Selasa, 02 November 2010


Read carefully the following passages
             The education system in Muslim societies was without a doubt one of the most extensive and most developed of all those prevailing in pre-industrial societies, which was due to the very nature of Muslim society itself. The body composed of scholars and the literati was open, non-centralized, non-hereditary, and non-exclusive, with a fluid organization that implied no formal hierarchy, thus giving rise to a relatively broad education and teaching system that in many ways prefigured our modern systems.
In Islamic thought, education, which here takes in religion and morals, is a process that ends at no determined stage or age but lasts an entire lifetime, as expressed in the saying attributed to the Prophet Muhammad: ‘Learn science from the cradle to the grave'.
Such figures as that of the literate man (adib), the pious man, the fakir or dervish, and that of the burgher or governor consorting with the learned, so typical of Muslim society, owed a great deal to this system of general instruction based on such institutions as the mosque or the zaouia, and carried forward by such people as the sermon-writer (khatib, wâ'iz), the poet, the religious reformer or the saint, and by a vast literature of popularizations made up of literary anthologies, encyclopedias, local or general histories, biographical dictionaries, pious works, mystical treatises, etc.
The educational and cultural Islamic system led to the production of an abundant literature setting forth its organization and functioning, analyzing its standards and values. Philosophers such as al-Farabi and Miskawayh proposed a theory of education whose end was to allow human beings to reach the perfection proper to their nature. At another level, al-Mawardi  proposed an education programme reconciling worldly and religious interests, and al-Ghazali, in his celebrated Hiyal' alum al-din [The Revival of the Religious Sciences], formulated a theoretical basis and devised a practical method for attaining the religious ideal of the good Muslim. All these educational theories, in line with a tradition that goes back to Graeco-Roman antiquity, are interested in the human being per se, considered in every aspect of his or her being. They do not concentrate on a particular stage of human life or a particular type of instruction or institution; they lay down a number of fundamental educational principles, though in a subsidiary and cursory manner: the restrained use of authority and corporal punishment, the need to awaken the child's interest, the value of example, and progression in learning. Above all, they insist on the importance of the pedagogical relationship and define the respective roles and duties of master and student.
Thus, in Islamic thought education was perceived as a matter that, during infancy, devolved upon the family, especially the father, whereas in adulthood it became the individual's own responsibility. Yet no clear awareness of a unified system of education as a fundamental component of the social system bringing together all aspects of the replication of individuals and groups had come into being. The accent was placed rather on the individual soul, which had to be corrected (taqwim), improved (tahdhib), reformed (islah) and healed of its sickness (mudawat). General concepts such as ta'dib (educate) or ta'lim (instruct) concerned individuals and comprised acts or relations involving person-to-person relationships.

 Source:  Muslim Heritage 

Post your writing

One of the western scientists, Jean Piaget, said that children’s development depends on stages of cognitive development. They are sensory-motor (birth-2 yrs), where the children are able to  differentiates self from objects , pre-operational (2-7 years), learn to use language and to represent objects by images and words, concrete operational (7-11 years), can think logically about objects and events, formal operational (11 years and up)  can think logically about abstract propositions and test hypotheses systematically.  On the other hand, Prophet Muhammad said: ‘Learn science from the cradle to the grave.'  Is the development dependent on the age or learning process? Include at least three reasons to support your argument.  

73 komentar:

  1. Dahlia (PBI 3 / 20401107039)

    If we face to this problem, choose between development dependent on the age or learning process is to difficult to decide it. But, I prefer agree with learning process in which we learn science from the cradle to the grave. I said that because the following reasons below:
    1. Basicly, characteristic of human are always want to know about something or about a knowledge and never satisfy. We never stop to learn, because they will always find something new in their life. And for know that they must learn first. Before know about the knowledge, we must learn first to know it. If they are know about the knowledge they will learn about another knowledge, which they treat as something interest and useful for them.
    2. According to Lock, firstly, human who born to the world treat as white paper and while they continue their life, they will get any experience via learning with will be fulfill their life.
    3. Development depended on the age, like who was said by Jean Piaget just for help human for learn their development. Because, like in the first reason, human always want to know about something, so they do research to the other human for know how and what age part of the human can work actively.
    So, in summary I prefer learn process along life based on the three reasons above.

  2. andi hamsinar..pbi
    In my mind those two opinions are not contradiction, the Piaget theory can be right as well. i think We shouldn't tricked to choose "age" or "learning process" Because these two points are determinant factors in development. The hadeets from the Prophet Seems to talk about learning process in general, this is like "life long education concept, while Piaget tried to Explain it in detail with age approach. Prophet Muhammad said the man begin to learn from the cradle,it means when we are in mother's womb, we've started to learn, for example if mother often memorizes the Quran during pregnancy, the child in her womb records it, that means the child has undergone a process of learning in the womb / cradle. While Piaget discusses the process of learning that since human beings have been born through age or a gradual approach according to age. Syukron

  3. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
    Name: Hasnita. Hasan.

    Posting 4
    Muhammad said: ‘Learn science from the cradle to the grave.
    In my opinion the child's development depends on the stage of cognitive development, or the learning process. My reasons:
    1. All babies born in a state of nature (sacred) because the parents that makes him Jewish, Christian and Zoroastrian. This Hadith explains about everything a child's behavior will return to his parents because factor innate from parents.
    2. Once the importance of studying we must seek knowledge from cradle to the grave. So in the learning process we must not ignore the time to study because the more we learn knowledge more and process objectives to be achieved.

    اطلب العلم من المهد الا الهد
    3. Tuntulah science even though the country china. Once the importance of the learning process then we are commanded to study Chinese in Indonesia not because of the learning process is not satisfactory but the State of China is a symbol to us for more supanya want to proceed because without the proceeds we will not get what he aspired.

    In essentially depending on age of child development and learning, but learning the most influential in improving the knowledge of children. In daily life - the day is usually not the same as the child's ability with age, there is also the learning process both from nature, the cast, the school of environmental, community environment.

  4. ASGAR PBI 2
    For me, … if the Question is the development dependent on the age or learning process? So the answer is both are two things which can not be separated from the discussion of children’s development because they have very closely correlation to it. Basically , there are two strong concepts about development the first concept is from western scientist ,Jean Piaget said that children’s development depends on stage of cognitive development. They are sensory motor ,operational, concrete operational , formal operational .I am sure that this theory based on strong research and observation. Second concept is from our prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W said :’ Learn Science from the cradle to the grave’.
    These two arguments have each reasons why is it. the age or learning process both are the same as having an important role towards the development of children . If we see to jean Piaget theory. Shows that on every person has the following intelligence from birth. so every stage of children age has influences to their development. Whereas , according to our prophet Muhammad saw. The development is influenced by environment where the child live in. because how high level of intelligence of a child will be able to be influenced by the surrounding environment, including for me ,actually the development dependent on learning process on the grounds that : 1) intelligence level of someone can be changed because some things one of them is environment human brain constantly receives information from what is visible to the eye, the terrace by the five senses,,. 2) When a child is born, he/she comes with a brain ready and eager to learn. The brain is very much like a new computer. It has great potential for development, depending on what we put into it. Early experiences greatly influence the way a person develops. 3) As babies grow, they learn that they are not the center of the universe and that they can depend on others. They develop a trust or mistrust of others. As toddlers, they learn to be proud of their accomplishments and state their opinions and desires. As they become preschoolers, children learn to separate from their parents and adjust to the school environment. They begin to participate in classroom activities. They learn to take turns and to solve conflicts using words. They begin to learn to control their emotions. They learn that it is okay to make a mistake. They develop confidence in themselves and learn to love themselves.
    So, the main point is the development of children is influenced by learning process as what our prophet Muhammad said. Thanks….!!!


    It is true that man is his education "from the cradle to the grave" (paragraph 2), here so that people know where the good and true and also so that people know what is wrong. So that people can choose the right way to live their own.

    When talking about development, there is nothing to do with the automatic man, and before the first human development informed and they must learn and learn what is actually building it. And it is clear that the development was dependent on the learning process, because:
    ~With the study of human must be knowledgeable about something.
    ~By learning to bring people to a knowledge, so that they can think and do.
    ~By learning to be a smart man and can imagine.

    Age can also determine the development, because:

    with increasing age the higher human thought and knowledge about something. Since childhood, humans are already able to think, but they don't know / thinking about development. With the explanation above, I agree with that statement.

    PBI 2

    Jean Piaget thought that the development of children depends on the age and stage. He proposed stages of cognitive development which runs according to the age. It means that there is particular process of cognitive that children experience on the particular age. On the contrary, prophet Muhammad saw proposed the importance of lifetime education. He said, “Learn science from the cradle to the grave.” For me, the development depends on the learning process. This is based on three reasons.

    Firstly, the process of education is the continuous process which starts from the birth to the death. This process includes either formal or informal study which is conducted in family, school, in the office while works and in the society life. It cannot be denied that this process either directly or indirectly influences human’s development.
    Secondly, the process of growth and development of human’s personality is dynamic. The personality has an impact to the human’s need indirectly. Whereas the human’s need is fluctuate during the life. It develops more and more and is dependent on the situation. Thus, the development of human’s personality and needs requires lifelong education which is not restricted on the age.

    The last, there is the change of social role and technology in human’s life. Traditionally, the children must study in the formal school as the government has announced the obligation of study for 9 years whereas the adult must not. But, the recent situation is not like that. For example: an 18-years-old adolescent may have married and got jobs, whereas a 30-years-old adult still studies in formal school. Thus, this needs of course the broadening of educational concept and of the range of age in term of education.

    Besides, there are other social problems and the development of technology which lead to changes. That’s why, according to Hasbullah (2006), education must contain important element which play various social role for facilitating people to adapt their changing relationship.

    As conclusion, the development is dependent on the lerning process. It is not merely restricted on the age.

    PBI 1/20401107008

    According one of the scientists,Jean Piaget state that there are four stages of children development depends on Cognitive development.To support this theory,another scientists namely Lev Vygotsky view Learning social Constructivism or Cognitive-Konstruksi where is Zone of Proximal development as a guide centre for learners to reach our knowledge by self actually.Lev Vygotsky state that how to get social interaction and collaborative to created learners for study well.Whereas,Piaget believe that there are four stages(sensorimotor,praoperasional,operasi konkret dan operasi formal).The first stage for 2 years when the children to complete mind and speech to communicate with the others.After the child has to know how to speak well,for 3 years the children have to separated became two forms,the last development stages when the child can take one conclusion without another helps especially from adult,make individualism(Wertsch & Hickmann 1987)
    Prophet Muhammad SaW:"Learn science from the cradle to the grave"For me,when doing something must be know make understand even aim about something and I think development depends on Learning processess through age of somebody.

  8. ASDAR
    PBI 2

    Based on the passage above, it’s confusing to decide the choice, but I prefer to think that the development dependent on learning process which will help us to know more things that can develop the science in this world. I state like this because of some reason, namely:
    1. Mankind will not know everything, except they learn. For example 2-years child can know something because he learns. But, it’s called unconscious learning because he acquires the kowledge.
    2. Doing something is not easy case. Mankind must know how to do things by learning it hard. For example, bricklayer can build the building because they had learnt. Most of them don’t have formal learning, but they just see the other bricklayers work and it can be called learning process.
    3. Forming an attitude mankind needs more time. These time is used to learn how to be an attitude person.
    Remember one case that, learning in not only in formal and conscious situation but also in informal and unconscious situation.

  9. Comment above is Posting 4

  10. Asriadi
    PBI 2
    Posting 4

    In may mind, there are two strong concepts about development of the human, that concept are from western scientist and from our prophet Muhammad SAW. Firstly, Jean Piaget concept says that children’s development depends on stage of cognitive development. They are sensory motor, operational, concrete operational , formal operational. Secondly, our prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W concept says :’ Learn Science from the cradle to the grave’. These are the strong argument. The age or learning process both are the same as having an important role towards the development of children . If we have seen to Jean Piaget theory. Shows that every person has the intelligence from birth. so every stage of children age has influences to their development. Whereas , according to our prophet Muhammad saw. the development is influenced by environment where the child live in. because how high level of intelligence of a child will be able to be influenced by the surrounding environment, including family is number one. For example if mother often memorizes the Qur`an during pregnancy, the child in her womb records it, that means the child has undergone a process of learning in the womb/cradle. While Piaget discusses the process of learning that since human beings have been born through age or a gradual approach according to age
    For me, the development is depends on the learning process.

  11. Fatmasari Ningsih
    PBI 3

    In my opinion, nothing is wrong from the two views above. And the fact that development is influenced by age and one's learning process, because:
    The first, at a certain age children have certain phases in which the children can talk, walk, and others. And in this condition should be taken into consideration as well as possible because if it does not fit with the phase of children will tend to misunderstand.
    The second one said that in a young age is very easy to provide education about something because the power of comprehension when small children are still very fast and can quickly respond stilmulus given.
    Third, it development in the learning process, because a child is usually able to learn well if the learning process also good, meaning that if a child wants to succeed not only seen from its ability to capture resources that are influenced by age, but must also consider his learning process , and the condition of the children in the learning process, whether he's under pressure or not, because usually the child if the circumstances are not good psykologi would be difficult to accept the lesson later. And in the end if all this process is run will make or given birth to a child's achievement and to promote development in Indonesia of course, especially if the young entrepreneurs were very talented and has the ability above average, and it will have a positive impact, both themselves and for others.

    PBI 2

    Jean Piaget said that children’s development depends on age and stages. On the other side, Prophet Muhammad saw said, “Learn science from the cradle to the grave”. In my mind, the development depends on the learning process because of three reasons.

    The first, Vygotsky (1896-1934) a Russian national psychologist, agreed with Piaget's theory that the cognitive development occurs gradually and is characterized by the style of thinking different, but Vygotsky disagreed with Piaget's view that children explore the world alone and form a picture of reality alone, according to Vygotsky, the cognitive development is not only obtained by the children themselves but also received help from their environment.
    The second, the Tarzan story or film. It showed us how the cognitive development is influenced by surrounding and learning process that Tarzan experienced.
    The last, the book An Introduction to Lifelong Education written by Paul Lengrand in step with our Prophet Muhammad said above. It told us that learning process is begun from the birth to the death, that process can be formal (school) or informal (environment) which influences the children`s development.

    As conclusion, the development depend of learning process, it can be informal or formal.


    PBI 2

    POSTING: ke 4

    As was said by Jean Piaget that the child's development depends on the stage of cognitive development, on the other hand, the Prophet Muhammad said "to learn science from the cradle to the grave", then can I conclude that the development was referring to 2 things, which are in the process (which is described by Jean Piaget) and age (learn science from the cradle to the grave).

    Reason the first: the theory of Jean Piaget developments produce the forms and features new capabilities that goes from the stage of simple activity into a higher stage. The development was moving gradually but surely, through a stage to the next stage,

    The second reason: that when we Study abroad from the cradle to the grave we can achieve intelligent man who can build human development (age)

    The third reason: cognitive theory is based on the assumption that unlicensed cognitive ability is something fundamental and guiding your child's behavior. With this cognitive ability, then the child is seen as individuals who actively construct their own knowledge about the world.

    And I think a greater percentage Jean Piaget refers to the process before the second age

  14. In my point of view, development is defending on learning process which is running continuously from birth until death.our prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W concept says :’ Learn Science from the cradle to the grave’.it is clearly mention that cradle here means that we learn and acquire something from our environment particularly our family,,,for instance when our mother always do the right thing automatically we will acquire her action.Therefore our prophet suggest to the parents to being a good figure for their child.In addition when I noticed children surrounding me it is srongly show that a good environment will create a good person also.Furthermore,my experience show that development is defending on learning process because for several years ago I was a childish one but now I can feel more wise.

  15. The comment above is from ARINDA TRIANA/PBI 2...he.. .he...he.SORRY because I forgot to write my name...

    PBI 2

    well, Jean Piaget stated that children's development depends on stage of cognitive development, he believes children's cognitive is running along the age steps. on other hand our prophet Muhammad s.a.w said " learn science from the cradle to the grave". in my point of view the development of someone cognitive is depend much on what they get in their environment. this statement is based on three fondations :
    first, let see holy Quran Al-ankabut:43. Actually there are two ways to get the knowledge (1)"dharuri knoledge" that we will get it by intellect and feeling. (2)" muktasabah knowledge" that we will get by research and find the evidence. both of these ways are always done by us in every single day unconsciously.
    second, Vygotsky believes the role of educational is to provide children with experiences which are in their Zone of Proximal Development (difference between what a learner can do without help and what they can do with help. the children who is guide by the teacher well will have a good cognitive than the one who have not.
    the last is that,learning continuously is the best way to develop children cognitive because by that, the information they have gotten will be saved in their long term memory. so the age stage of the children is not influence the cognitive development.

  17. POSTING 4
    Now we are see the different point between one of the western scientist, Jean Piaget and our prophet Muhammad SAW.
    -It can be denied that children’s development depends on stages. Like as piaget words. The ages are given as a very rough guideline only, children very considerably both in the age of onset of a given phase, and in how fast they proceed one phase or stages to another. All children normally go through the stages in the order indicated, however. If I mean peaget see in spesific stages.
    -“ learn science from the cardle to the grave “ that is right for me but if I see the statement of Muhammad SAW is in general meaning. What does Piaget means is the includes of learning process from the cardle to the grave. Because when we are learn, we feel that we are stupid and lower. There is no body get successfully about their knowledge but input and output is one of way in learn.

    -Finally, both of them are right. Peaget means, children in birth-11 years and up is the stages of children development. But it doesn’t enough to know their self. Learn not only in academic center but also environment and morality. It does Muhammad means.

  18. Ahsanul khalikin
    Pbi 1
    Posting 4

    Every one may have different opinion about it. For me, development not coming from age or environment(learning). But both of the age and learning is correspondence. To support my opinion, I will expose three reason. First, God has create the human talents and potential to be applicated. Second. Actually human born to learn,because No one is born by knowledge. Third, human who has been old but long life learning will get the best development.
    Those reason may representaive that different things is not always defeat each other. It means, Age and learning process are the most important thing to reach the pure development. We should collaborate them… And long life learning should be done to reach it…. Tq

    PBI 2
    Jean Piaget thought that the development of children depends on the age and stage. He proposed stages of cognitive development which runs according to the age. It means that there is particular process of cognitive that children experience on the particular age. On the contrary, prophet Muhammad saw proposed the importance of lifetime education. He said, “Learn science from the cradle to the grave.” For me, the development depends on the learning process. This is based on three reasons.
    Firstly, the process of education is the continuous process which starts from the birth to the death. This process includes either formal or informal study which is conducted in family, school, in the office while works and in the society life. It cannot be denied that this process either directly or indirectly influences human’s development.
    Secondly, the process of growth and development of human’s personality is dynamic. The personality has an impact to the human’s need indirectly. Whereas the human’s need is fluctuate during the life. It develops more and more and is dependent on the situation. Thus, the development of human’s personality and needs requires lifelong education which is not restricted on the age.
    The last, there is the change of social role and technology in human’s life. Traditionally, the children must study in the formal school as the government has announced the obligation of study for 9 years whereas the adult must not. But, the recent situation is not like that. For example: an 18-years-old adolescent may have married and got jobs, whereas a 30-years-old adult still studies in formal school. Thus, this needs of course the broadening of educational concept and of the range of age in term of education.
    Besides, there are other social problems and the development of technology which lead to changes. That’s why, according to Hasbullah (2006), education must contain important element which play various social role for facilitating people to adapt their changing relationship.

  20. Asriaman
    PBI 2
    204 011 07 037
    The development dependent on the learning process because the children in their life have some stages such as Crying when they birth, smiling when they feel happy in seeing (when they had seen something) or Crying when they feel sad in seeing, Saying a letter by letter include a.aa or ma….ma. Fawning after just sleep and carried their head, they try to fawn, Standing, Walking, Saying something fluently and Running.
    The development of children also pass some steps in learning process formally such as they want to seeing the shapes of something, after that they want to touch or gripping thing and the last they want to try it.
    The development don’t dependent of age because we often see, there are the children who had old age but they cannot walk or say. So that’s way the development is not based on the age but the learning process.

  21. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
    Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

    Name : Andi Rahmawati
    Nim : 20401108019
    Group : PBI 1

    In fact, education is one of the most important social phenomena in al-Faraby’s philosophical system. It is concerned with the human soul and makes sure that the individual is prepared to reach the goal for which he was created. Because the education destination is to lead the individual be perfect one. Related with Enesco Education pillar, Learning to know, learning to do, learning to life together and learning to be, in my point of view those are have most similarities with Al faraby’s philosophical system.

    Learning to know: Looking at it as a means, people have to learn to understand the world around them, at least as much as is necessary for them to lead their lives with some dignity, develop their occupational skills and communicate with other people.

    Learning to do: how do we adapt education so that it can equip people to do the types of work needed in the future? one of the goals of education is to combine learning with practical action, for the purpose of knowledge is that it should be applied, and perfection of life is transformed into action: ‘

    Learning to life together: Experience shows that isn’t enough to set up contacts and communication between people who are liable to come into conflict to reduce this risk If the different groups are rivals or if they do not have the same status in the same geographical area, they may have the opposite effect to that desired it can make opportunity for conflict So, of education come to teach us about human diversity and awareness of the similarities among us .

    Learning to Be: All people should receive in their childhood and youth an education that equips them to develop their own independent, critical way of thinking and how to judge something. So that they can make up their own minds on the best courses of action in the different circumstances.
    After knowing we apply in our life with all societies than we can be (insan Al kamil ) and find the perfection of life which bring us safety in the world and hereafter .

  22. at andi rahma : miss poin i think.........

  23. HAMZAH
    PBI 2 08

    I am in the same think of Piaget. When he said that, development of children depends on cognitive development. Children must be excellent in the cognitive. And it just be really in fact by trying and learning early. It is the basic skill to children before they socialize in environment . cognitive skill is can open the next skills of children.

    Sensory motor (birth 2 years, )it is the time for children do the filterisation of all of thing in their brain. Whatever that given to them are going to be input in children’s experience. So, for this case, the parent should care as well as to their children. Because the bad thing can be copied to them. Children still cannot differentiate about the good and bad thing. The children just know differentiate the object from their self.

    Pre-operationa(7 years)l, children learn to use language and represent objects by images and words. It means that, they begin can know something whatever that they have received from out of themselves. Their remembering begin be strong, and understand about thing. So they can explain it by language or images or words.

    Concrete – operational( 7-11 years). Children have done their brain logically to think about something. They step by step analyze before giving respon. But it just in material.

    Formal –operational(11 years up ). Children can think logically something abstract and test hypothesis systematic. They can thinking some thing more critic and think about it almost in all sides. So I can say that, this time children can find the right and the incorrect thing.

    Prophet Muhammad said: ‘Learn science from the cradle to the grave.' It means that all time in our live must nothing time to bored to learn about something. Because our knowledge very little than our God. Whatever nobody one can like our God. So don’t be lazy to looking for God’s knowledge…..thanks

  24. AMRANG
    PBI I

    Establishing a useful understanding of two different point of views, Jean Piaget; children’s development depends on stages of cognitive development and Prophet Muhammad; children’s development dependent on learning process. I strongly focus in children’s development dependent on learning process by considering some reasons as follows;

    1. Vygotsky posited that children learn through hands-on experience, he claimed that timely and sensitive intervention by adults when a child is on the edge of learning a new task (called the zone of proximal development) could help children learn new tasks. This technique is called "scaffolding," because it builds upon knowledge children already have with new knowledge that adults can help the child learn. An example of this might be when a parent helps an infant clap or roll her hands to the pat-a-cake rhyme, until she can clap and roll her hands herself. process base on some reasons as follows;

    2. Stages of development may overlap or be associated with specific other aspects of development, such as speech or movement. Even within a particular developmental area, transition into a stage may not mean that the previous stage is completely finished.

    3. Erikson, a follower of Freud's, synthesized both Freud's and his own theories to create what is known as the "psychosocial" stages of human development, which span from birth to death, and focuses on "tasks" at each stage that must be accomplished to successfully navigate life's challenges.

    In accordance those reasons above, the basic mechanisms or causes of developmental change are genetic factors and environmental factors. Although developmental change runs parallel with chronological age, age itself cannot cause development. So, in this case the development dependent on learning process, not dependent on the age…

    PBI 2

    Swiss psychologist, Jean Piaget, saying that children can actively construct their own cognitive world, and exceed the development through four stages in understanding the world. Each stage associated with age and consist of different ways of thinking. The four phases are: (sensory-motor stage), (preoperational stage), (concrete operational stage), and (formal operational stage). So, according to Jean Piaget's educational development depends on the age or stage of cognitive levels in children. But our Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "Learn science from the cradle to the grave," Proposed the importance of lifetime education.

    For me, the development depends on the learning process and long life education. There are three reason:

    First is according to Jean Piaget's Theory is already included in the Hadist of the Prophet who said that ‘Learn science from the cradle to the grave’, whereas in the theory of Jean Piaget as well as learning from birth to grow up but he is classified in four stages. And in this case includes also the learning process. Because it could have a child will experience the preoperational stage longer than any other child that age is not the main criterion in the learning process.

    Second, in the education process that must begin from birth until we die, in this case including formal and informal learning processes that can be done in schools, in place of tutoring, at work, and in the general environment in which we live as families, friends and others. Because without us knowing human development take place directly or indirectly.

    And the last of education in Islamic thought, education, which here takes in religion and morals, is a process that does not end at the specified stage or age, but lasts a lifetime, as expressed in the saying attributed to Prophet Muhammad: 'Learning science from the cradle to grave 'According to "The Education System in Muslim societies" resources.

    As conclusion the development is dependent on the learning process because everything we do in life has included the learning process.

    PBI 1
    20401108007 / Semester VI

    As the most perfect creature of God's other creatures, humans were given by God are several advantages not shared by other creatures of intellect and reasoning power.Human ability to think and reason it is possible in humans because it has the most perfect brain structures compared to the brains of various types of other living creatures.Therefore, in the lives of everyday people always keep trying to add and collect the Science knowledge. Science knowledge acquired is to preserve this earth of all the damage.

    Based on the foregoing, in my opinion one's development of science depends on one's own age. it caused by several things like:

    1. Humans get the knowledge acquired from experience (empirical) and also the logic that they have (rational) of the human experience continuous process with a way of thinking so as to produce a science. In terms of processing knowledge possessed by humans is very depending on human life itself, because it should be emphasized that although the learning process took place but if the person was old age he would be more difficult to digest better science when compared with people who younger age in the process of science itself.

    2. Human ability to develop knowledge can not be separated from the ability of young menalar.semakin age of a person the ability of his reason will become stronger and automatically people will be increasingly easy to digest something new to be developed.Humans think and reason to collect the hidden knowledge in this universe. The process of gathering knowledge is a learning process experienced by humans since birth until the grave. Then human knowledge gathered through the use of their minds will be assembled into a form that is patterned.

    3. Human knowledge can be developed due to two main points namely: first, humans have a language capable of communicating information and way of thinking lies behind the information, which should be known that in language acquisition would be easier if they were younger age, especially if the person straight still in the ages 0 -2 years.Second, humans have the ability to think according to the flow frame of mind, called the reasoning as described previously. Second thing is what allows humans to develop their knowledge.
    As a conclusion, the development of one's knowledge is strongly influenced by one's own life, starting from the acquisition of ilm knowledge that if found at a younger age, then the learning process will be more easily understood when compared with people who umrnya older.

    Thanks Sir !!!!!!!!!!

  27. Assalamualaikm…
    PBI 2

    Humans are creatures who have a great curiosity about something abut what they thingking. So, to fulfill that desire, the people need to learn. In my opinion, a person in taking learning is closely related to one's age and the learning process itself. The learning process should be done since the man was still child until death arrived. But sometimes one's progress is not always followed with growth or age. I say this because:
    1. Sometimes a baby or a human during in uterus experience of growth and development that are less good. This occurs because the nutrient intake provided by a mother was less and also because there are several factors, such as stress, many taking the drug, and others. So a baby born is disturbance in their brain that makes them difficult to accept the lesson or learn something around them. For example in patients with autism. Therefore, parents and the community must cooperate in helping children who suffered such it in order to they can grow through a good learning process, although its development is not like a normal human.
    2. A child who has special skills or indigo to know something more than his age. So the learning process greatly affects the child's development in order to use its potential well.
    3. According Vigotsky, the development of a child is determined by the child's social interaction itself. Where are the people who are among the child affect the learning process. For example a child will know the draw when taught by their parents or adults. So if the child is in environment less education process can result in the development of a child.

    So I conclude that a person's development is not always determined by age, but depending on the learning process itself. This is because the external and internal factors.


    PBI 1/SEM VI

    According to Jean Piaget children’s development depends on stages of cognitive development. It starts from sensory-motor (birth-2 yrs), where the children are able to differentiates self from objects , pre-operational (2-7 years), learn to use language and to represent objects by images and words, concrete operational (7-11 years), can think logically about objects and events, formal operational (11 years and up) can think logically about abstract propositions and test hypotheses systematically.
    In islam perspective about children’s development, it starts from the birth until the end. Indeed, when the baby is in womb before born. It’s suitable with the prophet’s hadis “learn the science from the cradle to the grave. It means there is not limitation in learning whether young or old.
    In my point of view, the children’s development does not depend on stages of cognitive development, but it happens automatically when the baby still in the womb till the end. Why I say so, because:
    1. When the baby still in womb, it has experienced cognitive development not only after the baby born. It’s proved by sounding off the classical music to baby when still in the womb.
    2. The development is not influenced by the age but learning process. It means, in getting something like knowledge is from the process of learning, so someone who has mature age does not guarantee that he/she has much more knowledge.
    3. The children’s development is not influenced by age but it probably by the parents. Allah SWT said in holy qur’an.
    يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ وَالْحِجَارَةُ عَلَيْهَا مَلَائِكَةٌ غِلَاظٌ شِدَادٌ لَّا يَعْصُونَ اللَّهَ مَا أَمَرَهُمْ وَيَفْعَلُونَ مَا يُؤْمَرُونَ ﴿٦﴾
    (6) O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded.
    This verses inform us to save our family include the children. It means the children’s development is influenced by the parents. Even though the children have been already old, but the parents never lead them, that’s just nothing .
    Finally, I’m going to say the children development is influenced by the learning process, parents and so on. So, don’t ever say “late” to study! Because age don’t have relation with it.

    NIM: 20401108040
    PBI 2

    Children’s development depends on stages of cognitive development, as mentioned by Piaget in the above. Prophet Muhammad said: ‘Learn science from the cradle to the grave.' In my point of view, development depend on the learning process by the following reasons below:
    1. Development depends on the learning process because by learning, where children are given a stimulus so they have intellectual development. They accept the science and knowledge of the learning process which he has done in school.
    2. The learning process not only in school but learning can also occur in the environment. Where a child interacts with the environment, interact with the surrounding community. The development of a child not only influenced by the social environment but also is influenced by family environment.
    3. Age is not an influence on the development because human always had been developed. Sometimes there is a child that his way of think likes an adult, even more than adults. That's because he develops faster than others. Developments influenced by some factors like: biologist factor, food, psychologist condition and environment factor. in addition, also depends on the stimulus received, serenity and peace that is felt, the presence of both parents as a major figure in the child to explore, and experience of interaction when children socialize with the outside world.

  30. Name : Darmawati
    Nim : 20401108030
    Group: PBI 2

    In my opinion, the development dependent on the learning process. The reasons are;
    1. Someone who success because of learning process. Becoming a success one, we need long time to learn. In learning process, we get knowledge to develop ourselves.
    2. Learning experience that we have been gotten by learning process is one way to solve our problem in our life.
    3. One of the purposes of education is making perfect human being. so, by learning process someone can reach it.

  31. Deviansi
    to Ayu Avrilya

    In u're statemnt u say that development of human is depending on learning proress. how about the age?can explain n give me example?

  32. name: marlina
    nim: 20401108051
    grou: pbi 2

    In my point of view, talking about the individual’s development, it is mean that development is changing systematically, progressively and sequencely in individual since birth until death. Or We Can Say That changing That They get to toward adult or Their maturity So, become big question for us, development is the dependent on the age or learning process ???????.

    My answer is off course both of Them give influence to the individual’s development especially in learning. Why I say like that, the first-We have to know That changing of development is dependent each other "Between one part with another part, neither psychical nor psychological. Example: one’s speaking ability as the run as with Their intellectual or cognitive. Changing That occur is increase, wide for example changing of knowledge and skills from simple to complex.

    The second, development of individual Basically have principles: 1. Development is a process never to stop which mean That there isn’t age limitation. In here there is correlation with our Prophet saying,2. All development’s aspects have correlation each other 3. Another reconstruction from the knowledge of the individual is the process by which persons take material Into Their Mind from Their environment, which May mean changing the Evidence of Their Senses to make it fit.

    The third, “learn about science from cradle to grave”. It Is mean that is learning process, there isn’t age limitation. Because in the process or learning is not only formal (school) but Also outside (environment). So , We Can find knowledge anytime and anywhere.

    So as conclusion, development dependent on the age and learning process. Because learning is Interaction continually Between Their individual with environment since they life in this world.

    NIM : 20401108037

    in my point of view, I agree with you sir. That is said that in Islamic thought, education, which here takes place in religion and morals, is a process that ends at no determined stage or age but lasts an entire lifetime, as expressed in saying attributed to the Prophet Muhammad: 'learn science from the cradle to the grave.' According to my agreement, I prefer the development of knowledge depends on learning process, not depends on age or stage.

    I have several reasons to explain my answer. Firstly, at birth, we are entirely devoid of knowledge, or we are still no more than 'raw material'. We then gradually gain 'form' of knowledge we acquire through our eyes, ears, hands, and other organs of human being. Then we fulfill our ignorant only through knowledge.

    Secondly, as we know that education was perceived as a matter that, during infancy, devolved upon the family, especially the mother. Why I say that mother has important role for our process learning, because, when we are in her fetus, she always keeps herself and her baby from any dangerous things and all that Allah forbid (harem). When a child comes in the world, a hard job has been girth in the mother's shoulders, whereas in adulthood it became the individuals own responsibility.

    Thirdly, learning science for educate ourselves to understand knowledge, and there is no term 'stop' or age limitation to get knowledge since we still live in this world. Besides, as much as knowledge we get, concequently we have to responsible to continously to other people and also to get benediction of knowledge.

    Finally, as my conclusion, I would like to said that 'learn science from the cradle to the grave' the development depends on learning process, not depends on age or stage of human being. Because we can get knowledge whenever and wherever is, since we still live in this world. Besides, there is no limitation by age and place. The benediction of knowledge we will get if we able to continously our knowledge to other people..


  34. Asniarti saleh
    Nim: 20401108023
    Pbi 1

    Based on stage of cognitive development from piaget and as expressed Prophet Muhammad:"Learn science from the cradle to the grave. I think that the development dependent on learning process with reason:

    -If we see from the stage of cognitive development by piaget, development of thought ability with concrete object, I mean can think logicaly about object and events on stage of concrete operational. It formed because there is interaction between children and environment. With entering school, children will get increasing the environment concept that will help to increase development of their thought.

    -Like hadis said that human born in condition is pure. And their parent makes him Jewish, Christian and Zoroastria. This hadis explained that children will grow and develop dependent how their parent educate them.

    -As expressed in the saying attributed to the Prophet Muhammad:" Learn science from the cradle to the grave". In this case described that educated have the role is very important in human life. Because with education will formed a habit of self a child and it is a process.

    From on the three reason above, I concluded that development dependent on learning process as expressed in saying attributed to the Prophet Muhammad.

    Thank you sir....

  35. from adil
    to brother Amaran

    U said that development happen because of learning process no age. one side i agree with u but u may consider that how about the children 1-2years, anyhow you teach them about the theology, they cannot my point of view age and learning process is something cannot be separated for development of the children.

  36. by Asniarti
    to darmawati

    I agree with U that development dependent on learning process but how about the age in cognitive development from Piaget? thanks...

  37. from ADIL
    to the all member of this group

    level of age is very significant for development of the children because as adult somebody as high as his/her development. this is a fact, when you was child, sure u don't know how to speak,and others,so i disagree if some of you said that the age doesn't have act to children development.

  38. Makassar, March 15, 2011
    PBI II

    Is development depends on age or learning process?
    First of all, both of them could be if we learnt to the theory, but in my simple point view, I more emphasize in learning process by several reason:

    First, I would like to consider to the prophet said: ‘Learn science from the cradle to the grave’. Word “from”….”to” It signs us about process (never stop to learn) not the steps of learning. If we consider to Jean Piaget theory, the steps is important to indicate that human is have already adult. Do you think so? But I don’t.

    In reality and fact we can see the one could develop in lately or early age without considering stage of their age. So most important are experiences and learning that they undergo.

    If we go with Jean Piaget theory, we will underestimate the human as a unique creation and thinker. In Islamic educational system, the body and soul should be considered in balance start we taught them without considering age. If we stake to the stage, it means that we have to leave the stage if our age is enough and start learning to the next stage process.

    As a last, I agree with the statement that as Islamic thought, education, which here takes in religion and morals, is a process that ends at no determined stage or age but lasts an entire lifetime, as expressed in the saying attributed to the Prophet Muhammad: ‘Learn science from the cradle to the grave'.

  39. I agree that the developing of education is through the learning process but on the theory of Jean Pieget which he said that development through the ages in the four stages through which it
    - Sensorimotor stage, which occurs from birth to age 2 years, the existence of mental development is marked by great progress in the infant's ability to organize and coordinate sensations (such as seeing and hearing) through the movements and physical actions.
    - Preoperational stage, which occurs from ages 2 to 7 years, at this stage children begin to describe the world with words and pictures.
    - Concrete operational stage, which lasts from age 7 to 11 years, At this stage children can perform logical reasoning.
    - Formal operational stage, which looks at age 11 to 15 years, At this stage, individuals beyond the real world, concrete experiences and think in abstract and more logical.

    And the fourth stage is already included with the learning process. You also can read my first reason, because It could be a child will experience the preoperational stage longer than any other child that age is not the main criterion in the learning process.

    And in my opinion. Your statement in favor of learning procedure itself. So the question that you gave to me at least you also have to answer .. he .. he ..

  40. to adil,
    in my point, it may be true,. but as in my writing, a child could be more adult by her/his experience whiout considering stage. it depends on their environment and their experience without lay aside from piaget theory. I empahsize in learning process.
    how do you think?
    by Mariama

  41. i just want to say that Rasulullah "learn knowledge from cradle to the grave" in my point of cradle means child and grave means pass away, another word is "long life education". Both Raulullah and Piaget are right, piaget views accordance the age, and Rasulullah views the important of the knowledge whole.

  42. im sorry... iam forget to write the name.

    Ayu Afrilya

    to DEviansi L.

    thanks for the question

  43. Ayu Afrilya
    To my beloved sister Deviansi L.

    thanks for the question..

    I agree that the developing of education is through the learning process but on the theory of Jean Pieget which he said that development through the ages in the four stages through which it
    - Sensorimotor stage, which occurs from birth to age 2 years, the existence of mental development is marked by great progress in the infant's ability to organize and coordinate sensations (such as seeing and hearing) through the movements and physical actions.
    - Preoperational stage, which occurs from ages 2 to 7 years, at this stage children begin to describe the world with words and pictures.
    - Concrete operational stage, which lasts from age 7 to 11 years, At this stage children can perform logical reasoning.
    - Formal operational stage, which looks at age 11 to 15 years, At this stage, individuals beyond the real world, concrete experiences and think in abstract and more logical.

    And the fourth stage is already included with the learning process. You also can read my first reason, because It could be a child will experience the preoperational stage longer than any other child that age is not the main criterion in the learning process.

    And in my opinion. Your statement in favor of learning procedure itself. So the question that you gave to me at least you also have to answer .. he .. he ..

  44. Ayu Afrilya
    To my beloved sister Deviansi L.

    thanks for the question..

    I agree that the developing of education is through the learning process but on the theory of Jean Pieget which he said that development through the ages in the four stages through which it
    - Sensorimotor stage, which occurs from birth to age 2 years, the existence of mental development is marked by great progress in the infant's ability to organize and coordinate sensations (such as seeing and hearing) through the movements and physical actions.
    - Preoperational stage, which occurs from ages 2 to 7 years, at this stage children begin to describe the world with words and pictures.
    - Concrete operational stage, which lasts from age 7 to 11 years, At this stage children can perform logical reasoning.
    - Formal operational stage, which looks at age 11 to 15 years, At this stage, individuals beyond the real world, concrete experiences and think in abstract and more logical.

    And the fourth stage is already included with the learning process. You also can read my first reason, because It could be a child will experience the preoperational stage longer than any other child that age is not the main criterion in the learning process.

    And in my opinion. Your statement in favor of learning procedure itself. So the question that you gave to me at least you also have to answer .. he .. he ..

  45. Bismillah
    Assalamu Alaikum wr.wb
    Name: Andi Ramahmawati
    Group: PBI 1

    Every son of man has a potential perspicacity, And to develop their life they have to learn more and more. . So the development dependent on those two parts Age and learning process.
    Firstly: Like knife, the more we grind down the more sharped. As the brain too the more we study hard the more sharped . And young age support the development of learning.
    Secondly: Howard Gardner said in his research, that the wits haven’t constant quality and isn’t the one ownership but it’s an ability that can be improve.
    Third: the potential perspicacity dependent on their skill to solve and to create an opus.
    Than age and learning process is two parts that support the development of life.

  46. Name : Ahmad Muhaemin
    Group : PBI 1
    Nim : 20401108012

    Talking about cognitive development, I think it is influenced by age and learning process as what peaget said in his theory and saying of prophet. It means that both of them couldn't be separated each other. According to some scientific that there are a lot of reasons age and learning process called have an important influence in cognitive development, but here i would like to try mentioning 3 reasons and they are :
    1. Age is one of the requirement to get education formally such as a child could start entering in elementary school if she or he is 6-7 years old and this is suitable what peaget said. According to his theory that in cognitive development there are 4 periods that are passed by someone, they are :
    a. Sensor motoric (0-2 years old)
    b. Pra operational (2-7 years old), here child begins studying to describe object by using picture or words.
    c. Concrete operate (7-11 years old), here child begin thinking logical.
    d. Formal operate (11- adult), here child could think abstractly, make a conclution based on the test which has got before.
    2. As` prophet’s hadits said “ uthlubul ilma minal mahdi ilal lahdi”, where it could be called long life education . By this hadits , I could take conclusion that learning process is very important to have a good cognitive and i do agree with prophet that Learning process influences cognitive development.
    3. All human being of course have a brain and a good power. So much experiences or shortness to do something will make them have better cognitive and this should be supported by
    Age. I mean by getting adult make us think logically and finally will arise awareness in their hearts ant of course the last is someone's cognitive will develop well.

  47. adriana saleh

    my comment to haisa
    I disagree with your reason said that age is not an influence on the development. because I think age also influence on the development. such as physical development. how about it???

  48. Name : Eci
    Goup : PBI 2

    Talking about cognitive development basic on the old according Jean Piaget and cognitive development base on the development process, I think that the both of the opinion is true. Why? Because:
    1. I agree about the Jean Piaget statement he said that there are four step in the development period:
     Period sensory (0-2 years) reflection development.
     Period processional (2-7 years) the children playing, learning and explorer the object with use picture and vocabulary.
     Period cognitive operational (6-11 years) children can classify nouns base on the form, children use logic.
     Period operational formal (11 until adult) children could think abstraction, use logic and could make conclusion about the information.
    2. Cognitive development influence by the old but couldn't disparate from development process. Why? Because in life everything influence by process eventuate old as mention above that (0-2 years) will experience development. Reflection development on (0-2 years) will not direct such as on (6-11 years)automatically use process.
    3. All human being have cognitive but have difference one each other. So human need process to develop their cognitive.

  49. Name : Eci
    Goup : PBI 2

    Talking about cognitive development basic on the old according Jean Piaget and cognitive development based on the development process, I think that the both of the opinion is true. Why? Because:
    1. I agree about the Jean Piaget statement he said that there are four step in the development period:
     Period sensory (0-2 years) reflection development.
     Period properational (2-7 years) the children playing, learning and explorer the object with use picture and vocabulary.
     Period cognitive operational (6-11 years) children can classify nouns based on the form, children use logic.
     Period operational formal (11 until adult) children could think abstracted, use logic and could make conclusion about the information.
    2. Cognitive development influence by the old but couldn't disparate from development process. Why? Because in life everything influence by process even though old as mention above that (0-2 years) will experience development. Reflection development on (0-2 years) will not direct such as on (6-11 years)automatically use process.
    3. All human being have cognitive but have difference one each other. So human need process to develop their cognitive.

  50. Fitriani. N
    PBI 2

    In my opinion, the child's development depends on the stage of cognitive development in which the question is the development depends on the age or the learning process? Both were very influential on the development of age or learning process as both very important and has a very close relationship, the first draft of the theory of Jean Piaget did a lot of research on the development of human cognitive abilities, Jean Piaget in his theory of human cognitive ability consists of 4 stages from birth to adulthood. Stage and sequence applies to all ages but the age at the time a person enters a certain stage is not the same for everyone. The fourth stage is the stage of development of sensory motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational.
    Concept to two of the Prophet Muhammad said: "learn science from the cradle to the grave." Here, can be formulated a principle that education is a continuous process from infancy to death who perform a learning process. This concept is in accordance with the concept of Islam, Hadith the Prophet Muhammad, who advocated learning from the cradle to the grave.
    Both of these arguments each has an important role towards the development of children in view of the theory of Jean Piaget in which cognitive development occurs when a baby is born in which every person has the intelligence of the birth, so that the stages of child's age is very influential on the development of children in the process learning, according to Muhammad child development affects the environment in which the child lived for more intelligent children based on their environment, such as 2-year-old children is based more on the environment, such as seeing, hearing and touch others.
    Development depends on the age or the learning process, my reasons: 1). Person's intelligence level can be changed or is not the same in accordance with the ability to understand for several reasons one of them inherited from the parent factor. 2). Children are born with the sacred and the brain state that is ready to learn according to their potential. 3). Growth of the baby, they develop a trust or distrust of others, or they can depend on others.
    Based on the above views can be concluded that every person has the intelligence of each depends on his age and his ability or of heredity from the parents that the child's development depends on cognitive development or learning.

    PBI 2 / Semester VI
    In my point of view, the development of knowledge depend of learning process because some reasons. They are :
    1. Generally, the characteristic of human always want to know about a new thing specially knowledge and remember that they never satisfy about the knowledge itself and always try to find it out by learning process.
    2. By learning process someone can develop a knowledge to the other knowledge, because she / he always try to increase thing that he / she has by learn more about the knowledge itself.
    3. To create something that has a useful for ourselves or the other people we have to study more about it, with learning process we can create a new thing that has many purposes to all people.

  52. Andi rahmi
    Pbi 1

    I think the two are the same equal right of opinion but I would agree that education depends on the learning process rather than seeing the age as it was said by Prophet Muhammad (lifelong learning). where the learning process is considered not an obligation but a necessity. which if not met then the individual is feeling some lack in him. if we look at the contents of Al-Quran and Al-Hadith, the lies the several messengers, which requires that for every good Muslim men and women to study engineering so that they belong to the intelligent people, away from the fog ignorance and stupidity because science itself is very high demands its value in terms of worship because worship is not based on science
    associated with it, would they labor in vain to his credit.

    Given the importance of spreading knowledge to the human / community so that they are not in ignorance and darkness, the necessary awareness for the propagator, teachers and scholars, to a light hand to lead them towards happiness in this world and the hereafter. For teachers and scholars who like to hide his knowledge, received threats, as the words of the Prophet:
    "Anyone who asked about something scientific, then hide (do not want to give the answer), then Allah will curb (mouth), later on the Day of Resurrection with restraint (control) of the Fire." (Reported by Ahmad).

    Piaget says that children can actively construct their own cognitive world. Piaget believed that children adjust their thinking to master new ideas, because additional information will increase their understanding of the world. Piaget says that we go beyond the development through four stages in understanding the world. Each stage associated with age and consist of different ways of thinking. But, Keep in mind, that at each stage cannot move to the next stage if the previous stage has not been completed and any age cannot be a major benchmark a person is at a certain stage because it depends on the characteristic development of each individual. It could be a child will experience the preoperational stage longer than any other child that age is not the main criterion

    So, As a Muslim, we are obliged to deepen our knowledge to our future. Let us seek knowledge, with no ending without a limit to the grave, with sincerity and strong determination to practice and donated it to the public, so we all can get an outcome and the fruit later

  53. andi pratiwi oddang
    pbi 1

    both are two things which can not be separated from the discussion of children’s development because they have very closely correlation to it. Basically , there are two strong concepts about development the first concept is from western scientist ,Jean Piaget said that children’s development depends on stage of cognitive development. They are sensory motor ,operational, concrete operational , formal operational .I am sure that this theory based on strong research and observation. Second concept is from our prophet MUHAMMAD S.A.W said :’ Learn Science from the cradle to the grave’.
    These two arguments have each reasons why is it. the age or learning process both are the same as having an important role towards the development of children . If we see to jean Piaget theory. Shows that on every person has the following intelligence from birth. so every stage of children age has influences to their development. Whereas , according to our prophet Muhammad saw. The development is influenced by environment where the child live in.

    In my opinion, nothing is wrong from the two views above. And the fact that development is influenced by age and one's learning process, because:
    The first, at a certain age children have certain phases in which the children can talk, walk, and others. And in this condition should be taken into consideration as well as possible because if it does not fit with the phase of children will tend to misunderstand. Every one may have different opinion about it

  54. EVI Ervina
    PBI 2
    Jean Piaget said that the development of children Depends on the age and stage. He proposed that cognitive development occurs in stages and characterized with different thinking styles. First, the sensorimotor stage (ages 0-2 years). At this stage, children do not have a fixed conception of the object. Children use sensing system, motor system and objects - other objects to get to know their environment. Second, the preoperational stage (ages 2-7 years), children begin to arise cognitive development, but still limited to things - things that can be found in the environment only. At this stage, children are able to use symbols - symbols, using words - words, remembering the past and will happen soon. Third, the concrete operational stage (ages 7-11 years), children already know the symbol - the symbol of mathematical, but not to deal with things - things that abstract. Fourth, the formal operational stage (age 11 - adult), children already have the abstract thinking on the form - the form is more complex, to reason logically, and draw conclusions.
    Then, Prophet Muhammad said, "Learn science from the cradle to the grave". In my point of view, the development Depends on the learning process Because of three Reasons.
    The first, Vygotsky (1896-1934) a Russian national psychologist, with Piaget's theory Agreed That the cognitive development occurs gradually and is characterized by the style of thinking different, but Vygotsky disagreed with Piaget's view That children explore the world alone and form a picture of reality alone, According to Vygotsky, the cognitive development is not only obtained by the children themselves but Also received help from Their environment.
    Second, cognitive development was built through self-motivated action on the environment, not as an innate ability.
    Third, 'learn science from the cradle to the grave' it means That We have to study in all our life. We can get knowledge in formal school or unformal school.



  56. POSTING 2

    I agree with you sist,As a Muslim we are obliged to deepen our knowledge to our future. Let us seek knowledge, with no ending without a limit to the grave, with sincerity and strong determination to practice and donated it to the public, so we all can get an outcome and the fruit later.

    PBI II

    Jean piaget said that children’s development depends on stages of cognitive development, they are sensory motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational. On the other hand, our prophet said that learn science from the cradle to the grave or development is reached through learning process.
    From my point of view, age and learning process are two things which cannot be separate eachother. Age and learning process accompany to make people ( children) develop. But learning process more dominant the reasons are:
    The first, people do not know something without learning. Eventhough they are adult but sometimes there is something which they don’t know, and sometimes we meet children who has more knowledge than adult. So, development does not depend on age.
    The second, there is not limitation to develop our selves,eventhough they are adult or young because education is for all. So, whoever will develop theirselves it does not depend on age.
    The third, all of things must through process, so if we will develop ourselves must learning wherever and whatever. And develop depend on social experience and ekuilibrasi.
    So development depends on learning process but cannot separate with age.

    PBI 2

    According to Jean Piaget a child's development depends on cognitive development through four stages: sensory motor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. Where such development into four stages each having an age limit, while on the other side of the Prophet Muhammad said: 'Learning From the crib to the grave', meaning that every individual in the demand for learning from early childhood on an ongoing basis. Both these statements have the same relevance or relationship or the child's development because development depends on how the learning process and the demands of his age, not on how much his age, because;

    First, the number of children who already have a mature age but do not have the mindset, because in early development are not formed or not the introduction to the things that smelled of education, perhaps also because of lack of adaptability in environments whereas adaptation in society is also a learning process for to know each other and also a process of self formation.

    Second, the factor of age is not an obstacle to study, because out there we could see a lot of minors who are thinking like adults and vice versa because the science that we get depends on how the individual's own learning in both science get through the institution of formal and non formal education.

    Third, in the development of such children from the age of 1-7 years is the best stage in the formation of morality, such as teaching children good habits as a form of learning and education first to be digested, while at the age of 17 years and older developments must follow the demands of age as put forward by Piaget.

    From the statement above can be concluded how important science is viewed from different sides. Because learning is a demand that is not limited by age as in the saying of the Prophet 'demands knowledge from the cradle to the grave till'.

  59. The last reason about learning process is education. In here education as a formal institution that can back up the development of children. Where the education able to develop student capability, skill, knowledge, ect. Beside that, in provide education, parent also play the vital role in development process of their children. Someone have said that “teach your child 10 years before they birth”, it means that all of us individually have responsible to keep study to back up our child development in future. This is because the development of children is also depending on their parent development because

    I can conclude that development only can reach by learning process because development one of the results of environmental interaction that also a learning process. The development is not depends on age but as a stage of development to reach the perfection that totally depend on learning process.

    That’s all, thank you sir…….

  60. from adil

    for all the students or this members

    age and learning process collateral with human beings development. no comment

  61. According to me, aging and the learning process is a consistent and should not be separated. Because:
    1. Allah says: "God's man out of his mother's stomach does not know anything. Then God created hearing, sight, and various heart. "This means that there is a tendency for the learning process should be tailored to the physical and psychological development of children.
    2. Children at the age of 7 years can bepikir sdh in logic, that the apostle sent by her parents to send their children pray when the age of 7 years. Because at that age a child has a logic start thinking about things that abstrac.
    3. hadith prophet about his education from cradle to grave to be interpreted as an illustration that learning knows no age limit. Or lifelong learning (Lifelong education), this means physical growth must be harmonized with psychic development. This of course requires the learning process.
    This is what causes aging and learning processes can not be separated, because both areas are very instrumental in acquiring education.

    thanks sir..


    Basically, education is very important for every human being because with education people can find themselves, as what is said by the prophet muhammad SAW: "Learn science from the cradle to the grave", is intended for humans to have evolved particularly Muslims in terms of knowledge, to become perfect human.

    So, in my opinion, development is not dependent on the age, but is influenced by the learning process. Why? Perhaps the following three reasons can explain it:

    First, since humans are born in the world, he has been learning process, where parents have to give love, and educate him by introducing things around him, so that the child is trained and able to understand what has been taught to him.

    Second, the development was influenced by the experience, where experience is part of the learning process. Experience will give a distinct impression on the child, so what they got from that experience will be recorded in his brain and it is this which will change the way of thought, and their behavior.

    Third, the learning process can also be influenced by the environment because of learning can be effective if all aspects can contribute actively. For example, to learn to be more effective, the environment must also be created in total because the creation of an environment can make children feel free in doing the learning, so it can support its development.

    In conclusion, the development was strongly influenced by the learning process of each individual and not on age.


    20401108042/PBI 2
    In the theory of cognitive development, Piaget argued stages
    which must pass a child in achieving the levels of development
    formal thought processes. This theory is not only widely accepted
    in the field of psychology but also a very big influence in the field
    Piaget's developmental theory with the concept of intelligence as biological systems to build structures to function, the growth of intelligence is influenced by physical and social environment, and maturity.
    Jean Piaget thought that children's development depends on the age, he proposed a stage of cognitive development that is consistent according to age. Instead of the Prophet Muhammad says that 'learn science from cradle to the grave'. I think the development depends on the learning process because the process of education is a continuous process that starts from birth to death. This process includes both formal and informal education conducted in family environment, school, and in public life, the process of growth and development of human personality is a dynamic in which the personality has an impact on human needs are indirectly during his life, so that the development of human personality and needs require lifelong education is not limited to age, and education processes have a change of social roles and technology in human life where they will further develop the knowledge to utilize modern technology, so the next ages they can obtain information. So it can be concluded that this process both directly and indirectly affect human development and development depends on the learning process that is not limited by age.

  64. Ayunda Rahmah S.
    PBI 2

    According to my age and the learning process is a consistent and should not be separated. Because:
    1. Allah says: "God's man out of his mother's stomach does not know anything. Then God created hearing, sight, and various heart. "This means that there is a tendency for the learning process should be tailored to the physical and psychological development of children.
    2. Children at the age of 7 years can bepikir sdh in logic, that the apostle sent by her parents to send their children pray when the age of 7 years. Because at that age a child has a logic start thinking about things that abstrac.
    3. hadith prophet about his education from cradle to grave to be interpreted as an illustration that learning knows no age limit. Or lifelong learning (Lifelong education), this means physical growth must be harmonized with psychic development. This of course requires the learning process.
    This is what causes aging and learning processes can not be separated, because both areas are very instrumental in acquiring education.

  65. Mardawati
    Talking about the two things above the children's development Depends on stages of cognitive development, as mentioned by Jean Piaget, and Prophet Muhammad said: Learn science from the cradle to the grave. It is difficult to distinguish or have to choose between one of them, but in my point of view I prefer to what is said by Muhammad saw that acquire that knowledge from the cradle to grave which means that children's development Depends on one's own age, with reason:
    1. What is said by the prophet Muhammad that demands knowledge from cradle to the grave means that children's development depend on age or age, and even this was somehow related to learning process for age or age of a child (human) remains in its development through learning process
    2. In the process of learning age / age of a child (human) is very influential, like Arab proverb which says that “learning in small time like carving on a rock while learning in old age is like carving on the water”, the intent of the proverb that when we learn in life is easy will be easier and made an impression on our brains
    3. When a child (human) when it was grown, the more things that they automatically Think what he learned not everything can be stored in his brain.
    As a conclusion from what I've mentioned above I am more chose that in children's development depend on age, although learning is a process which is also very influential on children's development

  66. firman jamal

    I would agree if it depends on learning progress of the learning process itself or in other words that I agree with the statement because of Jean Piaget
    1. intelligence growth is influenced by physical and social environment, maturity and equilibrated. All organisms are born with a tendency to adapt (adjust) to their environment. How to adapt different for each individual, as well as the process from stage one to stage another in a single individual. Adaptation occurs in the process of assimilation and accommodation. We respond to the world by connecting the experience received by our past experiences (assimilation), while each experience it contains aspects that may be entirely new. The new aspect is what causes the occurrence of cognitive structures (accommodation). Assimilation is the process of responding to the environment to suit one's cognitive structure. But the process of intellectual growth will not exist when the arrest was not different experience with the existing schemata therefore necessary process of accommodation, the cognitive processes that alter the structure. For Piaget the process of accommodation can be equated with learning. This concept explains the need for teachers to select and adjust the tread material from a known child's basic idea, to then be developed with greater stimulation for example in the form of questions so that children's ability to increase in the face of a more complex experience.
    2. social system is very important in the cognitive development of children. Parents, teachers and friends interact with children and collaborate to develop an understanding. So, learning occurs in social contexts, and appears a zone of proximal development terms (ZPD). ZPD is defined as a potential area of ​​a child to learn, or a stage where the child's ability can be improved with the help of someone more expert
    3. Each culture has influenced the formation of beliefs, values, norms of decency and the method as a tool in solving problems in adapting intellectually. Budayalah that teach children to think and what should be done.

  67. firman jamal

    I would agree if it depends on learning progress of the learning process itself or in other words that I agree with the statement because of Jean Piaget
    1. intelligence growth is influenced by physical and social environment, maturity and equilibrated. All organisms are born with a tendency to adapt (adjust) to their environment. How to adapt different for each individual, as well as the process from stage one to stage another in a single individual. Adaptation occurs in the process of assimilation and accommodation. We respond to the world by connecting the experience received by our past experiences (assimilation), while each experience it contains aspects that may be entirely new. The new aspect is what causes the occurrence of cognitive structures (accommodation). Assimilation is the process of responding to the environment to suit one's cognitive structure. But the process of intellectual growth will not exist when the arrest was not different experience with the existing schemata therefore necessary process of accommodation, the cognitive processes that alter the structure. For Piaget the process of accommodation can be equated with learning. This concept explains the need for teachers to select and adjust the tread material from a known child's basic idea, to then be developed with greater stimulation for example in the form of questions so that children's ability to increase in the face of a more complex experience.
    2. social system is very important in the cognitive development of children. Parents, teachers and friends interact with children and collaborate to develop an understanding. So, learning occurs in social contexts, and appears a zone of proximal development terms (ZPD). ZPD is defined as a potential area of ​​a child to learn, or a stage where the child's ability can be improved with the help of someone more expert
    3. Each culture has influenced the formation of beliefs, values, norms of decency and the method as a tool in solving problems in adapting intellectually
    Culture was the one who teaches children to think and what should be done.

  68. Alauddin Nawir
    PBI I

    In my point of view, both of them are influenced by age and learning process as Jean Piaget and our prophet Muhammad said.
    Jean Piaget said that children’s development depends on age and stages. On the other side, Prophet Muhammad saw said, “Learn science from the cradle to the grave”. In my mind, the development depends on the learning process because of three reasons.

    1. Vygotsky (1896-1934) a Russian national psychologist, agreed with Piaget's theory that the cognitive development occurs gradually and is characterized by the style of thinking different, but Vygotsky disagreed with Piaget's view that children explore the world alone and form a picture of reality alone, according to Vygotsky, the cognitive development is not only obtained by the children themselves but also received help from their environment.
    2. The learning process can be implemented not only in school but also in the environment. Such as when a child interacts with the environment, with the other. Child’s development not only influenced by the social environment but also is influenced by family.
    3. The importance of studying we must seek knowledge from cradle to the grave. So in the learning process we must use the time effectively to study because the more we learn the more we achieved. As Our prophet said “ اطلب العلم من المهد الا الهد “ it means that, we must learn until the end of life or a long life education.

    as the conclusion, development is not only influenced by age but also from learning process.

  69. Alauddin Nawir
    PBI I

    In my point of view, both of them are influenced by age and learning process as Jean Piaget and our prophet Muhammad said.
    Jean Piaget said that children’s development depends on age and stages. On the other side, Prophet Muhammad saw said, “Learn science from the cradle to the grave”. In my mind, the development depends on the learning process because of three reasons.

    1. Vygotsky (1896-1934) a Russian national psychologist, agreed with Piaget's theory that the cognitive development occurs gradually and is characterized by the style of thinking different, but Vygotsky disagreed with Piaget's view that children explore the world alone and form a picture of reality alone, according to Vygotsky, the cognitive development is not only obtained by the children themselves but also received help from their environment.
    2. The learning process can be implemented not only in school but also in the environment. Such as when a child interacts with the environment, with the other. Child’s development not only influenced by the social environment but also is influenced by family.
    3. The importance of studying we must seek knowledge from cradle to the grave. So in the learning process we must use the time effectively to study because the more we learn the more we achieved. As Our prophet said “ اطلب العلم من المهد الا الهد “ it means that, we must learn until the end of life or a long life education.

    as the conclusion, development is not only influenced by age but also from learning process.

  70. Kurnia
    PBI 2

    Education is very important so there are chapters in Islamic teachings yamg discuss about knowledge that is "Surely Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who were given some degree of science." (Al Mujadilah: 11)
    Prophet Muhammad obliges his community to study. "Demanding science compulsory for Muslims and Muslim" was his saying. "Tuntutlah science from birth through to the grave." In addition, the Prophet also ordered for the Muslims continued their studies until his death.
    In their studies do not recognize the time, and also do not know gender. Men and women have equal opportunities to study engineering. So that everyone, both men and women can develop the potential given by Allah to us so that potential to flourish and come to perfection is expected.

    Science knows no age limit, provided we still have a willingness to greet him. Because the Prophet said, "Uthlubul ilmi minal mahdi ilal lahdi." Which means, "tuntutlah knowledge from cradle to the grave." That is, we are studying since childhood until our spirits lifted by the angel of death. Therefore, old age is not a big problem that becomes a barrier in their studies.
    So it is clear that age is not a constraint in their studies as recommended in the teachings of Islam ie Quran and hadith.

    While Piaget says that we go beyond the development through four stages in understanding the world. Each stage associated with age and consist of different ways of thinking.
    Sensorimotor stage (sensorimotor stage), which occurs from birth to age 2 years, is the first stage of Piaget. At this stage, mental development is marked by great progress in the infant's ability to organize and coordinate sensations (such as seeing and hearing) through the movements and physical actions.

    Preoperational stage (preoperational stage), which occurs from ages 2 to 7 years, is the second stage of Piaget, at this stage children begin to describe the world with words and pictures.

    Concrete operational stage (concrete operational stage), which lasts from age 7 to 11 years, is the third stage of Piaget. At this stage children can perform logical reasoning replaces intuitive thought as far as thought can be applied to the exemplarily-specific or concrete examples.
    Formal operational stage (formal operational stage), which looks at age 11 to 15 years, is the fourth and last stage of Piaget. At this stage, individuals beyond the real world, concrete experiences and think in abstract and more logical.

  71. sir.... i post my assignment in your facebook
    i'm sorry before!!!!!!!!!!


  72. To Adil my beloved brother…..

    Well brother, nice question…
    In my comment, the development dependent on learning process and no age…. for obvious reason of stages human development, its underline between development and chronological age because both of theme change and runs parallel. Perhaps you are right in your opinion between age and learning process can’t be separated each other but it doesn’t mean the development totally happen because of age...
    What do you think guys….???

    By Amran @village... :)

    NIM :20401108024

    On the problem of whether the development depends on the age or the process of learning, a little later I understood that between age and learning are the two most important things in the transformation of development, there are some things that become my reason, among others:

    1. Age is a factor supporting each individual in the context of development, with a maturity age of a person can actively participate in the learning process, so age can be said building element in a person.

    2. While the learning process is a series of events that passed and acted by any individual to gain an understanding and knowledge in line with the development of his age.Therefore, the learning process can also be regarded as a means in the context of development.



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