude that the key to make the human being’s life better or to make human being could reach ” Al-insan Al-kamil ” is education, but it could be reach by a requirement do not forget to pay attention Al-farabi’s concept like discipline (taqwim), training (tahdud), guidance ( tasdid ,)and instruction ( ta’lim). So, to make the human being reach “Al-Insan Al-Kamil “we should balance between the UNESCO’s 4 pillars of education and Al-farabi’s concept.

    NIM : 20401108012
    GROUP : PBI 1

    Thanks before. For the first time, let me say that I do agree with a statement which says that “The goal of education is to lead the individual to perfection since the human being was created. Related to the education, of course there many things that should be known to make the human being’s life well. On of them are the UNESCO’s 4 pillars of education, where they have an important relation with the goal of education. They are:
    First, learn to know. This sentence could be defined as in looking for science or education it does not mean not only to get knowledge, title and other specific goal, but how to understand what we get before. This is could be defined also like this, as people we should learn how to understand the world around us, like the societies’ life, their occupation skill and others.
    Second, learn to do. As a human being, one of the most important things that should be kept in our depth hearts is after leaning the most significant must be done is applying what we learn and this one is very hope in Islam that try applying or teaching what you get.
    Third, learn to live together. Human being since was created called as social creature which means that no one human being on this world could life without other people’s help. Like try to live with other societies calmly and avoid something which could make societies conflict one another.
    Fourth, learn to be. The end or the result of looking for science or education generally is of course to get a job which could make our life well than before. One of kinds of job is leader men in societies’ life which could lead all people be better.
    From the UNESCO’s 4 pillars of education above , I could conclude that the key to make the human being’s life better or to make human being could reach ” Al-insan Al-kamil ” is education, but it could be reach by a requirement do not forget to pay attention Al-farabi’s concept like discipline (taqwim), training (tahdud), guidance ( tasdid ,)and instruction ( ta’lim). So, to make the human being reach “Al-Insan Al-Kamil “we should balance between the UNESCO’s 4 pillars of education and Al-farabi’s concept.

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