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In this article A Conception Of Islamic Education, there are some people said that Islamic education it is shorthand for hatred teaching of Western civilization. If like that, I Disagree. why?? because:
The firts, in Islamic never teaching about hatred for every person, although for moslem or non-moslem. But islamic just come for teaching about peace.
The second, Knowledge from God and also Islamic education from God. In the knowledge there are teaching about give freedom for the other people / the other religion for live anywhere and everywhere. So, is very imposible if God create hatred in the world.
The third, in Islamic education teaching Value for the same people and the other country. So, Islamic eduction teaching for Peace, mutual Value and the other kindness, not for Hatred.
Ahsanaul khalikin
BalasHapusPBI 1
Posting 1
If we say that Islamic education is hatred teaching of western civilization, every body may have different opinions. For me, Islamic education has any roots of the education’s conception and only tries to neutralize it.| actually Islam today not fully refuses the western civilization but conception of education should be suit with the aims of human life.
To Support my opinion, there are three reasons that I want to explore for this section.
First, Islam is appreciates knowledge and educational person. Every body may know, that the first “wahyu” To Muhammad (as the last Prophet) is “Iqra”. that means Islam has any roots in conception of education.
Second, the conception western civilization is part of Islamic civilization in the past. At 19 century Islam was still the face of civilization. There are many discoveries of western that source and inspired by Islamic civilization. And only increase or continue the civilization But they only forget to enter the spiritual concept.
Third, Islam is the universe religion “Rahmatan lil Alamin”. For non Muslims may think that Islam only for a special community. The fact, Islam try to compensate between Vertical correspondence “HablumminallaH” and Horizontal Correspondences “Hablumminan Nnas and Al-alam”. Those means islam never teaches the social community to hatred a certain community.
Those reasons only try to feature my opinion to educational conception that should be involving Islamic teaching (without ignoring others).and Secular knowledge only try to be minimize for the setting normal of Islamic syariah in educational conception to maximize the reach life of human’s aim. And the best point Islam is closed For Others Without hatred.Tq
BalasHapusPBI 2
Some people said that conception of education does not have any roots in Islam. The other might assume that it is shorthand for hatred teaching in western civilization. From my point of view, the former assumption is quite wrong. I think that, Islam covers all sides of human’s life includes conception of education. It is based on three reasons.
Firstly, Qur’an and hadith contain many verses which talk about basic principle in education. In hadith, Rasulullah saw said, “The children are born in purity, so their parents make them Jew, Christian, or Persian” (narrated by Muslim). This hadith explains about the important of early education. The parents here has a role in deciding how to educate their children. So, the children’s knowledge and attitude will depend on early education that they get in their surrounding especially in their family. It is the basic principle in educating children.
Secondly, conception of education can be seen when the prophet Muhammad saw accepted the revelation from Allah swt. The revelation was accepted gradually. In other words, Allah swt taught and educated the prophet Muhammad saw little by little. What Allah swt did is one of concept of education. It suggest that the process of education and teaching should be gradual. It must be done sequently according to the needs. That’s why teaching will be meaningful for students.
Furthermore, Rasulullah Muhammad saw had exemplified the concept of education in Islam when he taught his friends. The process of teaching was done in chaining. Formerly, he taught his friends. Then, the friends taught the other people of next generation (Tabi’in). Then, the people (Tabi’in) also taught the others (Tabiut Tabi’in) and so on. It suggest that knowledge must be spread to the others. As muslim, we have to teach our knowledge each other. It is the concept of education in Islam.
According to the reasons, it can be concluded that Islam covers the conception of education. Those reasons have proved that conception of education have any roots in Islam. Even all models of education which have been applied from the past until now have a source in Islam.
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BalasHapusPBI 3
I disagree. In my point of view education today there are many institutions which develop education only for success but it also does not have to be separated from religious values that do to achieve success. Thus, the first human being must be based on religious knowledge and strong faith before study the other knowledge. It does not mean neglecting other knowledge because Islam puts knowledge in a special place and give the value of knowledge. This is evident from the verses of the Qur'an and hadith which is also strengthened from the facts of history in which many Muslim scientists who mastered a variety of disciplines.
In the hadith, the prophet Muhammad SAW also explained that the work for your world as though you will life forever and worship for your hereafter as though you will die tomorrow. From this hadith explained there must be a balance between life world and the hereafter.
While I strongly disagree with the quote that says that it is Shorthand for teaching hatred of western civilization because the greatness of the western world today it is from the contribution of Islam in the past. Instead we are taught to hate them but we must be able to fortify ourselves lest we are affected by various kinds of negative things from the western world.
BalasHapusPBI 3
I disagree about that opinion, because:
The first, in the Holy Qur’an not only tell us about Islamic education but also tell us about the others knowledge. For example : knowledge of animals in surah An-Nahl verse 66, knowledge of plants in surah AR-ra’d verse 4, surah Qaaf verse 7-8 show us about the knowledge of earth and the world.
And for support my opinion above, we can see actually many scholars come from muslim’s or muslim’s people. Such as :
The famous scholars :
Abu Nashr Muhammad bin Tarkhan Al Farabi or Alphanabius, who has creator musical tools/musical instrument namely Al-Qanum then the western imitate it, which mention with piano.
Abu Bakar Muhammad bin Zakaria Ar-razy (medical scientist and chemistry).
Muhammad Bin Musa Al-hawarizmi(who has discovered aljabar)
An according in “the translation of the Holy Qur’an” the scholars composed many books into Arabic language then translated by the western into their language. In that time, western still left behind in science, so forced them to study about Arabic language so that they can translate the others book which have composed by the moeslems. They came to Spain from Italy, French, Deutch, and England to studied and translated. God offices (jasa) this scholars moeslems is admitted by the western. It show that in the past moeslems and western cooperation each other to increase their knowledge.
The second, ther e is a proverb like this “utlubul ilma minal mahdi ilal lahdi” it means that education is the most important in our life. We demand to study since we were in the womb until we die.
The third, in my point of view Islamic education and secular knowledge can’t be stand alone. They must be support each other.
BalasHapusGROUP PBI 3
From my point of view, I disagree if there are some people said that the conception of education does not have any roots in Islam. Why, because the first as we know that Islam is the last religion in the world with Al-Quran and Hadis as a guide. And there is some knowledge in Al Quran. According the first verse from Allah SWT Surah Al Alaq especially for the first ayah “Read it!”
Base on the verse we can realize that actually Allah SWT asked us to study and there is risalah said that (Tuntutlah ilmu mulai dari buaian hingga ke liang lahat) its show that knowledge is very important in our life. We demanded looking for some knowledge since we were child until died. Islam is for all humans in this world". So, I think Islam is peaceful, and never favorable opportunity to someone to follow it. The second there is history tells us about Islamic civilization declined after crusade. Evidence of Islamic civilization in Europe, its influence can be felt with a variety of books translated from Arabic into Latin and Ibrani. For example there is some scholar such us Ibnu Sina, Al-Razi, Al-Farabi etc. And I think that Islamic education never omits secular knowledge, but we are also demanded to balance about the knowledge that we have found such us religion and science (secular and hereafter) because someone can be said success when he can separate between religion and science. Because Allah SWT has divided the life become two parts namely secular life and hereafter life. What do the people do in the world can cause effect in the hereafter life. Good or not someone’s life it is depend how they to face it in the world. When the people faithful and charitable in their life, they will get happiness in their hereafter life. So that when someone wants to get happiness in the hereafter life so he will walk on the life in this world as a possible better like as Allah and Prophet asked. When some people hope into the hereafter life it doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy secular life in this world. We can enjoy the secular life during its doesn’t collide with the certainty of Allah SWT.
BalasHapusNUR AVNI
BalasHapusSEMESTER 6
I agree about the Islam Education. because I think Islam is one of a structured effort to shape human carakter accordance with the consequences as being Muslim, Islam is not only that education will form a human soul a quiet sense of intelligent and strong physical as well as many charities. Islamic education as well as physical and spiritual guidance to the formation of the major personality dimensions of Islam.
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