Selasa, 02 November 2010


Read carefully the following passages
            In the Islamic theory of knowledge, the term used for knowledge in Arabic is 'ilm, which, as Rosenthal has justifiably pointed out, has a much wider connotation than its synonyms in English and other Western languages. 'Knowledge' falls short of expressing all the aspects of 'ilm. Knowledge in the Western world means information about something, divine or corporeal, while 'ilm is an all-embracing term covering theory, action and education. Rosenthal, highlighting the importance of this term in Muslim civilization and Islam, says that it gives them a distinctive shape. 
In fact there is no concept that has been operative as a determinant of the Muslim civilization in all its aspects to the same extent as 'ilm. This holds good even for the most powerful among the terms of Muslim religious life such as, for instance, tawhid "recognition of the oneness of God," ad-din, "the true religion," and many others that are used constantly and emphatically. None of them equals ilm in depth of meaning and wide incidence of use. There is no branch of Muslim intellectual life, of Muslim religious and political life, and of the daily life of the average Muslim that remains untouched by the all pervasive attitude toward "knowledge" as something of supreme value for Muslim being. 'ilm is Islam, even if the theologians have been hesitant to accept the technical correctness of this equation. The very fact of their passionate discussion of the concept attests to its fundamental importance for Islam. 
It may be said that Islam is the path of "knowledge." No other religion or ideology has so much emphasized the importance of 'ilm. In the Qur'an the word 'alim has occurred in 140 places, while al-'ilm in 27. In all, the total number of verses in which 'ilm or its derivatives and associated words are used is 704. The aids of knowledge such as book, pen, ink etc. amount to almost the same number. Qalam occurs in two places, al-kitab in 230 verses, among which al-kitab for al-Qur'an occurs in 81 verses. Other words associated with writing occur in 319 verses.
'Ilm is of three types: information (as opposed to ignorance), natural laws, and knowledge by conjecture. The first and second types of knowledge are considered useful and their acquisition is made obligatory. As for the third type, this refers to what is known through guesswork and conjecture, or is accompanied with doubt.
In Islam 'ilm is not confined to the acquisition of knowledge only, but also embraces socio-political and moral aspects. Knowledge is not mere information; it requires the believers to act upon their beliefs and commit themselves to the goals which Islam aims at attaining. In brief, I would like to say that the theory of knowledge in the Islamic perspective is not just a theory of epistemology. It combines knowledge, insight, and social action as its ingredients. I would like to cite here a tradition of the Prophet (S) narrated by Amir al-Mu'minin 'Ali ibn Abi Talib: Once Gabriel came to Adam. He brought with him faith, morality (haya') and 'aql (reason) and asked him to choose one of the three. When he chose 'aql, the others were told by Gabriel to return to heaven, They said that they were ordered by Allah to accompany 'aql wherever it remained. This indicates how comprehensive are the notions of intellect and knowledge in Islam, and how deeply related they are to faith and the moral faculty. 
Source: Sayyid Wahid Akhtar 

Post your writing

Islam and the West have different point of view about knowledge. The term knowledge in Islam is called 'ilm that refers to all-embracing term covering theory, action and education. Knowledge in the Western world means information about something, divine or corporeal. Muslims claim that no other religion or ideology has so much emphasized the importance of 'ilm. The West, however, has successfully used the knowledge to establish civilization. What do you think about the application of knowledge in the Moslem world and the West right now? Include data as well as scientific reason to support your argument.  

183 komentar:

  1. dari Fauziah PBI 3
    Surat al-Baqarah ayat 129
    "Ya Tuhan kami, utuslah untuk mereka seorang Rasul dari kalangan mereka, yang akan membacakan kepada mereka ayat-ayat Engkau, dan mengajarkan kepada mereka Al-Kitab (Al-Qur’an) dan hikmah serta mensucikan mereka. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana.”

    Al- Qur'an is center education and knowledge teach human with good language and invite human in order near with Allah.If we talk about Islamic Education, I think is very interisting ,What do we understand by islamic Education?? may be there are many people think that islamic education refers to the concept ibadah or purely spiritual acts such as pray or fasting.Islamic Education focus for personalitry and character development of human, close attention to the real needs and concerns of students, and preparation of student ti critical thinking.

    To Fauziah

    We believe that the best knowledge is from islam religion but if we talk about the high technology, there are from western people, for examples : computer, electric, internet, car, plane etc,,so what is the high technology from islam???? can you mention it???because you said that Al- Qur'an is the center of education and knowledge??only in Theory??only teaches about God??we use tool of studying and for activities from western culture (created by western people) I do need your answer, Thanks so much... and don't cry,,he...he... please post your answer....

  3. From Muhammad yaumi

    Fauziah and Dedi Kurniawan

    Good point. But, high technology is the application of knowledge or theory of knowledge. It seems difficult to differentiate between the theory and the practice. What do you guys think................?

  4. Haeria.
    i think islam and the west have different point of view,if like that i agree with that statement. Because:

    Basically, the Islamic concept of science has some frame of mind that distinguishes itself with a framework of Western science. Frame of mind this reflects differences in assign both views of reality and truth.

    First, that in the Islamisation of knowledge there is recognition of the hierarchy or levels of knowledge. Dr. Yusuf Qaradawi said there are four hierarchies based on the primacy of science in the study. The highest hierarchy lies in the knowledge required to Fardhu 'ain, which every Muslim must learn it. Included here is the science of religion that can lead the perpetrator to live and worship according to the commands of Allah.

    The second hierarchy is fardhu kifayah science, the science required for a class of people that can give benefit for many people.

    The third hierarchy is permissible science, the science that are not forbidden in the Islamic view, but not included in the first two categories. And the last is forbidden science, the science that causes people who study it falls on a disobedience to Allah SWT. Second, the Islamization of science means not only put a revelation as a source of knowledge but also the highest standard in finding the truth as it is written in Surah Al 'Alaq (96): 1-5. I can speak about that (hafal), etc.

    This is contrary to the views of Western science. The highest source of truth within the framework of Western thought lies in the mind. While on the other hand, let alone accept the revelation as a source of knowledge, God's revelation has also lowered their throw. They are say god is dead.

    In the secular view, someone who is productive, obedient to pay taxes, not corruption, not making a scene, or any other form of obedience to the law will be regarded as a good citizen even though he committed adultery, do not pray, do not pay charity, likes to gamble, or drink addicts hard. But in Islam a person who either is not enough with respect to the laws in force but also obedience to the commands of his Lord.

    So is very clearly even islam and the west have different about knowledge.
    Thank you sir

  5. Dedy Kurniyawan PBI 3
    to Fauziah and our Lecturer:
    Islamic people is only know so much about many theories but so confuse and difficult to apply or make it real in implementation,,it means there is something wrong in our education world, systems, application and quality of teacher makes the students never get something great,new and awesome,,students can't create something from their knowledge,the teacher is only teaching how to get high score not focus in how to master the science and its implementation,,for example in our class,,many my friends get a good score in English lesson but they can't practice their English with their friends,,only come?? what happened? it's a reality,
    in Religion Department (Departemen Agama)is a big corruption place in Indonesia, there is mistake in their EDUCATION not their RELIGION, they have a good THEORY about their Religion but so small about Education in application. where is the awareness?????
    Thanks and sorry........

  6. DEDY Kurniyawan PBI 3

    According from the cases above
    which one is wrong,,,
    RELIGION or EDUCATION????How and Why???
    Thanks before for all of my friends who answer my simple question.

  7. Dahlia (PBI3/20401107039)

    @ Dedy:
    I agree with fauziah who was said Al-Qur'an is the Centre of knowledge and education. and if you ask her about what are kinds of high technlogy from islam i can mention it some for you. like:
    1. Operasi Bedah by dokter Al Zahrawi
    2. Mesin Terbang by Abbas ibn Firnas
    3. Optik by Ibn al-Haitham, etc.
    it just some of high technology which can i mentioned for you... i hope you satisfied with my answer. hehehhehe

    to Mr. Yaumi

    Talk about high technology is a theory or practice, firstly we must know what is the theory and what is the practice? According me, theory is the knowledge and practice is applying in fact situation. Both of them cannot separate because it will not get success. Theory can become part of theory and vice verse. And if we related it with high technology,,,, I think high technology is result of theory which help by practice to create it.
    Just it from me sir.

  8. Posting II : DARMAWATY M/ PBI 3 / 20401107041
    Email :

    After read the blog I want give argument about ilm is most important because in holy Qur’an mentioning ilim repeatedly refer that ilm is one concept or key word in islam and also shown that islam give the full attention about that.

    And beside that there are fact about the real history about development of science written by western about the role of Islam about Civilization of world. For example Keith Wilkes, in the religion and science had vice verse fact about the history which widely known, and the other example, Opus Majus is one opus which had cheat from Al Syifa by Ibnu sina, and give other name in the opus, Such as Constatinus Africanus, by Dr Akhmad Munawar Anees called as the big stroller in western civilization, because he had cheat from 1o books created by Moslem intellectual and without write their name in their opus, and western claim that the opus as their creation.

    From my point view, in fact of having fallen behind Moslem from western in science not because islam be opposed to developing of science. But the other way, islam is too appreciate science and the people had knowledge, and the other fact islam have full attention about development of knowledge and science with manner islam pay a salary interpreter , held and make libraries. I think like that

    Thank you sir

  9. Dahlia PBI 3

    if we talking about how do important a knowledge,,so the answer it is very important for our life. but if we related knowledge with islam or western civilization and in their development it is become so intersting to talk.
    Differences between knowledge in Islam with in Western are:
    •Knowledge in Western more rational, empiric, and ilmiah (can be observed).
    •Knowledge in Islam more rational, empiric, and wahyu (something which mystic / spiritual)
    In fact, knowledge come from Yunnan by Plato and Aristoteles. Plato with his idealism which combine ratio and spiritualism which finally develop in east culture. And Aristoteles vice verse. Then our prophet come with wahyu and called walking holy Qur’an (Al-Qur’an berjalan).
    After that Islam philosophies combine ideas from Plato and wahyu from our prophet which he got from God until appear Islam civilization which more develop quick than west civilization. This is prove that Islam so give big ttention to development of ilm or knowledge. And emerge mny of moslem Intellectual like Ibn Sina, Abbs Ibn Firnas, Al-zahrawi and etc who ws found many findings in high technology and knowledge.
    In a row of time, an intellectual of Islam Imam Al- Gazhali said that “who is think failsafe so he was kafir. This then become beginning of decrease of Islam. Added by attack from western who defeat Ustmaniyah Khilafah in Turkey by Kefirs Imperialism on 1924 M and also destroyed centre of knowledge in Iran and Andalusia. The western claim they who was found many knowledge in this world in many sides. They took the books in there and then study and learn it. Even, the western eraser all of wahyu words in those books. This is the beginning of western civilization.
    So, until know western civilization more develop than Islam civilization.

  10. Andi Hamsinar.Pbi 4..
    Islam is a civilization that combines the world and hereafter aspects. it is not a civilization that worships the material, but it doesn't mean this civilization omits material. but throughout the day, western intervention in knowledge and education of Islam has dominated even far from Islamic values brought by Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu'alaihi wasallam.Therefore,we as Muslim educators must be able to form a civilization in Islamic education by not throwing a total of western ideas by organizing modernization teaching methods, in other words teaching techniques based on western method with fixed based on the Qur'an and Sunnah opposite with the system of secularism. syukron..

  11. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
    Name: Hasnita. Hasan.
    Posts 2
    In my opinion between Islam and the west is very reasonable as between the two different viewpoints knowledge.Because Islam has three important foundation in knowledge: (1.) Tauhiw. (2) Ad-din. (3.) Actions. As for people west of the most important are: (1) Theory (2) Action (3) Education. It could be said if the western emphasis on evidence then he studied tengtang knowledge.
    1. In Western societies emphasize the menganung moernisme meaning mind, flow, movement, and efforts to change the ideas and adapted to the progress of science and technology.
    2. In Islamic society that resulted leve behaind caused more by mental attitudes, culture, or theology.
    3. Islam is not able to participate actively in the process of development and globalization. Because Islam tends to see the values of mental attitude, creativity, culture and understanding of theology as a subject matter. (Mansour Fakih in Ulumul Qur'an, 1997:12).

    Responding to the three argumen above I slightly agree as to why Islam and the west is very has a lot of difference not only in education even in terms of economics, and competition of Islam and the west will not be there forever because the more days the more overt competition.

  12. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
    Name: Hasnita. Hasan.
    Posts 3
    Education throughout life is based on four pillars: (1). Learning to know. (2). Learning to do. (3). Learningto live together. (4).Learning to be.
    I will start on the first point (1). Learning to know: I think this basic right because everything is not necessarily so we know we have to learn until we know what is learned. (2). Learning to do, now that we know what consequences we will face in the knowledge that we already have then we can classificatet in our lives and we already know where the good and true. (3). Learning to live together, after we do for ourselves what we have achieved perfection when other people could feel the same way it is with us. (4). Learning to be, this is where we see the skills we learned coupled with inputs from the other then we will have a distinctive sense of satisfaction when we are able to apply these basic four.
    I sorry if something wrong. Good luck and Minal Aidin Walfaisin.

  13. Name : FAtmasari Ningsih
    Group: PBI 3

    Knowledge in the Islamic world today is already greatly reduced, many people are knowledgeable but do not use the best of his knowledge. Whereas in the Islamic religion has been emphasized that in demanding science people also have to rely on the religion of Islam. It is true that the present knowledge has been developed especially in developed countries, but as Muslims we must remain bertumpuh on religion.
    I think that the application of knowledge in the Islamic world as well as in Indonesia, especially the rapid development of knowledge supported by technology, but apart from that all the influences from the west are also very influential, but we should know what are the things that should take a positive course. For example, on the internet that used to be famous only among outsiders, now also known in Indonesia and this is very helpful in the search for something in cyberspace. But we also need to limit the things what can be taken from the internet.

  14. Nama: Asriadi
    Group: PBI 2
    Posting 2
    In may mind, talking about the concept knowledge between Islam and non- Islam. Its so different thinking and many theories claim it. In the Islamic world, gnosis ( ma'rifah ) is differentiated from knowledge in the sense of acquisition of information through a logical processes. In the non-Islamic world dominated by the Greek tradition, hikmah (wisdom) is considered higher than knowledge. But in Islam 'ilm is not mere knowledge. It is synonymous with gnosis ( ma'rifah ). Knowledge is considered to be derived from two sources: 'aql and 'ilm huduri (in the sense of unmediated and direct knowledge acquired through mystic experience).
    According to Professor Maqsood Jafri, There are three theories of knowledge. First; the Idealistic notion. Second; the Materialistic notion. Third; the Islamic notion. The Idealists like Plato believe that the material world does not exist at all. Only the world of Ideas, Forms or consciousness exists. Plato believed that knowledge was a function of the recollection of previous information. Based his theory on his specific philosophy of the archetypes. He believed that the soul has a prior existence. He said all ideas and things are shadows and reflections of those archetypes and realities that are ever lasting in the world in which the soul had lived. According to the Materialists, the spiritual or immaterial world does not exist. He also known as the realists, the empiricists or the Marxists. These empiricists believe in five senses. They consider sense perception as the source or means of knowledge. They have no faith in mind conceptions without sense perceptions. John Stuart Mill, David Hume and Berkeley were the exponents and proponents of the doctrine of sense perception. Knowledge is through experience and teaching. David Hume says that when a babe is born his/her mind is like a clean slate. With the passage of time it receives impressions and pictures. As we teach a small kid and show him different pictures, he starts learning from outside impressions. When we show the picture of a horse to a baby, he/she starts recognizing horse. Then we tell the babies; it is a goat; it is an apple; it is an aeroplane etc. The empiricists do not believe in the existence of soul and innate knowledge. However, it can be said that the empiricists talk about external information. They have failed in differentiating between material information and intuitive inspirations or knowledge. Besides, the materialists we find the Rationalists like Aristotle, Rene Descartes and Immanuel Kant. They believed in Mind perception. Descartes, French philosopher (1596-1650), author of Discourse on Method; The Meditation; Principles of Philosophy; The Passions of the Soul; and Rules of the Directions of the Mind opined that God exists from the certainty of his knowledge of Himself. He believed in the duality of Soul and Body. His belief in the immortality of soul made him rationalist and intuitionist at a time.

  15. Asriadi
    PBI 2
    Posting 2

    In may mind, talking about the concept knowledge between Islam and non- Islam. Its so different thinking and many theories claim it. In the Islamic world, gnosis ( ma'rifah ) is differentiated from knowledge in the sense of acquisition of information through a logical processes. In the non-Islamic world dominated by the Greek tradition, hikmah (wisdom) is considered higher than knowledge. But in Islam 'ilm is not mere knowledge. It is synonymous with gnosis ( ma'rifah ). Knowledge is considered to be derived from two sources: 'aql and 'ilm huduri (in the sense of unmediated and direct knowledge acquired through mystic experience).
    According to Professor Maqsood Jafri, There are three theories of knowledge. First; the Idealistic notion. Second; the Materialistic notion. Third; the Islamic notion. The Idealists like Plato believe that the material world does not exist at all. Only the world of Ideas, Forms or consciousness exists. Plato believed that knowledge was a function of the recollection of previous information. Based his theory on his specific philosophy of the archetypes. He believed that the soul has a prior existence. He said all ideas and things are shadows and reflections of those archetypes and realities that are ever lasting in the world in which the soul had lived. According to the Materialists, the spiritual or immaterial world does not exist. He also known as the realists, the empiricists or the Marxists. These empiricists believe in five senses. They consider sense perception as the source or means of knowledge. They have no faith in mind conceptions without sense perceptions. John Stuart Mill, David Hume and Berkeley were the exponents and proponents of the doctrine of sense perception. Knowledge is through experience and teaching. David Hume says that when a babe is born his/her mind is like a clean slate. With the passage of time it receives impressions and pictures. As we teach a small kid and show him different pictures, he starts learning from outside impressions. When we show the picture of a horse to a baby, he/she starts recognizing horse. Then we tell the babies; it is a goat; it is an apple; it is an aeroplane etc. The empiricists do not believe in the existence of soul and innate knowledge. However, it can be said that the empiricists talk about external information. They have failed in differentiating between material information and intuitive inspirations or knowledge. Besides, the materialists we find the Rationalists like Aristotle, Rene Descartes and Immanuel Kant. They believed in Mind perception. Descartes, French philosopher (1596-1650), author of Discourse on Method; The Meditation; Principles of Philosophy; The Passions of the Soul; and Rules of the Directions of the Mind opined that God exists from the certainty of his knowledge of Himself. He believed in the duality of Soul and Body. His belief in the immortality of soul made him rationalist and intuitionist at a time.

  16. A.Eka Febrianti
    PBI 1 / 20401107003
    Posting 2

    All of us has known that Islam is the center of all science.
    Classical education institutions, such as al-Azhar University in Cairo, the Islamic University in Medina, and the University of Dar al-'Ulum in Deoband, India, originally founded to perform the functions of medieval education in printing religious scholars (religious scholars) with focusing on teaching traditional sciences are exclusively religious, though it has undergone a transformation and modernization along with the resultant social science scholars.

    Models of Islamic university is much different from the models of Western universities, especially in the aspect of breadth of his concept of science that emphasizes the spiritual basis of education in the oneness of God (tawhid). But in its development today, the Islamic universities have been contaminated with the concept of Western civilization. This phenomenon began in the 17th century, when there was a monumental event, the scientific revolution in the West, which became the forerunner of the birth of modern science as a system of knowledge universal.Di other hand, the scientific revolution did not occur in Islamic civilization. In fact, Islamic civilization has experienced the heyday for centuries long before the Europeans built their knowledge systems, and also already have the basics of a strong science (philosophy and epistemology).

    PBI 2

    Before the crusades, Islam had a very advanced civilization such as philosophy (Ibn Rushd), Astronomy (Ibn Haitham & Ibn Bajjah), technology (Abbas Ibn Firnas), Psikology (Ibn Zuhr), etc. But after the crusades, Islam suffered a setback and moved to the west. However, Islam remains an inspiration for knowledge, especially Al-Qur`an and hadith as sources of knowledge.

    Today, western application of knowledge is more advanced than Islam. Whereas science developed at this time due to the services the Muslim scientists, this occurs because some of the following:
    The first, people of Islam can only boast the triumph of the past, if there is a new discovery they claim that already know in advance before the west find it. For example Ibn Bajjah who suggested Milky Way. On the other side, the west develops their knowledge with that information by finding various planets such as Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, etc.
    The second, more impressive quantities than qualitaties, there are several hundred thousand muslim students since 1950 have studied science and engineering in the west but none of them has world-class standing.
    The last, become a consumer not a producer; Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates have spent vast amounts of money into science and technology, but the research output has not matched with the state of the facilities. The prevailing mentality continous to buy science and technology rather than producing it. In the other hand, the western always try to found and create something new such as Robert Goddart who found the rocket.

    As conclusion, the people of Islam has the Qur`an and hadith that is rich in theory of knowledge. The civilization of Islam will rise again if they try to learn and dig the various theories then followed by action.


  18. Amaliah Nurul Ainun
    PBI 1
    though Islam and the west have different viewpoints about the science but in my opinion does not matter who they are equally assume that science is important to know. Islam might say 'ilm that refers to all theories that include the term includes actions and events since everything in this life must be studied and all were contained in the Holy Qur'an while western people think that science means information about something because they do not spur on Al_Qur'an.

  19. Amaliah Nurul Ainun
    PBI 1
    though Islam and the west have different viewpoints about the science but in my opinion does not matter who they are equally assume that science is important to know. Islam might say 'ilm that refers to all theories that include the term includes actions and events since everything in this life must be studied and all were contained in the Holy Qur'an while western people think that science means information about something because they do not spur on Al_Qur'an.

    Islam as a religion of great respect for science, no doubt. Many arguments can be referred, in addition there are the verses of al-Qur `an and hadith the Prophet. which raise the degree of knowledge, also in al-Qur `an contains a lot of rationalization, even occupying the largest part. It is recognized Meksim Rodorson (a Marxist writer) when reviewing QS Ali Imran / 3: 190-191 and Q.S. Al-Baqarah / 2: 164.
    Thus it can be said that science requires proof (theorem, hujjah or arguments) as a result of a search, and al-Qur `an hint about this. Every time God explains the facts of creation, then accompanied with the statement: "all that is clear evidence of the power of God for people who have sense". (Q. S. Ali Imran / 3: 190-191).
    The statement is another God, "Thus God explains the verses for you, hope you understand" (Surah Al-Baqarah / 2: 242) or "So the parables that We created for humans, but who understands it is only those who know alone "(Surah Al-Ankabût/29: 43). Ibn Kathir interprets verse with "No one can understand and reflect on the parable of those except the people who study and take knowledge." (Muhammad Fate of al-Rifa'i, Taisîr'Aliy al-Qadir al-Tafsir Ibn Kathir Ikhtishâr li, 1989, 3 / 421).

    PBI 1

    One element is the nation builders of civilization through education. While the final result depends on the purpose of an education early education itself. Islam and the West have different views about it. Understand rationalism developed in the West become the foundation for the concepts of Western education. This is far different from the Islam that has al-Qur'an, Sunnah and Ijtihad of the scholars as the concept of education. This is what distinguishes the existing features of education in the West with Islamic education.

    In Western education, science was not born of a particular religious view of life and is claimed as being value-free. But actually not really free but only free value of the values, religious values and divine.

    Muslim educational leaders have the understanding of each of Islamic education. According to DR. Yusuf Qaradawi provide understanding of Islamic education as a whole person education, intellect and heart, spiritual and carnal, character and skill. Islamic education prepares people for life, whether in war, and prepare to face the society with all its goodness and evil, sweetness and bitterness.

    PBI 2

    posting 2

    In my opinion about the knowledge of Islam and the west who have different viewpoints, for me it's not a problem. Because in life we are always dealing with a difference and not to a difference could impede progress, and should the difference viewpoints between the west and Islam can be made a means to improve the knowledge (ie the exchange of thoughts about a different angle). and the west are now developing as they learn not only from western knowledge but they also learn from the knowledge of Islam and if we want to develop like the West then we must learn about the way the west was developed. Students such as western (mainly European) science to hunt Islamic countries such as Barcelona, Toledo, Cordova, Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, Mosul, Tehran and others, for that they must first master the Arabic language. They also translated the Arabic books into their language to be able to develop science in line with Islam. Among Sylvester who learned to Spain, later became Pope Sylvester II (10th century AD), Frederich II, ruler of Italy who eventually became Emperor in Germany.

    PBI 1

    The emergence of knowledge in Europe since the publication of De Revolusionibus Orbium Coeletium (1543 M) by Nicolas Copernic, a jurist. Nicola was born in Poland and after getting insights about modern science as astronomy in the sixteenth century, and then it is followed by other scientists, such as Tyche Barehe, John Cepler, Galile Galileo, etc.
    The Islamic Bachelor's degree had been writing books about kinds of modern knowledge,such as was studied by Classical of Islamic scientist. They are: al-Jahizh(635 M) wrote Astronomy and Medical books in his opus 'al-Bayan wa at-Tibyan',Ibnu Khaldun wrote Chemistry and Medical books in his opus 'al-Hararah,Shhifah al-Kubra and al-Wasiah',Abu Ja'far Shadiq wrote the adverb of manner 'how to make gold from the metal?'. In this early XXI centuries, just repeat to look into the books are created by the Great Islamic scientist, and moreover it is still used as a reference materials for all of the students in the world.Such as in Medical surface: Ibnu Sina and Ibnu Rusyd; in Geography: Ibnu Khaldun,Syarif al-Idrisi and Abu Abdullah al-Qazwaini; in Mathematics and Astronomy: al-Khawarizmi,Tsabit bin Qarah and al-Battani; in Physics: Ibnu haistam,Kamaluddin al-Faritsi and Ikhwanu as-Shafa;etc
    Science aims to get the truth. nothing matters if positive would liked by humans, because human nature is like the peace and comfort of living. Western science is started from Greek to this day only confine themselves within the limits of man and nature only, does not know God, but human life can not be separated from relationship with God and even human beings can not be true except by submission to God. because it's the only way to go to overcome the crisis of human science is the road that stretched islam.
    Science has never known stability or the final word, there are also negative and positive values. progress and technological development can not be prevented. then the wise thing is to integrate science and eliminating boundaries between religion and modern science in the Islamic world, giving rise to a high control value and better.

    PBI 1

    Islam is open in dealing with science. Islam upholds the degree of a scientist so scattered all over the world.

    scholars in general greatly appreciate science and scientific values because "science aims to get to the truth" (Muhammad, 1984:480. whatever things if positive will be preferred by humans, because human nature is like the peace and comfort of living. is "science is the compensation (replacement of all worldly pleasures" (al-Mawardi, 2002:108-109).
    Western philosophy is the science which studies the usual academic at universities in Europe and the areas they colonized. This philosophy evolved from the ancient Greek philosophical tradition.

    The main character of Western philosophy, among others, Plato, Thomas Aquinas, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jean-Paul Sartre.
    In the tradition of Western philosophy, known as the descriptions of the philosophy concerning specific themes.

  24. Anci Bte Syaripuddin
    PBI 2
    Posting 2
    discussing about concept of knowledge in both islam and western point of view will have a different perspective. The word 'ilmn has a large meaning not only about transferring some information from one person to another but also it include all of human aspect such as morality, action and many others.
    although islamic civilization is the owner of the word 'ilm but western did the implementation of 'ilm better than islam did. According to Thomas Alpa Edison: 1975 "Genius is 98 percent perspiration". if someone does work hard he cannot get the success so even islam has many quotation or very meaningful words but did not implement the quotation and the words, it will does not make sense at all. so as a good muslim, we have to perform the real concept of 'ilm

    PBI 1/20401107008
    Make understand what is 'ilm...?As I see,application from historical and philosophy theory of Plato and the others,one of them stated that"inside desire to get a wisdom"According to Prof.Azhar Arsyad in American called Liberal Arts Education the goal is to reach somebody make different and have privacy going well.In Arabic has called"Mutsaqqaf".There are many system from western culture that support of knowledge,where is 'ilm begun?Generally,it'so important to get kompetitif and comparative IsLamic civilization.Implementation of knowledge is AQHLAq and Communication.

  26. Ahsanul Khalikin
    PBI 1
    Posting 2

    That Islam and the West have different point of view about knowledge is true. Because of the production of the western concept education makes human to do something by secular oriented. The opposite description of islam that always oriented as the human’s life aims (Q.S Adzariyat :56)
    A-lilm (knowledge) should aim at balanced growth of the total personality of man through the training of man's spirit, intellect, the rational self, feeling and bodily senses. Education should therefore cater for the growth of man in all its aspects, spiritual, intelectual, imaginative, physical, scinentific, linguistic, both individually and collectively and motivate all these aspects toward goodness and attainment of perfection. The ultimate aim of Muslim education lies in the realization of complete submission to Allah on the level of idividual, the community and humanity at large (Word conference on Moslem Education)
    The different paradigm of Islam (Alqur’an N Sunnah) and West concept (Experience N Deduction) creates different characters. It makes description the application of knowledge in the Moslem world and the West right now. There fore, it’s the best thing if we can get some inspiration to be the best. Tq

  27. AsGAr pbi 2
    For me, the application of knowledge in moslem world and the west right now is interesting thing to discuss because basically, between moslem and west both are very different, not only about credo but also culture .if we are talking about knowledge application in this new era absolutely we will judge that moslem has left behind from west. because of great civilization that west has built .such as modern technology, chemistry, and architecture .that situation sometimes makes us think ,why it happened ??what is wrong with moslem today??whereas ,history recorded that islam has ever achieve greatness in 8 to 18 century which is caused of moslem scientists who has invented the theoretical sciences which is we can see and we fill right now.such as Muslim mathematicians devised and developed algebra Al-Khawarazmi used Arabic numerals which came to the west through his work-9th century. Al-Razi described amd treated smallbox-10th century Ibn Sina diagnosed and treated meningities-11th century Ibn al-Haytham discovered the camera obscura- 11th century Al-Birini described the Ganges Valley as a sedimentary basin-11th century Muslims built the first observartory as a scientific institution-13th century Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi explained the cause of the rainbow- 13th century Ibn al-Nafis described the minor ciculation of the blood- 14th century. Al-Kashani invented a computer machine- 15th century
    Based on the explanation above ,than the answer is that the cause why moslem left behind from west, not because of west more diligent than moslem but it is because of we(moslem) never appreciate to what has been inherited by scientists to us as their generation. So that the sciences which ever goes away by it self. Whereas, westerner always keep what existing and try to maintain and develop their ability and easily for them to establish the great civilization in this world.
    The main point is,if moslem can explore their potential and ability, iam sure that islam can achieve the return to glory and establish the civilization beyond the west. InsyaAllah .

  28. though Islam and the west have different viewpoints about the science but in my opinion does not matter who they are equally assume that science is important to know,,...Qur'an while western people think that science means information about something because they do not spur on Al_Qur'an.
    although the words in Arabic ilm that has very broad connotations than its synonyms are short of knowledge which can express all aspects of ilm if we would apply in everyday life as well ,,.... pointless because the only evidence of western can define the extent of science information transfer from one person to another but also covers all aspects of humans such as morality, action and many other things anymore,, .. they were able to conquer the world, and the west can also hold the world with the knowledge they have today ,,....

  29. PBI_01

    Talking about THE ISLAMIC CONCEPT OF KNOWLEDGE firstly we must know In the Islamic theory of knowledge, the term used for knowledge in Arabic is 'ilm, which, as Rosenthal has justifiably pointed out, has a much wider connotation than its synonyms in English and other Western languages. 'Knowledge' falls short of expressing all the aspects of 'ilm. Knowledge in the Western world means information about something, divine or corporeal, while 'ilm is an all-embracing term covering theory, action and education. Rosenthal, highlighting the importance of this term in Muslim civilization and Islam, says that it gives them a distinctive shape.

    In fact there is no concept that has been operative as a determinant of the Muslim civilization in all its aspects to the same extent as 'ilm. This holds good even for the most powerful among the terms of Muslim religious life such as, for instance, tawhid "recognition of the oneness of God," ad-din, "the true religion," and many others that are used constantly and emphatically. None of them equals ilm in depth of meaning and wide incidence of use. There is no branch of Muslim intellectual life, of Muslim religious and political life, and of the daily life of the average Muslim that remains untouched by the all pervasive attitude toward "knowledge" as something of supreme value for Muslim being. 'ilm is Islam, even if the theologians have been hesitant to accept the technical correctness of this equation. The very fact of their passionate discussion of the concept attests to its fundamental importance for Islam.

  30. ASDAR
    PBI 2
    Western thought today is in the midst of war between religion and science. Almost no Western thinker may now accept the fact that there may be a fundamental meeting between religion and science. Gospel, which became the beliefs of Christians, said the tree where the Prophet Adam was forbidden to eat it is knowledge. Therefore, after he ate the fruit, she obtained a certain knowledge which he did not get before. For this reason, the Europeans argue that for two centuries they do not accept scientific knowledge coming from Muslims.

    Therefore, if you talk about issues of religion and science with Western thinkers, he's really going to surprise. They do not know Islam. They do not know that Islam upholds the status of science and the knowledgeable, respect them as a witness after the angels associated with the new fact there is no god but Allah, as it has been God says to us:

    "God declared, that there is no god but He, and the angels and knowledgeable people who erect with justice. "(Surah AII Imran: 18)

    And Allah the Almighty and Supreme Musha said to us:

    "Therefore, know that there is no god but Allah".

    (Surah Muhammad: 19)

    Among Western thinkers who showed a surprise it was Prof. Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson, Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Specialists of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. When we first met him, Professor Simpson demanded proof of the Qur'an and Sunnah. However, we were able to remove suspicion. We showed him a script outline embryonic development. We proved to him that the Koran tells us that the derivative or descent or heredity and the nature of which is composed of chromosomes can only occur after a successful fusion between sperm and ovum. As we know, these chromosomes contain all the new human traits that will become the eyes, skin, hair, and others.

    Professor Simpson says that religion can be a good guide to scientific inquiry. Western scientists have rejected this. An American scientist said that the religion of Islam to achieve success in this regard. By analogy, if you go into a factory and you are guided by operating the factory, then you will understand easily the various operations that take place at the plant. If you do not have these guidelines, would not have the opportunity to better understand the variation of the process. Professor Simpson said: "I think there is no conflict between genetics and religion, but in fact religion can guide science by the additional revelation to some traditional scientific approaches. There is a reality in the Qur'aan shown by science to be valid, in which the Koran to support science that comes from God."

  31. ADRIANA. M
    PBI 1

    as we all know that 'ilm refers to many aspects, not just mere knowledge but even touches all aspects of the foregoing. while the term "knowledge" in the western world only refers to the acquisition of information only. however, implementation of 'ilm in the west are more likely to significantly. we can not deny that most of what is done by Muslims in Indonesia Especially on knowledge 'ilm just curious and without application.
    it can be proven from the many experts hadith and the Qur'an in Indonesia but few who can implement it in the real world, whether in the form of Shari'a and in technology and such. not the least of those who wrestle hadith contained only until the order of sharia (how to run a true worship), but forget the greatest effect from the teachings of Islam can we call 'ilm (how worship can provide a positive effect on life).

    PBI 2

    The definition of ilm covers much more term than that of knowledge in western world does. The meaning of ilm in Islam includes theory, action and education whereas the knowledge in western world means information about something, divine or corporeal. Despite this, there is the difference of successfulness in applying this both terms of knowledge between Muslims and the west. It cannot be denied that the west has successfully used the knowledge to establish civilization. On the other hand, Moslem societies have less understanding and ability to apply the principle of ‘ilm well in their life.

    I think that the west has a good application of knowledge. We have seen that the quality of education in the western world is so high. The indicators of this are that most of popular and best schools and universities around the world are in the western countries, that those schools and universities have created competent and skillful alumni, and that they have applied standard learning process and provided facilities in learning process and research. For example: Harvard university in the United States which becomes the best university in the world has created the best alumni in which some of them have become president.

    Not same as the west, Muslims tend to difficult to use the knowledge or ‘ilm in increasing quality of life. As we know that most of moslem countries are in the poverty. They cannot fulfill their society’s need even the principal need like the need in education. Quality of education in the moslem world is still left behind from that in the western countries.

    So, in summary, the moslems have not been able to compete the west in terms of applying principle of knowledge for improving civilization.

  33. POSTING 2:
    Okkkk. Its true that islam and west has different point about knowledge. I get the point of “ in islam “ ilm is not confined to the acquisition of knowledge only, but also embraces socio-political and moral aspects. Actually, for the last time islam was divine but for the right now the west get it. If we see the maint point in islam are knowledge and morality. And in the west world didn’t have rule like as morality. So, they can do everything without something to get divine(menghalalkan segala cara). In moeslem society unfree to do it because the moeslem realize that after today there are tomorrow.
    But according to Hamid Fahmy that the succesfully of knowledge in west to establish civilitation there is not from religion but the influence of western culture with kolonialisme and imperalisme, next secular life.

  34. M.Takdir
    PBI II

    I strongly agree with your writing, Islam does not restrict only to the aspect of information science as a westerner that science is information, but according to Islamic science that went into all aspects including the social, economic, political, and cultural.

    Al-Quran commands people to continue to improve its scientific capabilities. Let alone ordinary people, the Messenger of Allah Muhammad was commanded to seek and pray always supplemented his knowledge Qul Rabbi zidni 'Ilma (Pray [O Muhammad], "O my Lord, increase you a science") (Surah Taha [20]: 114), because fauqa kullu zi 'ilm (in)' alim (On top of each owner's knowledge, there are very aware (Surah Yusuf [12]: 72).

    Humans have the instinct is always thirsty for knowledge. Messenger of Allah said: "The two desires are never satisfied, the desire to study and desire demanded property."
    This can be a trigger man to continue to develop technologies to take advantage of the grace of God bestowed on him. Therefore, the rate of technology can not be dammed. Only humans can try to set yourself up so as not to indulge his passion for collecting treasure and science / technology that could endanger his religion. So he would not be like the chrysalis which endanger himself for cleverness.

    Al-Quran affirms:

    The likeness of the earthly life is like (rain) which We send down and the sky, then grows with the proliferation-from the water-plants of the earth, of which there are eaten by humans and animals. Until, when the earth was already perfect beauty and wear (also) jewelry-occupants and residents have alleged that they were able to master it (does everything), suddenly came to her doom us in the night or day, then we make (the plants) like the plants that have been destroyed, as if it had never grow yesterday. Thus we explain the signs of power (We) to people who think (Surat Yunus [10]: 24). .

    From some explanation on the above verse we can see that in the Qur'an not only explains how to worship God, how will the ways of worship but also explain how it came to human pleasure from the rain and then the tree and fruit until can be utilized by humans.

  35. M.Takdir
    PBI II

    I strongly agree with your writing, Islam does not restrict only to the aspect of information science as a westerner that science is information, but according to Islamic science that went into all aspects including the social, economic, political, and cultural.

    Al-Quran commands people to continue to improve its scientific capabilities. Let alone ordinary people, the Messenger of Allah Muhammad was commanded to seek and pray always supplemented his knowledge Qul Rabbi zidni 'Ilma (Pray [O Muhammad], "O my Lord, increase you a science") (Surah Taha [20]: 114), because fauqa kullu zi 'ilm (in)' alim (On top of each owner's knowledge, there are very aware (Q.Yusuf [12]: 72).

    Humans have the instinct is always thirsty for knowledge. Messenger of Allah said: "The two desires are never satisfied, the desire to study and desire demanded property."
    This can be a trigger man to continue to develop technologies to take advantage of the grace of God bestowed on him. Therefore, the rate of technology can not be dammed. Only humans can try to set yourself up so as not to indulge his passion for collecting treasure and science / technology that could endanger his religion. So he would not be like the chrysalis which endanger himself for cleverness.

    Al-Quran affirms:

    The likeness of the earthly life is like (rain) which We send down and the sky, then grows with the proliferation-from the water-plants of the earth, of which there are eaten by humans and animals. Until, when the earth was already perfect beauty and wear (also) jewelry-occupants and residents have alleged that they were able to master it (does everything), suddenly came to her doom us in the night or day, then we make (the plants) like the plants that have been destroyed, as if it had never grow yesterday. Thus we explain the signs of power (We) to people who think (Surat Yunus [10]: 24). .

    From some explanation on the above verse we can see that in the Qur'an not only explains how to worship God, how will the ways of worship but also explain how it came to human pleasure from the rain and then the tree and fruit until can be utilized by humans.

    PBI 2

    The term knowledge in islam is called 'ilm that refers to all embaracing term convering theory, action and education. knoledge in western world means information about something, divine or corporeal. muslims claim that no other religion or idwology has so much emphasized the importance of 'ilm. I disagree if muslims say like that, because we can see in the west however , has succesfully used the knowledge to establish civilization. now we see technology in west more high than muslim. muslims lag behind than country in the west.Whereas when we see our founding hitory able to have ifluential some parts of the world. the question is "WHY...?"

    From my point of view is caused by muslims are far from al-quran ans sunnah.whereas has mention in Q.S Al-Furqon:30."My Lord, my people treat the Qur'an was something to be ignored. " Highlighting this issue Ibn Taymiyyah said: "He who does not read the Qur'an then he has been away from the Qur'an, and those who read but never contemplate it then he has been away from the Qur'an, and those who read and ponder its contents but never his practice he has been away from the Quran as well. "But things to different people this is for understanding of Qur'an capabilities.

    The second, because Muslims are divided. And Allah has reminded us. QS. Ali Imran: 103. And keep you all to the rope (religion) of Allah, and do not divorce disarray, and remember God will ni'mat to you when you first (period of Ignorance) hostile hostility, then God unites hearts, and then becomes for you because ni'mat God, people who are brothers, and you're already on the brink of hell, then God save you from him. Thus God explains His revelations unto you, that ye may be guided. Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "I'll split my people as split-beside him to 73 Jewish and Christian sects, all go to hell except the people who follow the teachings of me and my friends"

    The third Because backward. Muslims were in a bind now lags behind other people it all happened because we not determine the vision for the future. besides that most of them do not have self convidence.There is a proverb saying that confidence is the key succesfully. so we can get up and go up the stage again we need to grow back the confidence that has long been lost in every Muslim.most of them lazy to develop their knowledge, they do not have awareness to increase what has gotten before.

    eventhough we have many theories but do not have implementation in our life it does not enough.

  37. NAME : ADIL
    GROUP : PBI 1
    REG.NO : 20401108008

    In my point of view, application of knowledge in the Moslem World especially in Indonesia, frankly I want to say that it so less the followers of Islam apply the teaching of Islam. They know well between halal and harm or allow and forbidden, but it just border of knowledge without application. To support my words, at least I have three reason:
    First, We don’t have to be further looking for the reality or fact for my statement. Let’s see in our daily life specially in Makassar as our beloved town, majority are muslims, but a count of them disobey the rules, whether social regulation, government, traffic jam, above all the regulation of Islam.
    Second, more specifically, address to the some students of UIN Alauddin Makassar. Almost every month the students demonstrating in the road, blocking it, and they are not aware for their action. Isn’t blocking the road distrubbing the road-users and public transplantation?. UIN is our university which teaches students much more about the Islamic teaching and the religious values, but why no the application? Are the students don’t know? Are the students get noting from the lessons? The answer no, so why is it happened? Because they don’t have self awareness in their selves, they separate between knowledge and action, whereas both of them must be united to create the good person.
    Third, some of muslimah or girls in Muslim world don’t care the laws and rules of Islam, such as: as muslimah is obligated to use veil, because all the part of muslimah’s body called genitals(aurat) that may not be visible while performing a ritual.
    Meanwhile the application of knowledge in the West, hundreds further developing or blossom out than Moslem world. By several reasons:
    First, the western people “learning and action” till they success in creating many things like: cars, computers, mobile phones, and others (talking about technology).
    Next, The western people is very precious to one another, even I have heard the man said “if you want to see the teaching of Islam go to the west, but if you want to see the nonislam teaching go to the Moslem world(Indonesia)”. What does it mean of this statement?. The purpose of the statement is that the western people applying the teaching of Islam while indonesian people doesn’t. Therefore they are more successful than Moslem.
    The last, almost all the SDA (sumber daya alam) are led by the western people like: oil, gold, tin, iron and others.
    The passages above can be concluded that the development of the western more developing than Moslem world whether from the technology, science, knowledge and so on. Hence, as young moslems’ generation should work hard and competitive to run their left behind.

    Adil fii miem

    PBI II

    The application of knowledge in the muslim word is only theory, moslem has a lot of knowledge in line with science but the implementation of knowledge it self is very weak. For example, in holy Al-Qur’an one of the verse talking about the journey of Muhammad Saw from masjidil Haram to mesjidil Aqsa in Palestina where the prophet spent times less than a half night. The history was really unbelievable, because who ever from masjidil Haram go to mesjidil Aqsa should be spent time for a month in traveling.
    Base on reality, we take look from the journey of Muhammad Saw history has already proved by western scientist. Western scientist is the one who discovery air plane for the first time and shows to the whole world that people can go to somewhere in long distance and spend little time only. This is the fact that can’t be denied all the people that western more better than moslem world in application of knowledge.
    Knowledge has important role to establish civilization. However, if knowledge is only placed as a theory without application will be count for nothing. Muslim world should change the way of thinking and aware of weaknesses in order that moslem world may come to be an educated people to establish civilization better than western.

    PBI 3
    From my point of view I agree that Islam and the West have different point of view about knowledge.One of the characteristics that distinguish Islam from the others is its emphasis on problems of science , Al Quran and Al-Sunnah invites Muslims to seek and obtain science and wisdom, and put people knowledgeable in high degree. Like Allah says in Al-qur’an the letter AL Mujadalah verse 11.knowledge in islam is not only sufficient in order to study, but requires that a person is continually learning because human live in this world need to constantly adapt to nature and the times.But talking about the application of knowledge in muslim world is less in line with the achievement of science that has been accomplished,the lack of utilization of existing resources.
    Many writers of science history believes that the current phenomenon is the result of an absolute and common west and tried to rule out contributions of other nations. because the facts show flood that science revolution is happening in the West. However, labels all science only to the West is less precise. And in fact other nations and civilizations such as India and Indonesia and the Muslim has a very great contribution, both indirectly and indirectly to the phenomenon of science.
    Among the nations that the contributions to the development of science can not be ignored at all, are Muslims with his Islamic civilization. Once the importance of their contribution so that one can say with certainty that if Muslims did not do what they have done in various fields of science, certainly in the Western scientific revolution will never occur at the time. One also can argue logically that the scientific revolution can occur in the Muslim world if it does not occur the events that prop the development of science in scientific. Science in the Muslim community have value, known as "Islamic", is based on the holy Quran through the verses should always call to those who man and woman to observe the universe and reflect Islam.The factor that Facilitate Development of Science in west are in the universities, can be seen as where science and philosophy that governed well. Teachers and students really take advantage of this opportunity is very useful. They not only exchange of knowledge but also make further investigations in the world of science. Another important institutional part this is the freedom enjoyed by teachers and students at the university. Although the teachers have the opportunity to have a student and he background established, the students are not bound or forced to rely on one teacher only. At the same time, students can have a broad scope of subjects in which they will choose.

  40. Ayunda Rahmah Sulaiman
    PBI 2
    Smstr 6

    Islam is a religion that demands for someone knowledgeable. Knowledge in Islam is not just information but a series of from the education, theory and implementation. whereas Knowledge in the Western world means information about something, divine or corporeal. But that makes us wonder why the west country actually is the most advanced countries? while Islam is widely sued for the educated, have a good theory and implemantasi actually decreased.
    1. The application of knowledge in Muslims are very poor. Many Muslims who memorize the Qur'an and hadith, but not many of them who can apply it properly. For example, an organization which the name of Islam but they do not behave as a Muslim. Damaging public facilities, create street congestion, and beat the people who are not guilty, which ostensibly banned in the Qur'an, and what they do when the call to prayer reverberate, they continue to conduct its activities, screaming middle of the road (the demonstration ), and even damage the campus facilities during the month of Ramadan. Is this what is taught in the Qur’an?? I sure do not.
    2. Indonesia is a country which is predominantly Muslim, was entered into the top 10 most corrupt countries worldwide. Why does this happen, is not Islam forbids us to steal. There are several things that affect it, first because of the lack of moral values of Islamic education which inculcated to themselves.
    Meanwhile, if we see our brothers who are in western countries, most of those who apply the teachings associated with the education required in Islam, for example:
    3. The people who controlled the entire western part associated with Technology. Can we look like (Internet, electronic, etc.) all of the findings of the western people. How come? Their application to education is so high. They do not know the teachings of Islam, but indirectly they have done it.
    Islam is a religion the most correct, just that the people who converted to Islam less to implement the teachings contained in the Qur’an and Hadith. If only all Muslims to understand and practice all the teachings and values based on the Quran and hadith, I am sure we can be more advanced than any other country.

    PBI 3
    NIM : 20401108071
    email :

    Islam as a religion of great respect for science, no doubt. Many arguments can be referred, in addition there are the verses of al-Qur `an and hadith the Prophet. which raise the degree of knowledge, not just in the science-religion ¬ science, we are authoritative scholars have left us numerous works that so now we still always feel the benefits. Al-Quran contains scientific miracles in many fields, such as medicine, astronomy, mathematics, geology, social interaction procedure, agriculture, geography, and the like, which in part has been revealed by modern science. In general, the Qur'an encourages people to seek knowledge and add to it. In any field of general science, Muslim thinkers was instrumental earlier. Al-Khwarizmi, Mr mathematics, for example, with algebraic ideas have greatly influenced the development of mathematical science. Without thinking of al ¬ Khwarizmi, without the contribution digit Arabic numerals, then the system of writing in mathematics is a difficulty.
    Western civilization that dominates today's world civilization has made science as problematic. In addition to understanding the meaning of has been one of science, civilization has removed the object and purpose of science. Although modern Western civilization has produced knowledge that is useful, however, could not deny that civilization has also produced the science that has been damaged, especially the spiritual life of man. Westernization of science has been divorced harmonious relationship between man and God, at once has been cut off Revelation as a source of science.
    Noted from some big name scholars who serve as educational reformer of Islam that emerged in the Middle East, such as Muhammad Ali Pasha, Jamaluddin Al-Afghani, Muhammad Abduh, Rashid Rida of Egypt and so forth. During the 13-18 century Islamic decline, all philosophical and scientific heritage of Europe derived from Islam, when Muslims in the glories of late so it does not pay attention to my education, then the Europeans appear to steal knowledge and learn from Islam. Europe then rose and Islam began colonized and suffered setbacks. Almost all regions of the Islamic world was colonized by Europeans.

    New discoveries in the field of science and technology appear in Europe. For example in the field of machinery, electricity, radio, all of which support the strengthening of Europe against the East. So the world turns, the Eastern world was impressed and anesthetized progress experienced by Europe.why Islam does not progress in the field of knowledge and technology? Because the spirit of Muslim scientists to find a technology and seek the knowledge is less. While, the western people who have a greater spirit. Therefore, we as a generation , we become the successor to the spirit and diligent in their study. Knowledge has an important role to build a civilization. However, if knowledge is only issued as a theory without application will count for nothing. The Muslim world must change the way you think and realize the weakness for the Muslim world may come to be a people educated to build a better civilization than the western.

  42. Muhammad Jabal AN Nur
    pbI 2
    third years

    Knowledge is an important part in our life. knowledge give everything what human being want.
    with knowledge it is easier for us to undertsand about manythings that we don't know before

    nowdays many muslims become wonder about islamic education why it is become lower and lower day after day.

    Our Holy Prophet (SAW), said,

    Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.

    from that hadits we can see that islam is really emphazising how important knowledge is.
    but why like we can see know mostly good technolgy come from west, most excelent scientist come from west, and many our references come fro west.

    the short answer with this question that it is because islam is not aplly their knowledge in their life. I always listen the answer like this.

    but from my point of view it is all because there is a decreasing in muslims personality nowdays their akhlakul qarimah

    this make the knowledge harder for them. muslims nowdays ten to make sin everywhere, they forget to pray to Allah in mostly cases.

    knowledege is "Nur" and "Nur" is harder fo a shn person. so the only way from me to make islam become better than before is by fighting the real enemy that not comes from west but from theirself that is what we call "desire"

    Muslim world will be better and better than fom our big glory in the past by covering either our knowledge and its apllication or improving our akhlaqul qarimah.

    as a my conclusion that we don't need too far away to look outside find the problemsand the solutios because the peroblems and the solutions
    is coming from you as a muslim.

    and under the bless of God insya Allah we can make islam better in education and the most important is better in their akhlak.

    this is my job and your job.....

    Thanks may this written has a benefit

  43. santi
    pbi 4
    smestr 6

    Islam is a religion that strongly supports the advancement of science. Therefore, Islam wants man to run the lives of based on rationalization or reason and faith.
    one of the major issues raised Muslim thinkers is an attitude that must be taken against modern science in the Western world. The debate their background awareness that the Islamic world had been a center of science, but in the New Age have been far behind the Western world. Discussions about Islam and science since the late 19th century, it has two important aspects.

    First, this period marked a lot of new developments in Islamic thought. The main cause is that the more intensive contacts - in some cases even a physical clash - between the Islamic world and Western civilization. Ideas such as "modernity" and "modernism", "Westernization" or westernization, and "secularism" became the main object of attention of Muslim thinkers. Thus the extent of the spread of new ideas so no exaggeration to say that the new thinking of Islam was born from the desire to respond.
    Second, since the early development of Islam, science-based observation, revelation, or devotional Sufi master of science-as always get the attention of Muslim thinkers. Meet with the above trend, the attention is taking shape in response to the rapid development of modern science in the Western world, which is considered not brood on a true science. The response was, because it is more a reaction than business on his own, on himself a few thinkers and schools of thought is a narrowing of the discourse about science and science compared with the previous period, especially during the early Islamic intellectual development.


  44. Assalamualaikm...
    Deviansi. L
    Pbi 2

    “Pada hari ini telah Aku sempurnakan untukmu agamamu dan telah Aku cukupkan kepadamu ni’mat-Ku dan telah Aku ridhai Islam menjadi agamamu.” One of the blessings that God has given to man is science. Knowledge or education in Islam contains not only an intellectual education, but also physical and spiritual education which have all been described God's guidance on the source of human life, namely the Qur'an and Hadits. Science that is present in both sources are not only theoretically but also how that knowledge in practice. This is different to the western view that sees things only through reasonable or rational.

    But now that dominate and master the science is western civilization, it is proven by the new inventions created by them, while we as Muslims only as users of their products. So the question now is why Western civilization is better than muslims civilization? and why the application of knowledge in muslims civilization is less than western?

    In my point of view , Islam retreated for several reasons, namely:

    1. The loss or burning of the books of Islamic scientists, so that the next generation can’t see and read the books from them. This was stated also by an expert in the history of AJ Toynbee, who said that the burning of books in the library of Baghdad made Muslims backward two centuries back.

    2. Changes in the way of thought of Muslims. Said by a chest of intellectual from Pakistan Fazlur Rahman, the fundamental causes of Muslim decline is the change in mindset. After this period, according to Fazlur Rahman, Muslims only perpetuate the ideas of the Muslim past and not try to explore and develop science so that the development of Islamic thought into decline. I think this is also evident with the current view of Muslims who make the Qur'an just as a source of readings in order to get reward from Allah without review over what the meaning of these verses, it is most hated by our Prophet Muhammad who said that “Telah diturunkan kepadaku satu ayat tadi malam. Celakalah bagi orang yang membacanya, tetapi tidak mau memikirkan (maksudnya)-nya, celaka baginya.” (HR Muslim & Ibnu Hibban). In addition, the paradigm most Muslims who say that good and bad of a fate determined by God, so if they get the poverty it has become their destiny that can’t be changed. Though this is contrary to God's word which says that "Allah won’t change a people unless the people themselves" (Surat ar-Ra'd: 11).
    Another example of muslims’s thingking is some Muslims robust to general science and think that it is not useful to study because they think that only the study of Islamic education will get a reward from God ..... this quite contrary to what God says in the Qur'an that " Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang berakal,” (QS Ali Imran : 190)

    In conclusion, the progress of western civilization today because they want to use their mind and learn everything and practice is their live and takes the time to learn what there is on this earth. So as Muslims we should change our thingking, learn the science and utilize existing resources. And Muslims should not be hostile to western civilization, but how we learn their science, of course with a selective way, get the good and discard the bad.

    Note: sorrry sir if my comment combined indo-english...

    2040 1108 002
    PBI 1

    Historical facts have been explained to us clearly how Islam, only within a fairly quick after the initial appearance, able to build a civilization which is the longest in the history of civilization. The legacy of scientific treasures left by the predecessor generation Muslims in various disciplines of science and art, as well as thousands of Arabic-Islamic literature titles that are stored in various libraries around the world, until now still be a witness to history who never attained achievements of Islamic civilization. Coupled with historical relics scattered throughout the 'un-Islamic nature of Islamic civilization is a great achievement in the arts.

    Nowdays, Europe will witness the splendor of Islamic civilization in Andalusia and legacy-legacy. Europe itself successfully working on the translation project works of Muslim scientists in the 12nd and 13rdcenturies, which later result they make their principle of modern civilization. It’s because the Qur'an itself-as the main reference-giving Muslims a very high appreciation for science dah scientists, in addition to always invite readers to continuously observe and study the universe and the prosperity of the earth. Five verses of the revelation of God Almighty. The first fell to Muhammad peace be upon him. also suggests the urgency of the science, reading and attention. It is already understood and realized by the people of Islam from the beginning. And the openness of Islam to the progress of civilization with a comprehensive understanding, both material and nonmaterial, actually was unquestioned. However, in reality the people of Islam do not pay attention and implement the contents of the Quran and hadith.

    Islam can not be made scapegoats for the current backwardness of the Muslims, because Islam is essentially anti-lag in all its forms. When the Muslims left behind or fail to understand the essence of Islamic teachings, they will automatically be left behind in many aspects of life. The late Malik ibn Prophet, Islamic thinkers from al Jazair, said: "that experienced by the Muslims left behind when this was not caused by Islam. Left behind is a worthwhile reward for Muslims for leaving Islam, not because they cling to him like the opinion of those people who do not know all this. " So, this backwardness had nothing to do with Islam.

    Why the west is now much more advanced than the Muslims? That's because they are more disciplined and serious about reviewing the science and applying all existing theories. In fact, Muslims are far superior in theory, but theory without application is nonsense and useless.

  46. Name :Asniarti saleh
    Pbi 1
    Nim : 20401108023

    I think the application of knowledge in the Moslem world and the west right now is very different because there is different point of view about knowledge.

    In the moslem world, the application of knowledge will ipact on the appearance, attitude, and behavior. So thatgave birth to human beings who have good moral. Because in the islamic, 'ilm is the basic framework in an effort to clarify and align the human perspective, both about himself, the natural environment and against the intervention of God almighty. Thus, human can be aware of his position as a servant or caliph in the earth and get happines of the world and the hereafter.

    While in the western world, the application of knowledge does not correspond with the good and happiness of the individual concerned because of the reality and truth is only limited to the thoughts of the physical nature and human involvement in the historical, social,political and cultural. They do not believe inthe virtual world,they are in limiting the application of knowledge to the real world.

    So the view of islamic life need to be paradigm of student to considered the life. Where,the knowledge taught in education have to built based to revelation that guide human life.


  47. Nurleni
    pbi 3
    smstr 6

    From my point of view,In the verses of the Holy Qur'an many give a higher place to those who have knowledge, Islam also recommends that people should never feel satisfied with the knowledge that has been owned by any science and knowledge, it is still not enough to be able to answer questions or problems that exist in this world.
    SWT it's mean God's Word: "And if all the trees on earth were pens and the sea (were ink), is added to the seven seas (again) after the (dry) it, would not be exhausted sentence of God. Allah is Mighty, wise. "(Surah Luqman: 27)

    Unfortunately, this intellectual wealth and diversity has been largely lost significantly in the contemporary Islamic world. There has been a sharp decline and clear in ethos of knowledge in the Muslim world today. There are many reasons for this decline, including the effects of colonialism, the rise of the puritan movement and a historical, economic problems, the termination of grant funds that support educational institutions, and state monopoly over the mechanisms of production and dissemination of information. Unfortunately, the deterioration of the ethos of knowledge has affected not only Muslims but also outside the world of Islamic civilization, and this has contributed to the intellectual paralysis, even among Muslims in the western world.
    advances that could not be followed up with his best so without conscious Muslims finally let go of their pioneering work. Then the Western nation with easy pick up and give to science and technology owned by the Islamic world and also handily they make sly namely handcuff so that Islamic thinkers today westernization who were the pioneers and drivers of science and technology.

    PBI 2

    In the world of Islam 'ilm' is the thing that covers all the covering theory, action and education in the western world while the knowledge that is information about something. However, there are opinions that say Islam is a religion which attach great importance to science, has even claimed that no other religion is too stressed the importance of ‘ilm’, but not all of which approved the opinion, in fact the western world that have successfully used science so that civilization is in areas of western Europe and other highly developed rapidly. In my opinion concerning the application of knowledge in the world of Islam is not in accordance with what has been prescribed in Islam, because there are several reasons, namely lack of awareness and insight in the Islamic world and the many weaknesses that owned the Muslim.
    First is lack of awareness and insight in the Islamic world of the importance of knowledge meant the Islamic world is very enthusiastic in carrying out what he was doing, in the Quran verse stout write about science.
    Al-Mujaadalah : 11 "Surely Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who were given some degree of knowledge. And Allah is Inform of what you do. "
    Then Allah revealed the first verse is Surah Al-'Alaq, in the verse that God commanded us to read and learn. God teaches us that we often interpret Pen with a pen.
    Today the development of science and technology is very fast, but the Muslims left behind when compared to other people. That's because Muslims narrow horizons and limited and weak in developing science. And what is widely known through reading not be applied in general. This is the one that makes the Islamic world is not growing like the western nations who always apply something he has to know. Then the importance of discipline and honesty in knowledge. Islamic world it is rarely applied because of lack of education that must be done so that it becomes a habit. Unlike the western world honesty and discipline is the main thing in their studies.
    Second is the number of weaknesses which owned the human of Islam related to intellectual
    • Weak in education. Weaknesses in formal and informal aspects of education is perceived by Muslims today. If education, training, and coaching, it will be impossible to bear the resurrection people.
    • Weak in security. Contemporary Indonesian Muslims themselves negligent in maintaining security and wealth, both morally and materially, so that Muslim countries are rich in natural resources plundered by neighboring countries, even non-Muslim countries.
    • Weak in planning. Muslims today do not have a clear agenda and strategy. Plans struggle full of mystery. This caused the Muslims did not produce a product of good coaching and do not have adequate knowledge of science.

  49. Muh. Nur Shalihin
    PBI 2

    Benchmarks of this modern era is the science and technology. Science and technology has developed so rapidly to human life. In any given time to experts and scientists continue to assess and examine the science and technology as the invention of the most sophisticated and modern. Both have become symbols of progress and modernity in this century. Therefore, if there is a nation or country that does not follow the development of science and technology, the nation or country can be said that no country forward and backward.

    Islamic civilization has had a vast treasure of knowledge and produce scientists who are so extraordinary. These scientists were when we read, have the expertise in various fields. Call it the Ibn Sina. In a very young age, he has successfully mastered a variety of medical science. Al-Qanun fi al-Thib become the main reference source in many Western University.
    Meanwhile, when compared at the present time, I think Muslims become retarded way of how to applicate the science compared with the west because people thought they were mostly written in the philosophy of thinking that affect the concept, interpretation and meaning of science itself.

    Later in the western life is not built on revelation and religious beliefs, but on a cultural tradition, reinforced by philosophical speculation associated with secular life by focusing on humans as rational beings who lead science and ethics and moral values which are regulated by the ratio of human constantly changing.

  50. Adriana saleh
    pbi 1

    I agree with the statement, which say that islam and the west have different point of view about knowledge. and I think,the application of knowledge in the moslem world and the west right now is very different.

    because, islam and the west to apply the knowledge into two different views. just as in the view of reality and truth. in islam,reality and truth are not merely reflection of the physical nature and uman involvement in the historical, social, political, and cultural as it is in western secular concept of the world, whic is restricted to the world that can be viewed. but in reality and truth of islam is based on the world visible and invisible; cover the world and the hereafter, which aspects of the world must be associated with aspects of the afterlife. and aspects of the afterlife has a significance that last.

    it required the conceptualization of science in education, which offers the science that underlies all of science naqliyah and expect to integrate between reason and revelation, general sciences and religious science in the education process.

    thus, through these efforts to realize the process of humanizing human beings as the goal of education. namely teaching,nature,train, guide, and develop the full potential of learners in order to prepare them realize the functionality and the message of humanity before God Almighty. that is completely dedicated to God Almighty and a mission of the caliphate on e earth, as a creature who seeks to implement the value of god like with prosperous life in order to live together with a safe,peaceful and prosperous.

    thank you sir,

    PBI 4(sixth semester)
    Islam and the west have different point of view about knowledge...yeah..i agree with this statement.Why....??Because in my mind, in west..knowledge wasn't born of a particular religious view of life and is claimed as being value-free.But actually not really free value of the values, religious and divine.According Naquib al-Attas, science in Western civilization is not built on revelation and religious beliefs, but built on cultural traditions, reinforced by philosophical speculation associated with human centered secular life as rational beings.
    it's different with islam.knowledge in islam gained from the Islamic schools are bound by moral values.emphasis on moral values in the acquisition and development of science.
    As a conclusion Islam and the west difference in knowledge is the mastery and development of science,in addition in our life and also for devotion to God and the common good.while those west of the main goals they gain knowledge is only to achieve their life goals.

    PBI 4

    Talking about the applying of science in islam and west right, of course have a great difference.
    Islam has a great respect to science because in holy Qur'an said that science is a feature that makes man superior to other creatures in order to perform the function of the Caliphate. This is reflected in the story of human events first described the Qur'an in surah Al-Baqarah (2) 31 and 32:

    And he (God) taught Adam the names (objects), all of them. Then He put forward the theory to the angels as he says, "Name it to me the names of those things if you are the right people (according dugaanmu)." They (the angels) replied, "Glory be to You who have no knowledge except you teach. Thou art the Knower, Wise. "(Surat Al-Baqarah (2) 31 and 32)
    Eventhough islam has a great respect to the scince but the reality there is no concept that has been operative as a determinant of the Muslim civilization in all its aspects to the same extent as 'ilm. This holds good even for the most powerful among the terms of Muslim religious life such as, for instance, tawhid "recognition of the oneness of God," ad-din, "the true religion," and many others that are used constantly and emphatically. Another fact shows that islam has to try to follw asa much as possible the developments of technology and match western technology ans science to fight western while western is depeloping their technology continuously based on modern science and its very difficult for islam to follow them.
    Thus, From above passage, islam is very less in applying of science till it has to follow the development of technology of western.

    PBI 4
    SEMESTER ^6^


    "The application of knowledge in the muslim word is only theory, moslem has a lot of knowledge in line with science but the implementation of knowledge it self is very weak."
    In accordance with what she posted above, i myself believe that it's because people have long space to their lord, God like what i posted before that is called Rub'biyah. they arent actually week at implementation but they dont have belief that studing, working, or implementing their current knowledge is one of ways to perform ibadah to God. they limit their understanding to ibadah only for five pillars. it's not like western culture...that they have a good belief called "work ethic" implies that they work or doing something good even better means to worship to their God, not only visiting the church because they believe that God keeps them alive to do their best to live. yet actually this is accured in Islam too, then there is not real implementation.

  54. ruswandi
    thanks everybody......

  55. Name : Aswandi
    Nim : 20401108026
    Group : PBI 1

    In the western world today is highly developed knowledge because we know that there have science and basic reference preformance action. Because in the western world considers that the action is more important than spending time with talking.
    We know that in the Islamic world today is declining because so much terrorism in the world that Islam be regarded as falling and not civilized.
    So automatically it make the people out of islam hate the people as muslim. And by this situation make the muslim world are getting down.
    Because they do not want to work together.

    Thank You Very Much.

  56. By Aswandi, PBI 1.
    Posting to:

    I agree with you syakira.

    It is in fact human beings were created to learn. but then we as humans sometimes forget what is inherent in us. small example Muslims have neglected a command on the first verse was revealed.
    command to always read. read anything for the future development of our potential.

  57. AMRANG
    PBI I

    Basically, The West has successfully used the knowledge to establish civilization because the way in thinking about knowledge is rasional. Islamic world had been a center of science. However, time by time Islam experienced a setback, the development of science and education in the Islamic world began to experience a setback when Muslims do not want to use the rational thinking and just suffice himself with the works of earlier scholars without any effort to spawn new thinking into a more conservative direction.

    In my point of view, this is because Muslims began away philosophical thinking and the implementation of knowledge . This condition is getting worth with officials condition and intellectuals who are no longer concerned with the field of science. Moreover when the center of Islamic civilization troops came under fire from tar-tar and Mongolian destroying educational institutions and scientific books that make muslim hopeless and fled to the Sufi world filled with tahayyul and superstition.

    As is well known western successfully to establish civilization because the knowledge can be applied by western as well. As muslims, we should start opening our mind and not only suffice with the works of previous scholars in order muslims can establish Islam civilization as well as in the previous life.


    In my point of view, the western world is better in the application of knowledge than Muslem world now. Eventhough, in Islam has so much emphasized the importance of il'm, but the reality They have not successfully use the 'ilm to establish civilization, why? And how come? There Are Some Reasons why the western world is more Success Than moslem world:

    First, the west is more appreciate the time, they use best the time and always on time whatever they do. While Muslims who know that time is like a sword that will cut them down at any time if not properly use it, just ignore it until what they do is always late, compared with the west.

    Second, the western harder to read so that their horizons were broad. They often use free time to read so as not to be denied if they can create new things like in the world of technology, medicine, education, and so forth. Whereas in the teachings of Islam we have been instructed to read as God sends down the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad SAW for the knowledge we have to grow and can be useful for others but in reality the majority of Muslims do not like reading but they often spend free time in vain .
    Third, they never gave up hope of doing something if they fail they will try to succeed and successful example, the light that we enjoy every day are the findings of Thomas Edison who experimented by about 1000 times until the experiments conducted were successful. In Islam had been taught if we are to succeed then we must try and must never despair because it will only bring failure in life, only some of them do not do what they know.
    Basically, the Muslim world civilization can be developed or advanced than Western people, if they apply their knowledge appropriately, because in Islam highly stresses the importance of science.
    I think enough from me sir, thanks.......


    in my point of view, the western world is better in the application of knowledge than Muslem world now. Eventhough, in Islam has so much emphasized the importance of il'm, but the reality They have not successfully use the 'ilm to establish civilization, why? And how come? There Are Some Reasons why the western world is more Success Than moslem world:

    First, the west is more appreciate the time, they use best the time and always on time whatever they do. While Muslims who know that time is like a sword that will cut them down at any time if not properly use it, just ignore it until what they do is always late, compared with the west.

    Second, the western harder to read so that their horizons were broad. They often use free time to read so as not to be denied if they can create new things like in the world of technology, medicine, education, and so forth. Whereas in the teachings of Islam we have been instructed to read as God sends down the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad SAW for the knowledge we have to grow and can be useful for others but in reality the majority of Muslims do not like reading but they often spend free time in vain .

    Third, they never gave up hope of doing something if they fail they will try to succeed and successful example, the light that we enjoy every day are the findings of Thomas Edison who experimented by about 1000 times until the experiments conducted were successful. In Islam had been taught if we are to succeed then we must try and must never despair because it will only bring failure in life, only some of them do not do what they know.

    Basically, the Muslim world civilization can be developed or advanced than Western people, if they apply their knowledge appropriately, because in Islam highly stresses the importance of science.
    I think enough from me sir, thanks.......

  60. rizal baco
    pbi 4 (20401108088)

    Since the end of the 19th century until now, one of the major issues raised Muslim thinkers are attitudes that must be taken against modern science in the Western world. The debate their background awareness that the Islamic world had been a center of science, but in the New Age have been far behind the western world, Talk about Islam and science since the late 19th century it has 2 aspects:
    First, this period marked a lot of new developments in the thinking of the 19 th Islam. Second, since the early development of Islam, science based observation, revelation, or devotional Sufi master of science as always get the attention of Muslim thinkers.
    Application of knowledge in the Islamic world is not more notice proof that we can see now most certainly the Western invention but if we want to assess the actual center of the development of knowledge comes from Islam such as the ibn zina and Ibn Arabi era but we see the development of knowledge in the west is increased for example they already review of the existing events in space even in this modern era, most of the products we use must come from the west, so the conclusion that Islam makes people like this because they can only rely on prayers without trying

    NIM :20401108096
    Science is something very important in this life Becausescience isthe most basic for the development of world....
    From my point
    Islam and science have a very close relationship. Because, other than as a religion that governman's relationship with God, Islam was also present as a science that give clues to the secrets of nature to man.
    and in the western knowledge wasn't born of a particular religious view of life and is claimed as being value-free.

    >>yes,, it's right that the application of knowledge in muslim world is less than enough.only knowing the theory.we do not need to see a country but it's enough seeing our university. but it's good than nothing. when we compare with the western world(knowing and doing).so we only need to do what we know. it's boring to discuss about "what's wrong and who is wrong". lets prove it today,,,

  63. rizal baco
    comment 1 to satriani
    actually which one is most important theory or practice??????although is not built by religion but that knowledge use full or giving dovelopment to world why not???

  64. I M NIRWAN PBI 3
    no improving,,,,,,
    it's the time for liar,,,

  65. nirwan
    for all...
    what's to do?
    i m afraid about a thing u talk,,,

  66. to ichal,,,
    it's not the time to differentiate theory and practice,,,do you think we discuss about it?

  67. sugiarto
    comment 1 to Rizal baco...
    right... right...right...
    knowledge of the islam world is not applied to give improving in this world....

  68. I NIRWAN
    what do you mean "knowledge gives everything what human being want".What's about the god? the god gives WHAT? does it mean knowledge is the god?hehehehehe

    PBI 1

    In the very first verse of Quran revealed to the Prophet of Islam (S.A.S.) the importance of reading, writing and acquiring knowledge was expounded in a very clear, decisive and direct manner. The prophet (S.A.S) further elaborated this and proclaimed that to seek knowledge should be the faith with every Muslim man and woman and he or she must continue to acquire knowledge from the cradle to the grave and follow it wherever they can acquire it. This was enjoined as a sacred religious duty for Muslims 1400 years ago although it is only in the recent past the world has recognized its importance.

    In my opinion, the application of knowledge in the muslim world was a great thing unfortunately the golden year was in the previous. Now days, the west comes to be as a developing countries, it is proved by technology and human resources. Meanwhile, the muslim world is left behind from the west. The cause of underdevelopment especially in Indonesia are poverty in education, natural disaster, loss of world trade control.

    Getting success to establish civilization is not easy without knowing the right way in applying knowledge, it should be direct to the practice and not only become as a theory. Thus, we can catch up western civilization. Thanks…

  70. sugiarto
    comment to Nirwan..

    what is the fact bro????


    you may try to go to the office center of faculty,,,you will find the answer,,,,

  72. muhaera
    comment to ruswandi..
    i agree with u brow !!!!
    but my point of you, you have to analysis more about islam and westren...
    after that talk me about that.

  73. najdah thalib
    pbi 3 20401108065

    In my opinion we have to learn about the different culture of western and middle east western culture most people according the author of that passage 'knowledge is information about something, divine or corporal,people always thinking how to improve their life by searching the information,have a big willing for something , diligent, they love their life very much, less of people think about the hereafter ( they found everything they need with all of the way )it makes western grow up because of spirit.
    -in the middle east culture its called 'jahiliah' it means some people are stupid,people are believing mystic killing their daughter and many bad distorsion,
    After islam coming in the middle east to bring the basic principle of life and teaches that the existence of hereafter,and empasizhed the importance of sience.that's when muslims go to the golden era and illuminate all aspect of life , including the aplication of science .

    We can see and we have known in our history of muslim people science and technology concept have applied,iraq is a country with high developed by the inventors in various brances of science
    But,because of the war ,,western got some concept of science and technology that muslims have,and claimed that its theirs own mind.
    Many information that we have heard about science and tech a few of them is from books of fact it perverted by them .

  74. andi pratiwi oddang
    pbi 1
    Age is one thing that has always been a challenge for a thought (philosophy, ideology), science, or religion. With growing age, many people's thoughts fall. This shall also apply to other matters mentioned above. In terms of thinking, look for the idea that communism is now almost gone over by the time of liberalism. So did science. Some laws also fail to describe the nature due to the development of the era. Indeed there is a difference in the two things above.

    A thought (philosophy, ideology) were lost because of other thoughts on a particular era felt to be more suitable. There is a possibility one would have re-emerged moments later, according to the changing times itself. A thought can not face the challenges of time, because it can not be valid forever. Used or not a thought depends on the existence of the community who recognize the truth. Something mengugurkan a
    thought is a fact. For example, the first German people to feel as a nation the highest in the world. But then the finding of fact, these ideas fall of the ideology of German society.

    Science is a bit different. Although he may fall, also because of new facts, but not always a long-lost science. Some knowledge such as knowledge about the flat earth (flat earth), actually fall because it is not in accordance with the facts. However, some other science does not disappear totally, but more narrow in its use because of the limitations found in more details on the phenomenon at hand. Look at the natural laws of classical. Before found limitations on use of the law, he was considered universally applicable. However, according to the passage of time, people want a more detailed knowledge. Then discovered new laws that can
    describe the details of cases encountered, which in fact is beyond the reach of classical laws. Classical laws can be said not to confront the challenges of date, or incomplete at the time

    Two key statements from the paragraphs above are "facts" (truth) and challenging time ". What about religion? It seems not much different. The idea can be turned into a religious man who was known as the religion of the earth (Ardhi), when his followers regard him as something the sacred and the main source of truth. With the new facts discovered, can also be a religion to have a miscarriage. However, religion is a little different. In it there is a "dogma" which is often believed without any proof.

    under these conditions the west has made rapid growth, particularly in the areas of knowledge and technology. then the Muslim community is in deep keterourukan bawha most fruits have been stolen by western ideas.
    plus related problems that the Muslims themselves who do not want to get up and lazy to study so that the west capable of much more developed than the Muslim community at the present time ..

  75. to be
    as word of the prophet which means
    would come a nation that runs the Islamic Shari'a is really really "kaffah"

    now the important thing is how Islam is really really running.
    then the person who was in a world of Islam will not be retarded as well as those prescribed for the importance of his education and knowledge.


    PBI 1

    We can't deny that Muslim have a strong hand-grip that could be base of our thinking. That is Al-quran and As-sunnah. As we know both of these items is the perfect source of knowledge. So the Moslem supposes to have best civilization in this world. Talking about the application of knowledge between Moslem and Western is rather different. We can see the reality now, Muslim rather left behind then western people in knowledge and education. We claim Islam is complete of knowledge where the regulation is embody the whole aspect of life but we are lack of application of the theory that we have learned.
    From my point of view, the term of the knowledge that used by the western people drive them to always step forward then others. Because their view the knowledge as divine or corporeal. So this term motivate them to race seeking knowledge and prove the validity by research. This is one of their way to apply their knowledge by fasten upon science. In contrary, many of the Muslim has wrong perception about the precept of Islam. They think that Islam only teach how to worship Allah SWT as kind of resignation and loyalty to Islam.
    The source of this problem is because have distribution between religion knowledge and general knowledge. So each of them only emphasize specific kind of knowledge by regardless the other knowledge, even in our holy Quran actually implied science knowledge but sometime we not realize it because we not focus on that and never inspect it in science side.

  77. Abd. Mundzir. N


    PBI I

    Islam’s lessons do not only invite for ritual activities but they are taking us to the other aspects also starting from life design ( individually, family, sociality, then country), economic, politic, education, law, culture, until the last is knowledge.
    We see that in the passage “ilm” is all embracing terms covering theory, action, education are stronger, wider, breadth than the term knowledge in Western world, but the application of ‘ilm’ is weak, this is caused the lack understanding of ‘ilm’ and where the term comes from those all from ( Al-qur’an and Sunnah ).

    Muslim civilization left behind because the of modernism in the world of Islam is stronger, so all the Muslim are trapped in the design of the Western modernism, and also including the secularism, and liberalism that also influence Muslim’s word.

    At last all Muslim should make a strong innovative strategy trough Islamic education, it means we fully redecorate it, mainly in the correct understanding and comprehensible, because Islamic education and the term of ‘ilm’ powerful source that Alqu’ran and Sunnah.

    The sources from Prof. Dr. H. Mudjia Rahardjo, M.Si :
    agama (baca: Islam) mencakup seluruh aspek kehidupan, mulai dari tatanan kehidupan (tingkat individu, keluarga, hingga masyarakat, dan negara), ekonomi, politik, pendidikan, hukum, budaya, sampai ilmu pengetahuan. Dengan simplifikasi demikian, wajar jika sampai kapan pun masyarakat Islam tidak akan pernah maju.

    Ketertinggalan ini akibat arus modernisme yang mangalir deras ke dunia Islam bersamaan dengan gelombang globalisasi, sehingga umat Islam terjebak pula dalam tatanan modernisme ala Barat. Bersamaan itu muncul pula gelombang sekularisme dan liberalisme muncul sebagai kekuatan raksasa yang pengaruhnya ke hampir seluruh sendi kehidupan masyarakat modern.

    PBI 3
    Comment to Martinah

    I agree with your idea that you say if application of knowledge between Islam and western is different. we have to know that Actually, sciences come from the Islamic civilization because the secular civilization rob the Islamic civilization. many leaders from the Muslim scientists, their incessant studying from various sources. Al-Quran contains scientific miracles in many fields, such as medicine, astronomy, mathematics, geology, social interaction procedure, agriculture, geography, etc. However, because the spirit of Islamic people or less in application of knowledge, whereas the western people which have a greater passion in creating modern technology or apply their knowledge, they don't give up to create a technology until right now. so,as a muslim we have to apply our knowledge. thanks

    PBI 1
    NIM : 20401108007

    The four pillars of education that has been proclaimed by UNESCO, namely "learning to know, learning to do, learning to be", and "learning to live together" is a very good thing for the advancement of education in the world, especially education in Indonesia. We need to know that education is essentially an attempt to seek to know the information is necessary and useful for life.
    1. Learning to know: Mastery of a deep and broad to specific disciplines, including Learning to How
    2. Learning to do: Learn how to apply science, working together as a team,learn to solve problems in various situations.
    3. Learning to be: learning to be independent, be the person responsible for realizing the common goal.
    4. Learning to live together: Learning to know and appreciate other people, their history and values of his religion.

    By applying these pillars, it is hoped that ongoing education throughout the world including Indonesia could be better, but the problem is education in Indonesia which is currently still limited facilities, especially in remote areas, yet the prevalence of educational facilities, will certainly be an obstacle for students to develop themselves, as the pillar of education at the first point above, "Learning to know", how students can increase knowledge as much as possible while the facilities would be adequate? How can they find additional reference science while all they can be very limited? Then, pointing to the second point, "Learning To Do", learn to work or apply the knowledge gained by students, here again the question arises, how students can work while their knowledge was minimal.

    We can see, the pillars of education are indeed designed with a very good and with a very good goal too, but keep in mind, there are still many aspects of the barrier in the implementation of the pillars of education, teachers call it a lack of human resources that truly "qualified" , the difference in the mindset of each community or region in view of the importance of education, then again, FACILITIES, minimum facilities for some funds that do not exist or stop in the pockets of the corrupt, so it is this which will greatly hinder the progress of teaching and learning process, and the constraints another.

    So, as a conclusion the four pillars of Education that has been proclaimed by UNESCO, are enough but the applying of it is minim or not enough specially in Indonesia.

    That’s all Sir, Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  80. sorry sir salah postingK........
    Ade irma Annasir

  81. rizal comment to najda thalib
    about different culture that we must be studied but from my point of you applying knowledge in the western is not based to the culture

  82. i m nirwan
    rizal where are you....
    what do you mean of your comment to najdah???

  83. satriani comment to Rizal baco

    If u ask me about which one the most important theory or practice?????
    In my mind that both of them are important but we have to take the theory first because if we learn a theory we will be interested to practice what we got from the theory.

  84. i M NIRWAn
    to all my friends...
    it is not the time to say it is our is our scientist in Islam....
    let's show our identity...
    respect each others...
    helping each others...
    knowledge not for showing that we are the best...
    but use it to be used for others people...
    >>Hadits"khairun naasi tanfauu linnaass"
    >>Qur'an"wa maa arsalnaaka illaa rahmatan lil aalamiin"
    both of dalil are not talking about muslim and others religin people...
    but talking generally "an-naas(human being) and al-aalamiin(people, animals, plants)" is the time to show the real of ours...
    do not wait for our students or our next generation....


    I disagree with you RIZAL..
    in my point of view, even though the center of development of knowledge comes from the philosophers of Islam like what you mention in your posting but now, we have to put attention in application of it, I mean "knowledge", the example that i can give is "CORRUPTER", today in our country, there are many governments whose religion are Islam and have high knowledge but they carry out that forbidden act (take the money of society).

    So, I think those philosophers only are a name that always remembered by society, because there is no more application of knowledge, especially in moral n attitude.

  86. Satriani comment to all of my friend....

    I seen from most of your comment said that Islam have known all of the theory or knowledge but less in practice.So, i want to ask you all how solve it frends....???????????????????

  87. comment 2 to satriani
    actually that right,,,,,
    but what for the theory if there is not practice,
    ,,,although there are many theory that created by muslim but there is not applying,,,the proof ALLAH explained about how to creat the sky and world but that apply the knowledge is western people,,,,,,

  88. uf to you,,,
    agree or disagree but in my posting I don't talk about local knowledge of the islam but common knowledge,,,,

  89. I'M sorry ira I forget to write my name,,ichal

  90. ichal to nirwan
    I mean western people apply the knowledge dont relate to culture,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  91. i M NIIRWAn
    to Any...
    do the not try to be the best...hehehehe and say O.K 4 everything...

  92. posting II

    Satriani comment to ana mariam mansi

    Yeah....I agree with you sis...actualy muslim can be get improvement than western if we can balance between general knowledge and religious knowledge.And also apply them in our life.

  93. to Nirwan

    the problem is...we just can said it....but in fact.....????????????

  94. to ichal...
    so what is the problem???
    to any...
    sometimes,,,theory borns the prctice....and sometimes,,,practice borns a theory...
    many thing done by people because of a theory...
    but many theory comes because doing something(practice)...heheheh


  95. to syakira....
    you comment to ichal,,,right???about corruptor in indonesia...most of them are moslem...
    I suggest you not only see from Indonesian aspect...look others....

  96. ST.RAHMA
    PBI 4

    Surat Al-Mujadilah verse 11
    '' who you believe, when it is said unto you:''rooming in assembly ", then roomy. Allah will give spaciousness for you. And when it is said:''Stand bye, then stood up, Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who were given some degree of knowledge. And Allah is Informed of what do you do.
    I think that Islam is a religion of absolute truth to go of revelation of God in him there are universal values that accommodate foreign cultures and ideas through a process of Islamization. While the West is a culture that stems from sheer speculation that there is no reason to have a reference to absolute truth and would never reach the truth. Then the problems facing Islam is not essentially a physical nature, but is the destruction of thought, namely the concepts of Islam and secular Western concepts. Due to the difference of Islam and the West, then we need to recognize the origins of a concept and scientific thought, whether it should be adopted or rejected. Islamization is not the adoption of foreign ideas into Islam, but rather an adoption of thinking outside the epistemological process which laid the reality and truth in a unity of monotheism. We are not anti-west but not the west as well as assume even more superior in every aspect of Islam. We can take advantage of technological progress west, but t5idak to imitate the western way of life completely different from the worldview of Islam.

  97. sugiarto to nirwan

    you are right nirwan
    i strongly agree with you. a theory of "the fire is hot" from the first man who touch the fire,it shows that a practice borns a theory.


    I agree nurleni let me increase the knowledge by the islamic conception and don't forget to apply it for our life.becau we know that al quran came to give us instruction to worship to our god then we can be a good human and benefit.

    PBI 4

    Knowledge in Islam is the most emphasized. In Islamic knowledge includes education and actions, not just information such as knowledge by the west. But the question now is why western civilization is more advanced compared to the islam?
    I think this problem of Islamic ummah decrasing ahlak that cause the lack of application of science from the Muslims themselves because there is no more the application of Islamic teachings in the Islamic ummah.Such as in indonesia many people of Islam but without Islam. Organization calling itself Islamic, but not by with attitude,for example bombing in Bali. They were so anarchic that cause damage to various Facilities.The second example,Indonesia is one of the most corrupt country,but as we know that Islam is very clear when stealing in any form is forbidden. so I can say that in ndonesia there is without islam islamWhile in the west of knowledge according to their means of information. Western people always think how they get the information so that they can succeed, so they have a good life management system such as enforcingdiscipline honest, clean, healthy and orderly. As a conclusion the application of knowledge in the Islamic world is just a theory, Ummat Islam have much knowledge but lack of implementation. Islam could return succesfull as ever even better than western civilization if we as a nation of islam can apply the knowledge that accompanied the increase ahlak.

    thanks ^_^

  100. to ST. RAHMA...
    do you think we should differentiate "western and Islam world"???hehehe

  101. NIRWAN...
    thanks for sugiarto...

  102. sugiarto for all

    how the about if we change the method of discussion... i think it is discussion our group....

  103. rizal Baco
    comment to atto...

    i agree to your opinion brother....

  104. susdiana to Satriani
    science in Western civilization is not built on revelation and religious beliefs, but built on cultural traditions,But I think although they built their civilitation without leligious belief.western can be succesfull as now by their culture sucg as culture of honest, diligent,and reading. Thnks ^_^

  105. posting II
    susdianasari to nurfadilla

    You said that sciences come from the Islamic civilization because the secular civilization rob the Islamic civilization. how could you be so sure that the knowledge derived from Islamic civilization? do you have any data that show it.?What about the books before it, so you assume the previous books do not contain knowledge but it also comes from God?

  106. i agree with sugiarto,,,it is good discussing in the group of PBI08...because of:
    1. the discussion is not continueing..
    2. our friends focuss on facebook...
    3. we can do it when open our FB...
    I M NIRWAN...

  107. we???you aja kaliiii,,,hehehe
    yes we still only can say it...
    let's do it now...

    PBI 3
    The application of knowledge in the Moslem world is really different with the western world. As a Moslem we have to know that actually the best knowledge is from Islam and Al Qur’an is center of knowledge that teaches the human being to leads their life. Most of Moslems know so much about the theories of knowledge in Islam but they are too difficult to apply it in real implementation. Knowledge in the western world means information about something, it means that if the people of western want to know about something they have to search more information about what they want to know. As I know that, the western people are so diligent to do something in their life and never give up to achieve their ambition. Like we see right now, the western world is more developing then Moslem world. For example, they can create something that useful for all of the people in this world such us, technology and a good education system. Whereas Moslem people had known that knowledge is very important to their life but they are so lazy to do more in their life and always follow their bad desire. Therefore, the application of knowledge in Moslem world very weak, they are also sometimes creates the problems and confusion everywhere. May be that is the reason why the Moslem cannot be develop. In this era, the western people more successful then the Moslem people. I think enough.

  109. Nurmaulina
    PBI 3
    I want to answer Satriani's question. From my point of view, to solve the problem, we are as learner especially the learner of Islam have to serious in study about our religion. Try to understand about the meaning of the verses in Al qur,an and do it in our daily activity. we are also do not always follow our desire but try to against it. that's all. thanks.


    Ehhmmm….. is there any spaces for us to stop talking the problem through Islam and western? Hehehe just kidding….
    “ when I was still in senior high school, all of sudden I remembered that my teacher ever told me that if we want to get everithing in this world succesfully, we keep praying to the God in accordance to all what we need in this world without wishing anything we need in hear after. That’s one of thing Chinese did according to my teacher at that time. Then, western people get their success because they don’t want somebody look over them as week people. They benefit all the power of the nature their Got created for them because they believe that in living better, they have to achieve everything they need by themselves. When they got failed, they didn’t stop strugling. Yet they keep going in achieveing the dreams they put strongly in mind, not put the foutls to the God too like most Muslims do”
    In Islam, the definition of education is not confined to epistemological concerns but also includes ethical and other dimensions. Islamic education shall aim at a harmonious formation of the human personality. This education shall not only strive for the harmony of thought and action, instinct and reason, feelings and emotion, but also for depth of knowledge and beauty of character. One can experience harmony also in a negative way. The Islamic concept of harmony includes the formation of a certain type of character rooted in humility towards God, love towards fellow creatures, perseverance in times of affliction, honesty, decency, uprightness, courage to say the truth, a balanced attitude towards issues which involve human emotions, etc. etc. Thus, education without an emphasis on character formation has practically no value in Islam. Those are what Muslim don’t have. They know how to do but they act as if they are blind of the rools lining before their eyes. That’s why the knowledge they got goes vainfully.
    If we define Islam in terms of not just knowledge (‘ilm) but practice (‘amal) as well, then it is obvious that knowledge and practice are both required of Muslims. The area of practice is not to be defined in a narrow sense and restricted to worship but should include work, leisure, politics, etc. like the west did. Therefore, Today, educational underdevelopment is a major factor in the general underdevelopment of Muslim societies. The United Nations Development Program released the Arab Human Development Report 2003 in which the central problems facing Arab education in the 21st century are diagnosed. One issue highlighted was the problem of the lack of quality education. The report cites gaps between the needs of the labour market and the provisions of the educational system. For example, almost 45 million women in the Arab world are illiterate, and as many as ten million children have had no schooling at all. Investment in research and development is less than one-seventh of the world average.

    Comment to
    I agree with you brother,
    Without blaming our religion Islam, today, the application of knowledge in Islam is very weak. Actually not in islam generally but in islam people. There is no improvement when we see the fact or reality that happening in society. Because they don’t think that many ways that we can use to show our devotion to God (Allah) like what you said in your comment (studying, working, and implementing our knowledge). Man y of them do “ibadah” to God (Allah) only based on the five pillars of islam till their knowledge that they have learned is not applied in the middle of society. It is not useful for large society, it is only useful for themselves.
    Thus, as a conclusion, we, as a muslim, have to realize that many ways that we can use to show our devotion to Allah of course without leaving and forgetting our rules and our obligation in islam because we can be the rebellious servant of God, when we leave and forget our rule and our obligation in our own religion and in our God, Allah.


    It’s right bro that i comment to Rizal Baco..
    It’s just like one example, a little example. However , eventhough it’s one of the little example but it can affect many things in our life and i can say that it caused by the lack of the implementation of knowledge. Actually there is an implementation but it is pointed to negative things like i sai before (corrupt).



    what i've put in my mind, the west become better not because of their culture. it must be their faith to the God, which influences to their culture like the most said above. i think everybody still in memory that in western culture in accordance to their faith to the God implies them in work ethic, in which they do everything by believing that it's the way to worship or show their appreciation for what the God has been giving to them. therefore, in my point of view, it's not the culture but the faith.
    let see islam. everybody said that Islam is the path of "knowledge." No other religion or ideology has so much emphasized the importance of 'ilm. yet, it's only theory. because we could see the proof that too many educated people especially in our country behave where is the concept of education that mentioned by Quran?

  113. ruswandi

    thanks to be with me ira

  114. muhaera
    pbi 3
    20401108059 is my posting...
    In the West, science was seen as separate from religion leading to a more religious outlook in the long run.
    The West was not alone in developing crucial scientific data, but its thinkers were the only ones to see science in broader philosophical terms was central to intellectual.

    Islam remained vastly ahead of the West in terms of scientific knowledge, despite the clear advances made during the Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centurie.
    The West was the only civilization to develop scientific and technology.
    Many Muslim thinkers did not take the attitude of "religious" or "secularists" that extreme. What appears to remain dominant in the Arab world is the notion that Western science and technology must be mastered, and that it was against Islamic teachings. It appears that at some figures of contemporary scholars such as Sayyid Qutb and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Qaradawi, Muslim Brotherhood ideologue, emphasizing differences in modernization and westernization. If modernization does not mean Westernization, and limited to the use of modern science and application of the technology, then Islam does not reject it.

  115. MUHAERA
    comment to nurfadilla and ruswandi
    actually I disagree with u,yuo say that the aplication knowladge in islam is very poor,,but my point of view aplication of knowladge back to the each culture....

  116. to muhaerah....
    what do you mean????
    no reason???
    that means very poor.....heheheh

  117. comment to nirwan....
    way I say like that because,it's fact brow,
    in westeren people,they are hard worker,it is different with islamic people.

  118. to hera....
    like that?????hehehehehe


    I agree with the passage “Muslims claim that no other religion or ideology has so much emphasized the importance of ‘ilm” because this our life we can’t find it. Why? Islamic ask to us for using our belief in work. Knowledge without faith or just the opposite will be have a big problem. We can build the great civilization in this world if we using ‘ilm coincide with faith [religion].
    But, I’m so confuse for the right now because I have not find the right information about Muslims make a big alteration. I think, the Muslims in this world have been the great people but so less or media in outsider was deliberate to cover that. Why I said “the Muslims in this world have been the great people but so less…” because we just found BJ. Habibie the Muslims one who using ‘ilm and faith with a same time to make a great alteration. Then, why I said that again because he want all people be the great team work and the concept from Islam where ask to use to make “jama’ah”. It’s so different with the Western who using just the knowledge to make alteration, but the effect will be have problem at all points in this world.

  120. For Mr. Yaumi,, I have soLution for you about this bLog.. I have remember you said you can't opened this bLog because you forgot the password, that's right?? The soLution, its account as Like as Facebook to have the soLution,, you can find and re-write your password in your emaiL account at yahoo.. Thank you /. / /

    PBI 4
    I strongly agree with the opinions above who say that Islam and the West have different viewpoints about knowledge, because we know the knowledgeable in Islam, many described in Al Quran and Hadith. whereas in the west they interpret that knowledge as information in the can and produce something that results can then be enjoyed together.
    Examples of the application of knowledge in Islam is as Islam ibn Sina experts in the field of kedoteran and alhawa yangmenemukan rismi in maths roman numerals thus simplifying the calculation and many Islamic scholars who discover a wide range of science that haslinya still can enjoy today.
    In the western world for example, scientists who discovered the lights, electricity and so the result would still be enjoyed today.
    Here are some examples of the application of science pengatahuan in Islam and the west.

    PBI 4
    I strongly agree with the opinions above who say that Islam and the West have different viewpoints about knowledge, because we know the knowledgeable in Islam, many described in Al Quran and Hadith. whereas in the west they interpret that knowledge as information in the can and produce something that results can then be enjoyed together.
    Examples of the application of knowledge in Islam is as Islam ibn Sina experts in the field of medicine and alhawa rismi in the field of mathematics that finds roman numerals thus simplifying the calculation and many Islamic scholars who discover a wide range of science that haslinya still can enjoy today.
    In the western world for example, scientists who discovered the lights, electricity and so the result would still be enjoyed today.
    Here are some examples of the application of science in Islam and the west.
    Baca secara fonetik
    Kamus - Lihat kamus yang lebih detailpronomina0.I0.my0.me0.mine0.of mine

  123. based my point of view I agree above the knowledge in the west is different with knowledge in islam.knowledge in the west are not guided by moral values of life and even mastered by materialism and arrogance, it is evident that western knowledge no place in religion even the gods, whereas in the Islamic knowledge of reality is not just based on reason alone, but also revelation and religion. for example Cloning Cases In islam is not allowed because violates the power of God

    PBI 4 / 20401108099

    based my point of view I agree above the knowledge in the west is different with knowledge in islam.knowledge in the west are not guided by moral values of life and even mastered by materialism and arrogance, it is evident that western knowledge no place in religion even the gods, whereas in the Islamic knowledge of reality is not just based on reason alone, but also revelation and religion. for example Cloning Cases In islam is not allowed because violates the power of God

  125. sumarlin
    pbi 4
    semester 6

    talk about islam and western point of view about knowledge have different,i agree about that..according to what i have knowm,there are many point of view the western theories like construktivisme theory,they think that knowledge was got human experience while in islam all of knowledge from Allah SWT that give us potention such as brain to think and Al Quran as a refences.based on Q.S Ar Rahman:2-4.
    if we talk about the application of knowledge,I think that western people apply the knowledge with realita to get authority and the most importent is materialis,while islam apply the knowledge based on Al Quran and Assunnah(Al hadits)to get meaning this life...
    I think that my opinion.Thank you..

  126. sumarlin
    comment to sukmawati lestari.
    I agree with your opinion special for your example about cloning..but what do you think about the application of knowledge in western,they more increase in technology science?????

    PBI 4
    I agree that there are differences between Islamic and western perspectives about the concept of knowledge. Knowledge according to the Islamic perspective differences with Western scientists is science according to Islamic perspective plays an instrument or means to achieve the goal of Islam, the goal of science here together with the goal of Islam, the happiness of the world and the hereafter. And it is said that people who have knowledge are those who seek the essence (the truth). in Islamic knowledge is very closely related view of faith, faith is essential, knowledge without faith will not be productive, and will be dangerous. And how to get it even slightly different from what is determined by Western scientists. In Islam there is knowledge that must be obtained through intuition and revelation. Meanwhile, according to scientists western science is a knowledge came from experience and observation in daily life but continued with a careful and thorough thinking by using various methods, with the aim to develop and feed on the factual world. The method according to Western scientists obtain knowledge no one uses intuition and revelation, for Science in the Western perspective has nothing to do with religion, because religion is considered not support the growth of science and scientific ways of thinking.

  128. comment to sulastri dan marlin
    I agree with their opinion that Islam and the
    west have different views on the concept of science. that in Islam always hold on to al qur'an and as-Sunnah. because they are the most essential source of knowledge. whereas Western people always focus on the things science-related material.

  129. Name : Syarifuddin
    Reg.Number : 20401108110
    Group : PBI 4
    Semester : VI

    Posting 1.

    Knowledge is one of thing that will never end for us to be taught. Because knowledge come from wherever and whenever. It is the result of researching people in this world. Today as the basically the people commonly talk that from two side. The first side is study the knowledge from Islam. And the next side is from west or Christian. It is very interested to study. Because they are two pole opposite. If we study about history, so we will find that the period ago the Muslim has much knowledge. It is considered that Muslim world as the mother/ source of knowledge. We can see in fact. For example, some of Muslim scientific is always remembered by the western. They are Ibnu Sina, Ibnu Rusyid, Ibnu Khaldun, Rayhan al-Biruni, and many more. And also before western got renaissance Muslim had been victory. And as the proof the Muslim had a biggest library in this world. Almost the western come to the city to study. So, they can translate many Muslim’s books and took it. But unfortunately for Muslim, the biggest library was burnt. And automatically the books were lost. For the next time Muslim world be down.
    Right now, Islam does not have their victory again. It has been seized by west world. Why it can be. Because the Muslim is not too concentration again to study their knowledge. And we have dogma that all of the knowledge come from west. The Muslim just study west knowledge. And it is less of Muslim write book. According to The United Nation Organization publish that, in Arabic that have 22 countries, they only can translated 330 books per year. It is very little. It is different with Spain. It can translate until 100.000 books every year. So, refers to the data it is mean that Muslim is not too serius to study again their knowledge. But actually at the case that knowledge come from theirself.

    Thank You Very Much.

  130. Posting 2.
    From Syarifuddin
    to Sumarlin.

    My beloved brother Sumarlin.
    I disagre about your poin that "western people apply the knowledge with realita to get authority and the most importent is materialis,".
    Because some of our lecture said that although the Western are not Muslim but in their life they apply as the contain of Muslim.
    So we cannot say that, the western apply the knowledge only for getting authority.

    PBI 3


    As a matter of fact, I don't know what I want to write in here. but I will try to give an opinion for this material.
    From my point of view, the application of knowledge in the Moslem world and the West is difference. The difference is about the successful in applying knowledge between Moslem and the West. It can't be denied that, The West has successfully used the knowledge to establish civilization. On the other hand, Moslem societies have less understanding and ability to apply the principle of 'ilm' well in their live.
    I believe that Islam has a good application of knowledge. But as we know that the quality of education in the Western world is higher then Moslem world. We can see it in the most popular and the best school and universities around the world are in the western countries. Like Harvard University in The United State. It is one of the most popular and the best school in the Western country. and we know that this university has created the best alumni.
    and I think Moslem is not same as the West to increase their quality of live.

    PBI 3
    I disegree between the west and the islam world have different mind about civilization in the world,so islam see civilization the west or development specially for technology as a positive,for example development or area technology specially facebook,twitter,myspace and so forth,and we can see at time turbulent Egypt, Egypt people invite their masses through facebook to thousands, even millions , as well as lybia and other islamic countries and we know where facebook comes from ?? islam see specially for developing technology is a amazing,because point of view technology in islam is a neutral,it depend on user ! and the western world see islam is something interesting,until right now like England,United State,Holland.They are interested studying about islam.
    So islam and the west are civilization the world on the future,islam will be development in the west.
    Note !!!
    We know know,sometimes or usually the west see isalam from social the society or condition society commonly not see islam itself ( religion of islam itself means ).

    PBI 3
    I disegree between the west and the islam world have different mind about civilization in the world,so islam see civilization the west or development specially for technology as a positive,for example development or area technology specially facebook,twitter,myspace and so forth,and we can see at time turbulent Egypt, Egypt people invite their masses through facebook to thousands, even millions , as well as lybia and other islamic countries and we know where facebook comes from ?? islam see specially for developing technology is a amazing,because point of view technology in islam is a neutral,it depend on user ! and the western world see islam is something interesting,until right now like England,United State,Holland.They are interested studying about islam.
    So islam and the west are civilization the world on the future,islam will be development in the west.
    Note !!!
    We know know,sometimes or usually the west see isalam from social the society or condition society commonly not see islam itself ( religion of islam itself means ).

  134. muh ramadhan tahir
    posting 2
    to nur annisa muchtar
    i am interested with comment my beloved sister,i agree with your comment said that the western world is higher then the molsem world,but remember islam was victorious and control two thirds of the world, why islam iinto decline ??
    we must know in depth the meaning of islam or islamic basis itself.
    i believe that one day islam will be victorious again.
    keep istiqomah !!!

  135. Rahmat Raeh Wahyudi
    PBI 3

    the point of my view, either knowledge from islam or knowledge from western is not more important between them but both is most important.
    because both knowledge have relationship one another to make better life for every humans and to answer all question about human's needs.
    the world has developed and grown rapidly because the influence of both knowledge, which is coming form moeslem civilization and western civilization.
    you can imagine if one of them is never appear in the world, the life would be lame or unbalance and worse, you would never find the beautifulness of the world like the world today.

  136. I AGREE WITH THE STATEMENT SAID THAT ISLAM AND WEST HAVE DIFFERENT PRESFECTIF ABOUT THE KNOWLEDGE, in islam there are many kinds of know ledge not only abot something found or information as west opinion, but islam told us that all of the thins that can usefull in our life and can make us be happy in this word and in the here after are ilmu such as:aqida, fiqhi, science and ect.
    talking about the implmentation of sciece in islam and west. several people said that islam is left behind but i dissagree about it, why???? many islamic country have big inproovment in science but it not totally showed to the public.eventhough in the television we always saw the westerm movi that show us their science but it not totally beliveable. we can see the proof of islamic science ibnu sina was found the medichine knowledge, aljabar in matic, and we have to know that almost the science that inproved in west it from islamic book was steal from the big library in andalusia several century agooo ... i just want to say that islam is not left b ehind from west... thanks

  137. Comment from Nurlaeli Hidayanti to Mukhlis
    Okey if you said that there are much implementation of science in Islam,,
    But you may check that more of that is the implementation of science in west.
    why I said like that because most of people in Islam in doing anything always tawaqqal but less of action in searching what it is in behind the guidance from the God.
    Thank you_

  138. "rahmat raeh wahyudi"
    comment to everyone who said that knowledge in islam is more important than knowledge in western or vice versa.
    it's so ridiculous you are assumption as if the islam is knowledge owner and also islam is the source of truth and the others is wrong,so it's mean that you, which is the people of islam are the source of truth that always make mistake.
    did you forget ?, god is the owner and it isn't only knowledge but everything in the world and the western or islam is only the link or the ways of god or god's relational to the all humans

  139. rahmat
    pbi 3

    i do believe that my religion(islam, Allah SWT give everyone chance to have their time to get knowledge, researching, inventing, and applying all the potention they have. no mater what their skin color, ethnic, belief, social status, and soon. so when we talk about knowledge or ilm,it always be the essential thing for every single person in this world to learn and apply, it's the equal obligation for both moslem and the western

  140. SUKAENI
    PBI 4/ 20401108098

    I agree with the statement that the west and islam word have a different points of view about knowledge. We have known that, knowledge in Islam includes the aspect of life. It means that knowledge in Islam more broad. If compare knowledge in west. It is limited just about experience.
    I think that the application of knowledge in Islam right now is down. Actually they have much knowledge and theory, but they are complacent and enjoy the technology. So their capability to think and to do more action are limited. The muslims as a user, slave of technology, or forget Their self. They are having knowledge without caring about the problem arround them. Actually or most of them are aware about this problem but they are low of belief of the God. So, they don’t care about their future and here after any more. It can be said that right now most of the muslims are NATO (no action talk only). But difference between the west, they always do the research to applicate the theory of knowledge what they have got, so it makes them more improve than the muslim.

    PBI 4/ 20401108114

    The application of knowledge nowdays in Islamic world does not show the specific progress compared with the western. This is because the moslem don’t apply the concept they have while we know that islam possesses more knowledge,more concept and even may have more methods to develop that knowledge. in fact it makes western people as if they had more complete teories, so if the student are asked to continue their study to go abroad they preface choosing study in western country than Arabian country. That seens from the background of the lecturers ( e.g in UIN ALAUDDIN ) where mose of them are graduate or post graduate student from western university.

    PBI 4 (SEMESTER 6)
    Hmmm.....talking about knowledge in Islam and western world, I think they have little different purpose especially for the application.
    I remember when I was in Senior High School, my teacher asked to me that we as muslim people has to study to get knowledge because it is our obligation in our religion. Islam appreciates science as a distinguished reflected in the first revelation was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW in Surah Al ‘Alaq 1-5. So
    greater attention to knowledge of Islam, so that everyone Islam men and women both are required to study engineering. Word of the Prophet:
    "Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim male and female" (Narrated by Ibn Abdil Bar).
    Knowledge in Islam not just to get work but the implication is the most important. The benefit of knowledge is unlimited, not only for the owner but to the other who listened and read his article.
    We can see the aplication of knowledge in Islam that used until know are Ar Razi’(Ibnu Sina) who is the first people create the book about medical. Al Battani is an astronom with his book Al Zij, etc. History has proven that the Islamic contribution to the advancement of science in the modern world becomes an indisputable historical fact.
    Knowledge in west right now, in the western world of science is applied well in the real world as we see today. Some of the world of technology created by western people. Like facebook, the planes, etc. But in my mind all of them they get from Islam knowledge. We can see from Europe's continuing dependence on Arab medicine until the 15th century and the 16th is shown with a list of books printed. Of all that list, the first book is a commentary Ferrari da Grado, a professor at Pavia, upper part of the Continens, large encyclopaedia written by al-Razi. Written by Avicenna, Canon printed in 1473, then in 1475. and a third already in print even before the printed works of Galen.

  143. Nurhaswani Lancani
    PBI 3

    According to me, knowledge from any corner it still remains the knowledge that should be known as far as our ability, there is no limit to find any field, although sometimes there are some among the Muslim who say that the science of the West was trying to convert or to infidel but most importantly strengthen science monotheism before we go into Western science. Moreover, most of Western science that can not be separated from the Arabian world science as medical science developed in the West, no other originators are Ibn Sina, Ibn Arabi etc.
    Thank you very much....

  144. posting 2
    sukaeni to muhlis

    i agree with your statement that islam religion has many concept of knowledge, but the application of the knowledge in islam is litle.

    sorry brother, can you show to us that islam isn't left behind nowdays?? the fact right now, the moslem is a user of technology,and we have known that technology was found by the means that western more improve than the islam.

  145. TO Susdianasari

    yes,you are right sist, i thnk that the one of cause of decline in Islam was far from the Qur'an. now, there are many people admited as a moeslem, but their attitude don't show as a moeslem. actually, they known the theory but they don't applicate in daily life.

    from Syamsiah
    PBI 4

    PBI 3


    From my point of view, the application of knowledge in the Moslem world and the West right now is different. Why ??? We can see that Today, western application of knowledge is more advanced than Islam. Whereas science developed at this time due to the services the Muslim scientists, this occurs because some of the following:
    The first, people of Islam can only boast the triumph of the past, if there is a new discovery they claim that already know in advance before the west find it. For example Ibn Bajjah who suggested Milky Way. On the other side, the west develops their knowledge with that information by finding various planets such as Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, etc.
    The second, more impressive quantities than qualitaties, there are several hundred thousand muslim students since 1950 have studied science and engineering in the west but none of them has world-class standing.
    The last, become a consumer not a producer; Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates have spent vast amounts of money into science and technology, but the research output has not matched with the state of the facilities. The prevailing mentality continous to buy science and technology rather than producing it. In the other hand, the western always try to found and create something new such as Robert Goddart who found the rocket.

    As conclusion, the application of knowledge in West is more advanced than Islam. Western right now is authoritative especially about technology. But,The civilization of Islam will rise again if they try to learn and look for the various theories then followed by action because Islam has Quran and hadits as the guidance.

    I'm so SorRy sir, I'm too late b'coz I was sick.

    PBI 3


    Owww... I agree with your statement sist,, that the application of knowledge in Islam right now is down and It can be said that right now most of the muslims are NATO (no action talk only).
    Islam just use the technology from the west and never to think how to create new thing again while in west always effort to find something different.

    I'm so SorRy sir, I'm too late b'coz I was sick.

  148. SURIANI
    PBI 4
    I agree with the statement that Islam and the
    western world have differences in terms of knowladge, Because we know that knowledge in the Islamic world that have been described in the al-Quran and al-hadist and in the Islamic world's great emphasis on knowledge, while the western world that knowledge is information about something. and in the western world that people apply the knowledge with reality to get the authority and the most importent is materialist.

  149. POSTING 2
    PBI 4
    Application of science and technology in the west is much more developed than in the Islamic world. Development of science and technology (technology) developed by western indeed have a positive impact, namely to improve the quality of human life. Various means of modern industrial, communications, and transportation, for example, proved very useful. With the invention of the sewing machine, in 1 minute can be done around 7000 sewing needle prick. Compare if we sew by hand, only 23 puncture perminute (Qaradawi, 1997). But on the other hand, science and technology often have a negative impact because of harmful and dangerous to life and human dignity. Atomic bomb has killed hundreds of thousands of people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.Or in other words the development of science in the west are not in accordance with moral values in Islam. Thus here, the role of religion as a way of life becomes very important to be seen again. Can religion give guidance so that we obtain a positive impact of science and technology, while eliminating its negative impacts aspossible.

  150. Coment to Nurmaulina
    I really agree with you sister. . . you said that The application of knowledge in the Moslem world is really different with the western world. And Moslem people had known that knowledge is very important to their life but they are so lazy to do more in their life and always follow their bad desire. So I think that Islamic scholars should examine more deeply about science so they can compete western civilization. Because actually there are many Muslims memorize the Quran and the certified that, but many of them can not apply it properly. So this the time for them to improve what did they get.

  151. COMENT
    I agree with you sister because there are many action from western people not suitable with the moral value in Islam for example as you said cloning, it is fobidden in Islam.

  152. Coment:
    RIA RIANI to Nurmaulina
    I really agree with you sister. . . you said that The application of knowledge in the Moslem world is really different with the western world. And Moslem people had known that knowledge is very important to their life but they are so lazy to do more in their life and always follow their bad desire. So I think that Islamic scholars should examine more deeply about science so they can compete western civilization. Because actually there are many Muslims memorize the Quran and the certified that, but many of them can not apply it properly. So this the time for them to improve what did they get.

    PBI3/ 20401108064

    The knowledge in Islam word is something which emphasized. It is provided by the some of the Ayah which explain about the important of knowledge. As we know that religion and knowledge-technology is two side that can not be separated each other. Knowledge is source of technology that can give some of discoveries and ideas. And then technology is applied or application of the knowledge, which can be shown in realia work (karya nyata), to encourage the human to more improve. But from all side improvement of knowledge it can’t be separated from values of Islam. As a muslim we must be aware that basic of philosofis to improve knowledge and technology, can be review in the Al-Qur’an because this holy Qur’an more explain about knowledge and technology. For example : Allah said in Qs. Al-ambiyah:80. “ telah kami ajarkan kepada Daud membuat baju besi untukkamu gunakan memelihara diri dalam peperanganmu.”
    But, the fact why in this modern era, technology in western more improve than islam world? As we know that source of knowledge is Al- Qur’an. From my point of view, Figures of islam less of attention to young generation. We can say that their knowledge just for themselves. The figures are not applying their knowledge with create tools of knowledge or they are not diligent (NATO) if we compare with figures from western world. They are eager to create tools of technology which can improve the sciences in this world. The young generation have spirit to study because of their creation isn’t from muslims.


    Hm m m m... I really agree with your statement sister, it's true if we say that muslim can improve than western when they try to more diligent to applicate their knowledge, concept and they are not "NATO".Because source of the knowledge from Al-qur'an and Hadis.

    PBI 4
    NIM : 20401108112

    We know how high attention to knowledge of Islam and how Allah SWT to oblige Muslims to learn and keep learning, then Islam been set and outlined to his community so that they become the best muslim’s (in science and in all things) and for their no one and lost, by providing a frame of knowledge sources in order of truth as follows.
    Al-Qur'an and Sunnah:
    Allah has ordered His servants to make the Qur'an and Sunnah as the first source of knowledge. This is because both are directly from Allah SWT and in its supervision, so that awake from their mistakes, and free from any vested interest, because it is derived from the Most clever and the Most Fair. So the obligation to take knowledge from them, Allah conveyed through the various commands to think about his verses (QS 12/1-3) and make the Prophet Muhammad as a leader in all things (Sura 33/21).

    Meanwhile, according to western science that science merely knowledge or new information obtained or received by reason and then applied in life. West break away from religious life. Life regardless of religious values, and life that puts human reason alone.
    the west has a good application of knowledge. We have seen that the quality of education in the western world is so high. The indicators of this are that most of popular and best schools and universities around the world are in the western countries,the west people have created many technologies such as television, aeroplane, eletrict, radio, and so forth and the technology has provided conveniences for human life and welfare. So as muslim people, we should change the way of thinking and aware of weaknesses in order that moslem world may come to be an educated people to establish civilization better than western.THANKS

    PBI 4
    I disagree with your statement say that, there isn't difference between islam and western in knowledge. I think, they have difference, muslim considered science is something from the God,and it is noted in alquran and sunnah while west considered science as new something is got by our mind and it will be applied in the environment.
    the west people is greater than muslim, because they can create tehnology that can provided conveniences for human life and welfare. I think like that

    PBI 4

    Based on the passages, From my point of view the application of science is emphasized in Islam and therefore As Muslims we must realize that the philosophical foundations for developing science and technology that could be studied and explored in the Koran the holy book because it explores many remarks about science and technology. For example adl word Allah in surat Al-Anbiya verse 80 which means "we have been taught him to make armor for you to maintain yourself in peperanganmu." From the description it is clear that humans are required to do something with technology tools. So it is not surprising that the 7th century AD has been a lot tougher born Islamic thinkers productive and innovative in the development of science and technology.

    Whereas in the western world the application their knowledge was better but it is unfortunate people develop over western materialism without heed again the values of Islam so there was a total change until finally released from the joints of the truth. Western science over the centuries increasingly extol rationality has even divinize science and technology as the strength of his life. They think that with technology they can surely achieve anything imaginable on this earth and feel her power is also expected to subdue the sky even to subdue all imaginable on earth nd the sky. So that the figures they feel have the right to impose that science and technology to all imaginable in the earth so that they can dictate and give decisions on all issues in the world.

    As long as my concern, moslem must be back to the history and understanding about the knowledge in islam. They have to know the reason why it is important and also try to apply all the theory they know. Islam is rich of learning. Even, in the past time, there were many famous Islamic experts influencing today’s life and make lots of change in the world.

    PBI 3

    I agree with you sister,,say that muslim and western have difference in application of knowledge.I think, they have difference, muslim considered science is something from the God,and it is written in alquran and sunnah while west considered science as new something is got by our mind and it will be applied in the environment.
    the west people is greater than muslim, because they can create tehnology that can provided conveniences for human life and welfare.because the spirit of Islamic people or less in application of knowledge, whereas the western people which have a greater passion in creating modern technology or apply their knowledge, they don't give up to create a technology until right now. so,as a muslim we have to apply our knowledge

  160. zuhrah barqil to najdah thalib

    I agree with you sista that We must look at the background of previous civilization of science and technology in the Muslim world and western very unfortunate in this case that advances in science and technology could not be followed up with his best by the Muslims so that they unknowingly end up releasing their pioneering work. Then the Western nation with easy pick up and transfer knowledge and technology owned by the Islamic world and also handily they make sly namely handcuff Islamic thinkers so that until recently the nation western and controllers who were the pioneers of science and technology. The Muslims rahimakumullah! That's according to the recorded history of Western nations managed to take the treasure of knowledge which has been developed earlier by the Muslims.

  161. Zakiah binti harun
    pbi4/ 20401108115

    Talking about science in Islam and the west is very interisting.we can see from aspect of the story in terms of science in Islam was proven in nature and applicable teorytis Islamic civilization never be used as the highest in the world, later in the Middle Ages after the Abbasid dynasty collapsed, the science moves to west because the source of Islamic knowledge and his book taken over westward, proved the west learn from books authored by the previous person as their learning resources.
    Islamic science comprehensive manner covering all aspects of life, different from the existing science on the nature of western science empirit newly considered science if that makes logic and can be proved in the world.until can not deny that the existing technology that the western world more developed because they are more practiced in the appeal of science Theory, from this argument we can also conclude that the progress of the west were not separated from the role of Islam as the supreme source of knowledge in the world. How abouttt U????

  162. from; Satriani
    To; Zuhrah barqil.

    I agreeee with you sister....
    western has a strong effort to do what they want....!!!!!!!

  163. RIDWAN
    PBI 3

    We can't deny that Western is advance in sciences and technology.Cause of the system of education as determiner.

  164. Zakiah binti harun
    to sukaeni
    Good statement honeyyyyy ...... I strongly agree that the Islam that actually has a lot of knowledge but the moslim dont care about that they become slaves to technology, so we can see that the west is more advanced in the appeal of Islam.

  165. sukmayanti

    I think science is very closely associated with Islam. many Al_Qur'an content that explains the contents of the importance of science. application of knowledge in the Islamic world is no less powerful than the western world. however, Islam has always tawahdu, so the discovery of less well-known Islamic scholars. for example: Habibie.

  166. Suherni Herman
    PBI 4

    In Islam,knowledge or ‘ilm is very important. Every moslem have to pursue the knowledge. As said in Islamic Proverb “Uthlubil ilma walaw bish shin”, pursue the knowledge till the state of China. From the proverb we can conclude that we are as moslem need to pursue the knowledge eventhough till the farest state. In Al Quran always said about knowledge.

    Yet, when we see the reality now there are many moslem who has many knowledge still haven’t known to apply it to their daily life. Whereas, in Islam knowledge we can study more than the western do about that because we have many sources to find it, such as Al-Quran and hadits. Both are the most complete that we can study as both explained about our life in the world and hereafter. Unfortunately, by developing of knowledge in the western so that technology is getting more develop too. We are also can do as they did, because we have the complete sources namely Al-Quran and Hadits but most of us didn’t do or apply as in the Al-Quran said before.

    While in the western country, they have nothing the complete or best sources but they can be the best than us. How could be? It depends on us as moslem to decide what the best of they think based on Al-Quran and Hadits.

  167. Name: Yani Purnamasari
    Nim: 20401108113
    Group: PBI 4

    In my opinion, as we all know that science is something that is sacred, according to Islamic science is important, but on the other hand many who think science is something that is useless, why do I say so because many of the Muslims who menmpunyai science a fairly knowledgeable about religion and other sciences, but they are not able to realize in his life, her example, now has widespread preached about civil war that occurred in Arab countries, such things should not happen because they come from Muslim countries and are equally aware about religion and laws, things like that it will make other countries will laugh at us.
    Seeing things like that, we as Muslims should be concerned to see conditions like this, we must unite to uphold Islam, as Muslims who have the knowledge we ought not to corner our own religion, we should unite for country of residence, country of residence others do not laugh at us, science knowledge derived from Islam and that Islam should be more advanced in terms of science. thanks

  168. muhaera to rahma..
    actually i agree with u sister...
    but my point of you,when we talking about aplication about knowladge,every country ever do it.
    but talking about culture in knowladge,every country is differant to doing it,,...

  169. sukmayanti to syawal

    i agree with your opinion...
    i love and proud of islam. islam is rich in an example of discovery in medicine by ibn. sina a very important role until now.

  170. muhaera to all friends..

    well friend....
    i want to ask u..
    how to fix moslem in the future..?
    i waiting your comment....sorry come late....

  171. Nur Naima.A
    PBI 3

    I admit indeed the western world are more developed than us in the Islamic world. technological development they also developed in line with the development of their science. This is because they are always working very hard in doing something so they are always in front. comparison from which sources they get for all that, we better have a complete source of the Quran and Hadith. we just are living to learn and understand it then to apply it in everyday life. all knowledge contained in the Koran because he is the most comprehensive source provided by God Almighty to humans, especially Muslims in the world. we as Muslims must learn it and practice it so that we can be best compared with the western world. as I know all areas of science was first invented by the Muslims but western people who have been developing it and distributing it so that their knowledge is considered more advanced than us. we also never know if we had been enslaved by technology

  172. i'm najdah

    pbi 3 20401108065

    comment to sukmawati
    in western knowledge are not guided by moral values ?? what u mean by saying that ??

  173. pbi 3

    comment to mutmainnah

    you said that "for science in western perspective has nothing to do with religion because religion is considere not support the growth of csience and scientific wasy of thingking ??

    do you have any article or data to directliy supportr your argument ??

  174. to nisa

    what u mean by "the quality of education in western ?"

    PBI 3

    in my opinion, talking about knowledge that is inseparable from the form in the Islamic world their education.Maybe different forms of education with the western world so that the application of knowledge is also different.
    in the education world because Islam teaches that knowledge of Islam based on the provisions contained in the Quran while in the western world education taught without any knowledge in automatic and foundation they have different views on that knowledge. so it is said in Islamic education is not limited to the acquisition of knowledge alone, but includes political and social aspects of moral.consequently now prevalent disaster caused by the high knowledge of Westerners who application knowledge without with Islamic civilization in the application of scientific knowledge always so based on Islamic ethics.
    Western science over the centuries increasingly extol rationality has even divinize science and technology as the strength of his life. They think that with technology they can surely achieve anything imaginable on this earth and feel her power is also expected to subdue the sky even to subdue all imaginable on earth and the sky. So that the figures they feel have the right to impose that science and technology to all imaginable in the earth so that they can dictate and give greatness against any problems in the world. Actually, that Western society due to his pride because pitiable that they forget that no matter how high the human intelligence can only know the outer skin or the things of life seeming universe. Man who was only given a little knowledge of the power of knowledge of God. On top there are more smart people are more intelligent and true God Almighty hates the people who only know about the world but ignorant of the truth abyssal. Allah says which means "Woe to the unbelievers with a grievous Penalty. They prefer the life of the world than the Hereafter, and hinder men from the path of God and desire for the crooked road.
    thanks very much

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